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Everything posted by bowhunter-tw

  1. bowhunter-tw

    Sold: Phoenix Arms Raven 25 auto

    $.79!? The cheapest i’ve ever seen is $1.89 a few years ago!
  2. bowhunter-tw

    Boots help

    What uninsulated boots have yall found to have good waterproofing, stabilization, but still compliant enough for rocky hiking? I recently purchased some zamberlan guide 960 GTX and they are too stiff for me, the soles seem kinda hard too so they slide off rocks. My old pair of boots were some danner high grounds which have been very comfortable but are way worn out (8-9yrs old).
  3. bowhunter-tw

    Boots help

    My issue is I bought the gtx thinking they would provide more support especially since I broke my talus bone in my foot about a year ago and still having to do PT to strengthen the stabilizing muscles, but they seem so stiff the end up hurting my feet worse then my old worn out boots. The crispi valdres sounds like a good option for a slightly more flexible boot that also has support. I will have to go try on some of the suggestions made. I think an 8” boot will be what I look for as I hike through a lot of thick brush and I think the height will keep things out of my boots and improve stability
  4. bowhunter-tw

    Scammer Alert for User ID "Roberts88"

    Darn, he had everything I was looking for too… solved all my problems 🤣
  5. bowhunter-tw

    Looking to buy a 22 rifle

    Thats awesome! Sounds like they know whats cool!
  6. bowhunter-tw

    Looking for Win 1200/1300 barrel or WTB O/U

    Thanks! Within about an hour of posting that guy left a voicemail, barrel will be headed back to me next week. If it doesnt show i’ll be on that link
  7. bowhunter-tw

    Looking to buy a 22 rifle

    I dont have one for sale; but am also looking for a lesser expensive bolt 22 for a truck gun once SpotNStalk finds what he is looking for!
  8. bowhunter-tw

    Mini 14 Magazines

    2x 40round $35 each 1x 30rnd $30 1x 10 or 5rnd $25
  9. bowhunter-tw

    SOLD- .38 Special factory ammunition 625 rounds

    Just responded. Meant to get back quicker
  10. bowhunter-tw

    SOLD- .38 Special factory ammunition 625 rounds

    I would buy a box from whoever ends up buying it, I recently picked up a security six with no ammo to shoot it 😂
  11. bowhunter-tw

    Anyone Bear hunting?

    Am gonna give it a try! Never hunted bear, scouted one area I know bears are around. We’ll see how it goes
  12. bowhunter-tw

    Bears in the Pears

    How far will bears travel from last seen spots? If they were in the area few months ago would they still be there now? The areas the pears are in seem hot for them, do they still come down into them?
  13. bowhunter-tw

    Anybody have any 357 or 38 brass?

    Looking for some 357 or 38 brass
  14. bowhunter-tw

    Wts 223 projectiles

    I have 250 fmj boat tail 55 gr projectiles I’d like to sell. $50 Located in tempe
  15. bowhunter-tw

    Wts 223 projectiles

    Id be looking for something a little heavier, for a 7 rem mag
  16. bowhunter-tw

    Marlin Model No. 21 12 gauge

  17. bowhunter-tw

    Wts 223 projectiles

  18. bowhunter-tw

    WTB/WTT small pistol primers

    Anybody have any small pistol primers for sale? Or could possibly trade other primers for them.
  19. bowhunter-tw


    How many miles? Title?
  20. bowhunter-tw

    Wts 223 projectiles

    Would also trade for 7mm or 6mm bullets.
  21. 158gr semi wad cutter cast by sns casting. 750 available
  22. bowhunter-tw

    Anybody looking for 38/357 cast bullets 158gr?

    Bullets Spoken for. Will update if anything changes
  23. bowhunter-tw

    Marlin Model No. 21 12 gauge

    Still got it. OBO
  24. bowhunter-tw

    Bass Pro has small primers.

    dang, they were $30 cheaper a few weeks ago when I bought them