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Everything posted by StraightTequilaNight

  1. StraightTequilaNight

    Lots of Antler (Edited)

    Thought I'd share a few more... Updated to show w/out velvet....
  2. StraightTequilaNight

    My 2016 tag is filled.

    late seeing this, but great post & great buck!!
  3. StraightTequilaNight

    An incredible elk season!

    Congrats & thanks for sharing!!!
  4. StraightTequilaNight

    Some Pics

    Great pics... thanks for sharing!
  5. StraightTequilaNight


    Great buck, great pics.
  6. StraightTequilaNight

    Couple more good ones

    Great bucks!
  7. StraightTequilaNight

    I should start a Day Care

    Great pics... thank you for sharing!
  8. StraightTequilaNight

    Bears & a Bird

    Thought I'd share some more pics...
  9. StraightTequilaNight

    Few scouting pics

    Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
  10. StraightTequilaNight

    When you realize that trphyhntr has it right............:)

    Crazy... great pic!
  11. StraightTequilaNight

    Guess the score?

    A bunch!
  12. StraightTequilaNight

    Another Fatty...

    Nice buck... good luck!
  13. StraightTequilaNight

    Old Deer?

    This looks like a really old deer to me... thoughts?
  14. StraightTequilaNight

    Couldn't have asked for a more memorable elk hunt

    Thanks for sharing... great bull!
  15. StraightTequilaNight

    3B Success

  16. StraightTequilaNight

    Some desert bucks...

    Love 'em!
  17. StraightTequilaNight


    LOTS of mulie and coues twins this year down in 31.
  18. StraightTequilaNight

    Unit 10 archery bull

    Very nice.
  19. StraightTequilaNight

    Another good one

    Great growth this year...
  20. StraightTequilaNight

    Bull of a lifetime UPDATED with story

    Love to see such a stud taken DIY! Congrats!
  21. StraightTequilaNight

    Some pics of a few nice rams to pass the time

    Great pics... thanks for sharing.
  22. StraightTequilaNight

    Using a bow during the general season

    Wear lots of orange. Rifle hunters lobbing 1000 yd shots would make me nervous...
  23. StraightTequilaNight

    Spot and stalk giant velvet coues!

    Awesome post & buck... congrats!
  24. StraightTequilaNight

    Spot&Stalk Mulie 2016

    Awesome. Congrats
  25. StraightTequilaNight

    Macro Photography

    Awesome thread & pics... thanks all for sharing!