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About StraightTequilaNight

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Location
    SE Arizona

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  1. StraightTequilaNight

    Unit 31 December Tag - Tips for Starting Out

    The stuff in 31 closest to you is the least hunted in the unit & has great WT.
  2. StraightTequilaNight

    Our 2021 Coues Season

    Awesome. Love your content on YouTube & excellent stuff here. I especially like that you are always concerned with the ethics & making sure you pass that on to your kids. Not near enough of that out there these days. Thanks for sharing & for raising another generation of true sportsmen (& women)!
  3. StraightTequilaNight

    Few pics from 19a

    Love it. Thanks for sharing
  4. StraightTequilaNight

    My Best Trail Camera Spot

    Love the momma w/ cub. Great video.
  5. StraightTequilaNight

    Bear Sleeping in front of my Camera

    Love it... thx.
  6. StraightTequilaNight

    2020 bucks

    Shot a Mulie on Dec. 31st 😊
  7. StraightTequilaNight


    Had a September Elk hunt I was scouting for early. Couldn't find him late.
  8. StraightTequilaNight

    23 youth cow

    Jeeps & quads as needed.
  9. StraightTequilaNight

    23 youth cow

    I know I'm a lucky SOB... I'll get that out of the way first. I ended up w/ 4 elk tags this year. I'm hunting early archery bull in Unit 1 and 3 of my kids drew cow elk in unit 23 (early October youth hunt). I'm familiar with Unit 1, but much less so with 23. I will be doing my scouting, but am torn between scouting for my own in a Unit I know & scouting for the kids in a unit I don't. My kids are 16, 12 & 10. We'll have a blast any way you slice it, but just putting feelers out to see if anyone loves helping youth hunters as much as I do. Not looking for secrets... just an idea of places to start to maximize my scouting would be a huge help! I live in Unit 31 and would happily return the favor.
  10. StraightTequilaNight

    2020 bucks

    Getting ready to go check cards... thought I'd share a few from last year...
  11. StraightTequilaNight


    Maybe. Thanks for the vote of confidence.
  12. StraightTequilaNight

    2020 Rutting Coues Video

    Awesome... thanks for taking the time to share.
  13. StraightTequilaNight

    New Video

    Great vid.. thanks for sharing.
  14. StraightTequilaNight


    No tags... gonna go look for this guy in Aug / Sept.
  15. StraightTequilaNight

    Interesting Buck Part 2.....

    Stud buck! Crazy growth!