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Everything posted by Gunit

  1. Gunit

    Cherry Creek Road FR 203 Permanent Closure

    Close all the roads? What about persons with disabilities that are unable to walk at all? Many of you are taking a a very short sighted view as any of you can be one car accident or fall from not being able to walk into your favorite hunting spot. In most of these areas the roads were built for cattle, timber or mining not by wildcat off-roaders. The goal of the TMR is to create de-facto wilderness areas out of vast areas of public land. They cut the access,then the use goes way down until there is no public outcry to maintain access, then they close it completely.
  2. Gunit

    WTB 20 gauge O/U shotgun

    Maybe this gun will work: http://williamlarkinmoore.com/inventory/itemid/4966 Many other 20ga O/U's in stock as well, the largest inventory of quality guns in AZ. here is a link: http://williamlarkinmoore.com/new-arrivals
  3. Gunit

    FS Browning Belgium Shotguns

    I am interested in buying the mag 20 and I have a few questions. Please give me a call at 480 688 7535 Dave Moore