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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Kevin


    Fingers!--never misfired, misplaced, lost etc! LOL Kevin
  2. Kevin

    Another Burro Buck

    Tommy, Any word on J.O.'s Burro hunt? Heard of any success during this last hunt? Just curious. Kevin
  3. Kevin

    Rude hunters

    I own a quad and I'm a New Mexico resident. Two strikes already! I hunted in November and I'll admit, I didn't go out of my way to be friendly to anyone I ran into. Can you blame me? It was the first time that I had hunted in Arizona and I drew a tag the year the 9th Ciruit decided on USO's lawsuit. I read on this website (yeah, even this website) how non-residents should be runover roughshod just because we have different colored license plates on our trucks. I did enjoy my hunt and met a couple of folks that I enjoyed visiting with after being alone for several days. I even helped a young hunter from Tucson haul out his first deer. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I wasn't rude on purpose, but when you go into something feeling threatened just because your different than most of the other hunters around (AZ residents) you tend to be less friendly than normal. Keep that in mind when your ranting on a website. I've been accused of being able to make friends with a fence post on several occasions because I don't know a stranger. I'll talk to anyone, anyplace, especially hunters, because we all have something in common. It wasn't untill reading posts on this website that I realized, some people just don't want to be bothered while they are hunting. I'm trying to learn how to respect that. I grew up at least saying hello when you ran into someone. Its getting harder and harder to know what to do these days. I'll add that I obey the rules when operating my ATV and would smack a hunting partner backwards for looking at someone through a scope! That is not a matter of etiquette, its a matter of life and death! Stealing someones animal, that isn't rude, thats criminal. Time to put the kids to bed, so I'll stop being philisophical. I'm not trying to make excuses for anyone here, just justifying my position if it was me that didn't say hello! Kevin
  4. Jason and Tommy, The news is making it sound like ya'll are about to wash away. My wife is concerned that I might not get to go (fat chance!). How serious is the flooding on the Mimbres? Did any of the country get snow or just rain? And while I've got your attention, what is the rut up to for both Mule and coues deer? Good luck to both of you. Kevin
  5. Kevin

    Saturday's opener

    I hunted Saturday afternoon and Sunday with little success. I saw a very nice mule deer fork horn (20" wide 24" tall) but couldn't put eye gaurds on him for the life of me. Then I managed to bang my left knee up a little and have called it a hunt. It sucks to get old! Kevin
  6. Kevin

    Treestand Hunting For Coues

    I can't comment on cameras or salt licks but have some insight on stands. I own both hang on and climbing stands. As previously mentioned, climbers can be limiting in pinon-juniper trees if you use them to climb. However, I will use mine in gnarly old junipers that grow crooked. Most hang on stands are one piece and can't be used in many trees or are uncomfortable because they lean one way or the other. I just pull my climbing stand up with a rope and hang the platform and then the seat. They allow for much more adjustment on less than desirable trees. Also, my climber is much more comfortable than my hang ons and I can sit longer without fidgeting around. If I had to own only one stand, it would be my climber because of its versatility. Just buy some tree pegs and use them in trees with lots of branches. Kevin
  7. Kevin

    Saturday's opener

    Thanks for the info guys. I'll be hunting unit 16 for the entire hunt. I haven't had much time to scout for coues so I may hunt mulies. I'll probably camp near lake Roberts so I can get out if the weather gets too bad, besides I'll be by myself and my wife likes me to call occassionally to check in. I'll hunt towards the River from Hiway 15. Seems to me there ought to be some Coues deer in some of that rougher country but I'll not be picky. I think as long as I get away from the highway I'll avoid the crowd and shoud be able to find some deer. Any other suggestions? Kevin PS Jason, no, my opinion of Javelina is about the same as Larks!
  8. Kevin

    Interesting Article

    Jamaro, One sentence sais it all: if the forest is transferred to the National Park Service you can kiss hunting in it goodbye! Kevin
  9. Kevin

    scrape hunting

    First, keep this in mind: the late hunt in NM is in January not in December like you guys are hunting. That said, I have spent a lot of hours in stands watching sap ooze out of rubbed trees and frost form in old scrapes. Maybe because the rut is just starting in most areas you will catch a buck checking up on things but the longer it goes I think your chances deteriate exponentially. Needless to say during my hunt in January, if I'm hanging out in a tree, it is in a saddle or intersecting trails, not on a rub or scrape line. I hope you have better luck than I! Happy Holidays! Kevin
  10. AG, I had a good hunt but came home without a deer. I passed up several long shots at small bucks and a couple of close shots at spikes. I saw a terrific buck (over 100") but couldn't get close enough to shoot. He was a beauty! Maybe next year! I too will be hunting in NM in January, but I think next year (unless I draw the January Burros hunt) I will go to AZ. I hunted in 16 A in September for elk and because I saw a huge muley in there 10 years ago , decided to buy the deer tag. I am regretting that now. I haven't had much time to scout but hope next week I can sneak out for a day or two to look around. I may have to settle for a muley hunt with so little time and not knowing where to start looking for coues. I know 16 has a few, its just a matter of where! I typically hunted 23 or 22 in January until we had to hunt in January where we hunted in September. Oh well, it will be good to get out. Good luck on your bowhunts guys! Merry Christmas Kevin
  11. Here is the link to the G&F website. http://www.wildlife.state.nm.us/ What are your opinions on the deer hunts and the point restrictions on elk in some of the units? Kevin
  12. Tommy, You just have to buy the tag, not another license. So then you hold out for a monster on the Kaibab and don't kill, you can hunt in December with your original bow tag. I've never done that but it sounds like next year AZ will require you to purchase a license prior to applying so it makes sense to buy the tag in January for the bow hunt. Fatfootdoc, My only concern with otc bow hunts is the number of people who decide last minute to a) hunt with a bow they haven't shot in months, or buy new equipment at the last minute. Bowhunters don't need that black eye. Maybe it isn't the problem I percieve it to be. How did your unit 29 hunt go by the way? Kevin
  13. Kevin

