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Everything posted by Tac

  1. Tac

    Proper Long Range Set Up?

    I have used a few different apps and they all require exact inputs to work correctly. I was able to purchase the g7 rangerfinder and it is spot on. point and adjust scope pull trigger.
  2. Tac

    Pay attention to your dope.

    Awesome I want to play too!
  3. Tac

    Better equipment

    redding is all i have used
  4. Tac

    WTB cheap 410 pump

    the cost of ammo on the 410 is what got me I moved the youngsters to a 20 gauge semiauto has about the same recoil
  5. I would keep it for nostalgia sake and buy a new benelli !
  6. Never registered my bitch and she was fine with it. She had a great litter of pups and were great dogs still know alot of the owners who have them. Your dog do what you want with him.
  7. Tac

    26 nosler

    I shoot a 9mm in competition easier to stay on target, carry a 45 acp big slow and hits like a sledgehammer. When I,m out in the wilderness 45 acp is my choice for protection because more round capacity. If hunting with a pistol I choose a .357 maximum (larger than magnum) ballistic is almost same as 44 magnum but round count is low. Different strokes for different folks does not mean wrong or right. I get crap from my hunting camp partners because I use a .338 lapua but they are shooting 300 win mag and 308 win I've never been a fan of 30 cal rounds. But 30 cal is the choice of most people and the reason their is so much support for 308 caliber.
  8. Tac

    Bad Scope?

    Curious what rings you were using? I wonder if they will reccomend their xtr rings with the plastic inserts to prevent this from happening. Would like to know their response if you care to share once they give you a report.
  9. looking for someone with a ruger scout rifle so i could try their magazine in my tikka ctr and check to see if it operates.
  10. sent a pm with my phone number i can come over now.
  11. when would be a good time to try it?
  12. what caliber? or are they just one magazine? estimated cost?
  13. Tac

    Way right?

    canting the rifle and canting the scope are different. if you cant the scope your shots will move like this video shows. I have a tendency to hold rifle canted but have my scope set level and my shots are on target. I use a level that attaches to my scope to level the scope. one that attaches to the scope mount or picatinny rail causes me to hold the rifle in a uncomfortable position. I believe that canting the rifle with a level scope will cause a variation in extreme distances. Check out David Tubbs on long range rifle shooting he had a chin mount that was odd.
  14. Tac

    Not a good way to start opening day of season

    thats hunting good luck
  15. Tac

    Scope Level

    wheeler ones are the ones i use they attach to the scope tube so you can true it to the crosshairs. to true it to your gun hold place a string from a rafter with a plumb bob and get in your comfortable shooting position and align verticle crosshair with string. and set level.
  16. Tac

    Who's going bear hunting?

    Do the bear hunt with my other hunts.
  17. Tac

    How Heavy Is Your Hunting Rifle?

    Did a quick average it comes out to 10.1 lbs
  18. Tac

    How Heavy Is Your Hunting Rifle?

    that is the real close to my Sako 338 LRH
  19. Tac

    How Heavy Is Your Hunting Rifle?

    Sako .338 Lapua long range hunter with 4 rounds and swarovski x51 scope is 13lbs 9 oz Tikka 6.5 creedmoor ctr with 5 rounds and vortex pst is 10lbs 8 oz remmington 700 in .270 win with 5 round vortex pst is 8lbs 1 oz Sako bare was 9lbs 12 oz
  20. check out you tube of how a thief breaks into a safe it probably give him more leverage with it bolted down.
  21. Tac

    what suppressor?

    And I thought i had it bad when i bought 4 silencers and a SBR
  22. You have said hot loads and my accuracy has been poor when loaded at max. This has been my experience but not everyone's . It seems that most of us who reload try to go to max load and then back off. I spent a year trying to make a max load work and as soon as I backed it off it became more consistent. I shoot off a bipod and bag and have learned a lot the last year. Good luck on your development. I shoot off bipod and bag if you are wondering
  23. Tac

    Prickly pear syrup

    my fear with this is someone would think i,m tryin to start a fire and turn me in