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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Kevin

    Which is a better

    SunDevil, I'd lean toward 27 based on density and the fact they are throughout the unit. Plus, for the most part it is more suited for glassing than much of the Burros. Kevin PS- How did your oryx hunt turn out?
  2. Kevin

    RV 101

    Mike, Are there any 5th wheels on the market that will last half as long as Tbolts 66 HR? What brand do you recommend for longevity? Kevin
  3. Kevin

    Game carrier for my Oryx hunt

    Doug, The texture is similar to elk. It is quite a bit lighter in color than elk though. It has it own taste I guess, since I can't come up with anything it tastes like. It is very mild though. If you ever get to SW New Mexico let me know and I'll cook you a bit up! I seem to have some around most of the time! Kevin
  4. Kevin

    Game carrier for my Oryx hunt

    NO taste? Wow, that's a first. I've eaten 5 and it is one of my favorite! This is the first I've ever heard anyone complain about oryx meat. It certainly isn't gamy if that's what you mean, but it definately has a flavor. Kevin
  5. Kevin

    Wife's Oryx

    Congrats to her and you Jeff. I wish I'd of known you were going to be over there (I'm assuming you hunted Rhodes this weekend?) we could have met up. I went with one of my Grad students and his brother in law. They killed 35 and 32" bulls Saturday morning. Wish I could have met you. Kevin
  6. Kevin

    Rain Totals

    I'm guessing that much of the runoff is from the melting snowpack? Rain this time of year sure does undo alot in just a little bit. Kevin
  7. This is a house bill (HB34) here in New Mexico that will be voted on tomorrow. Basically it provides a hunting license or fishing license to anyone that can prove they are on public assistance for no charge. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Anybody have an opinion? http://www.legis.state.nm.us/Sessions/08%2...use/HB0034.html Kevin
  8. DessertBull, maybe but the deer tag for a resident is only $8.00 after you buy or recieve free the general hunting license. Kevin
  9. J, you make a good point on the youth aspect; however, I tend to agree with coues7. Maybe from more of a selfish reason though. As most of us are aware, when we became able to apply for tags with credit cards draw odds went to heck. My guess is that if this passes it will drop the odds for deer to what sheep odds are now. Kevin
  10. Kevin

    Game carrier for my Oryx hunt

    SunDevil, I wouldn't recommend any escort service out of Socorro! On a serious note, you should be able to drive offroad to retrieve your oryx most anyplace on Stallion unless they have changed the rules very recently. A tip to you and anyone else that hunt oryx; take a short piece of 1/2" hose to put on the end of each horn. It will protect them from getting broken but more importantly will protect you and your gear while wrestling with it. Good luck on your hunt and if you need any pointers on Stallion PM me. Kevin
  11. Kevin

    Jamaro and crazyaboutcoues Mexico hunt

    Beautiful bucks guys! Congratulations. Kevin
  12. Just a heads up for any of you considering a Swarovski purchase. Kevin January 17, 2008 To Our Authorized Swarovski Optik Dealers: We have recently become aware of some fraudulent Internet activity regarding our Swarovski Optik products. We have learned of a website that is advertising our binoculars at below dealer price, then purchasing them through authorized dealers but drop shipping them to a consumer that ordered them through their website www.smalldealerusa.com. We understand they may be using stolen credit cards to purchase the binoculars from our authorized dealers. Our legal department has been notified and we have heard the federal authorities are investigating this dealer. We have recently seen online forums warning consumers of fraudulent activities on Ebay under store name SuperStore8407 and www.smalldealerusa.com. We are asking you to be particularly vigilant in matching and verifying credit card names with drop ship addresses since this is the way these businesses are operating. Thank you for your continued support of our products and we wish you a successful 2008. Kind Regards,
  13. Kevin

    Swaro 15's FS

    Schmitty, When you get your rifle finished post it up! I'm considering building one also. Are you planning on fireforming your brass or can you buy it? Kevin
  14. Kevin

    nonresident sheep tags

    Thats the one. Kevin
  15. Kevin

    Interesting aside on NM laws

    Tony, The baiting laws in New Mexico have been in effect for many years but compliance and enforcement are pretty low. There are places in both unit 23 (especially the Burro's) and 24 that look like salt mines, many of them with trailcams and treestands adorning nearby trees. Here, at least, it's not an ethical question it's a matter of breaking the law. Kevin
  16. Kevin

    nonresident sheep tags

    Thats about right on the head Doug. Boy Georges brother in law just happened to be our Governor at the time too. How about them politics! Kevin
  17. Kevin

    nonresident sheep tags

    I don't think so. There has not been a NR quota on sheep, oryx or ibex for many years. Good luck in the draw! Like you, I consider my applications for these three as cheritable donations, although I did draw the non-trophy ibex hunt this past year. Kevin
  18. Kevin

    nonresident sheep tags

    Doc, Here's the link; first sentence, second paragragph. Notice it is due to court order. http://www.wildlife.state.nm.us/recreation...DrawWorks08.pdf Kevin
  19. J, Does this post mean your Burro Mtn. hunt was a success? If not, get off the computer and back in your tree! Kevin
  20. Kevin

    disapearing camera

    were these jackasses possibly around the rogers trough trailhead in 24b...because i was in there recenntly and saw where someone had taken quads up the trail, and into a wilderness area Ghost, No this is in unit 24 of New Mexico. Kevin
  21. Doc, Don't in any way endanger yourself, your kids or your buddy! However, maybe between now and then you can spend some quality time with him and his dad? Go with them (yes, both son and dad) to huntersafety and help reinforce what is taught. Go into the hills (at first without guns) and teach them to hunt. See how serious they can be about the learning process. If he doesn't show progress then all you have to say is ''look guys, how can I trust you guys around my family". If he is reasonable at all he'll see the writing on the wall, if not; well, he isn't someone you want around anyways. You have a chance to make a difference in his life and someone elses too. What happens if you just tell them no way, and he ends up hurting or killing someone? I know its not your responsibility but I couldn't live with myself if I didn't at least try to teach him and he hurt someone. Kevin
  22. Kevin

    disapearing camera

    Every bit of lazyness on "my" part? what is that suppose to mean? Catman, If you'll read carefully, my thread says if "you're out there", referring to whoever made enough trips in and out- cutting trees, trimming branches etc. to make a trail that wood cutters and road hunters will undoubtably turn into a full blown road into what was a roadless area. I don't see anywhere I implied it was you! Kevin
  23. Kevin

    disapearing camera

    Maybe we can tie him to the jackasses that established a fourwheeler trail into the an area in 24 to hang treestands (5 that I found). If you're out there, nice going! Every little bit of lazyness on your part surely will help the roadless iniatiative to shut down the roads in the forests, not to mention screw up a nice ridge to hunt coues on. Kevin
  24. 1. Yep 2. Yep, successfully too! 3. Plenty 4. Amen! ? What's the problem Dave? If these hunts are in areas where G&F don't want them why shouldn't hunters have the opportunity to remove them? Enlighten me please. Kevin
  25. J, Campaign donations will help. Do you know someone that contributed to his race for Gov.? Maybe for the Presidential race? If not, none of your suggestions would interest him. Kevin