    Wife's 3c bull

    Wht Mtman, dang man, they know what causes that ! I've got two girls, two and four and that is handful enough for us. Luckily, our folks live close and we get some "us" time occasionally. Hopefully my wife will draw next year again and I can vindicate myself. Kevin
  14. Kevin

    Wife's 3c bull

    Congratulations to you both. Wht Mtnman, you are obviously a better guide than my wife had (me) for her first elk hunt! We enoyed the time together without the kids though! Again congratulations! Kevin
  15. I am not very familiar with the Kiowa Grasslands, but I have never seen whitetail on there. I haven't been on there much. If you could find some creeks that have a few trees around, I bet you could find some whitetails. The areas that I see them in regularly generally have willows, saltcedar and scattered cottonwoods. I've never seen one out on the prairie. I would bet that they are abundant from Folsom down the Cimarron river towards Colorado, and probably from Raton towards Johnson Mesa along Yankee creek, though I've never spent the time to find out. Sorry I can't be of more help. Kevin
  16. Forgot to mention that there are a few eastern whitetails in some of the riparian areas up there. I think you would have to get permission from a landowner to get to hunt them though. (never seen any on State land) Kevin
  17. Redman, All of those units are in the very northeastern part of the state. It's about 99% private land and no Coues deer. There are a few areas that have state land access if you want to hunt Mulies, but I don't think I would waste the gas! Kevin
  18. Kevin

    november hunt.

    Fatfootdoc, Which side of the Chiricauha are you packing into? It looks like the weather the first weekend is going to be perfect for backpacking, if your into rain/snow that is! I'll try to tough it out. Good luck on your hunt. Kevin
  19. Kevin

    Barska Optics

    I've got the Burris 4.5X14, ballistic plex on a target model .223. No kidding, I have killed prairie dogs at 400 yards! I don't know how it would hold up to magnum recoil, but it sure is nice to hit a target with the rangefinder and then blast it with no holdover. I don't think you could go wrong with this scope! Kevin
  20. Kevin

    Unit 23 whitetail tag

    Keith, I think he is still breathing deeply! Kevin
  21. Kevin


    I've worn calluses on my hand from operating the bolt on my rifle! I have shot a couple hundred rounds in the last month and am confident in our ability (mine and the guns)! My favorite practice is shooting milk jugs filled with water. They are about the size of a bucks chest cavity and they explode when you hit them! Great fun! Obviously they don't take the place of paper for sighting in, but for practicing they are much more fun than plinking cans and the likes. If you are bored with paper, try jugs out. Make sure you cap them after filling them (so they will explode) and please pick up the plastic carcasses before you leave. I like to place them at unkown distances at various angles. Any body else have fun methods for honing their skills? Kevin
  22. Packhorse, We shoot identical setups. MKII Ruger 300 Win Mag, Leupold 3x9. What ammo do you shoot? I'm shooting 150 grain Nosler Partition, 72 grains IMR 4350 and Fed match grade primers. Good Medicine! Kevin
  23. gnoto, No! I'm assuming you mean the .300 Savage, right? It will not "take a magnum round". Not even close! The .300 Savage has about half the powder capacity as the .300 Winchester Magnum. I personally think you couldn't go wrong with the 30-06, .280 Rem., .308 Win., or the .270 Win. Any of these will are effective for most any big game animal in North America. I love my .300 Win. Mag. but honestly, the recoil is hard to digest sometimes. I would wait to get a new gun until you've had time to learn more about the options available. I think you are pushing it trying to get a new one and get used to it by the November hunt. Just my opinion though! Kevin
  24. Kevin

    CB1's Sons NM Buck

    Great buck! Tommy, any word on Justin Otero? Kevin
  25. Kevin

    weather conditions/gear

    Welcome to the site! Almost as important as layering your clothing, is a good foam pad to sit on if you are going to sit behind glass in the mornings. Those rocks get mighty cold during the night and will chill you to the bone while sitting on them, besides they aren't very comfy! Being comfortable in the #1 secret to finding deer while glassing. If you are cold and fidgetting, you are less likely to see deer and much less patient. Good luck on your hunt! Kevin