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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. I'm considering a video camera for general purpose use (family plus wildlife stuff). Do any of you have any recommendations for a quality camera that isn't difficult to use, has good battery life and is tripod adaptable? Any info will be appreciated! Thanks, Kevin
  2. Kevin

    How bad is Southern AZ?

    It's not just southern AZ! Hopefully this link will work and you cna read this article. I can't believe our Governor is standing up trying to do something. Maybe you AZ boys should challenge your Governor to try something as well. http://www.lcsun-news.com/artman/publish/article_18453.shtml Kevin
  3. Kevin

    Family Strengths

    I work for New Mexico State University as a rangeland weed specialist. I study ways to manage noxious weeds and how to prevent them from taking over native grasslands and forests. I also contract wildlife and entomological studies and ranch planning. If anyone ever needs a contact at the university for yourself or your children feel free to contact me! Kevin
  4. JUst thought I would let you all know, we (NM) have 6000 left over deer tags. They go on sale Wednesday morning at 8:00. Just make sure you don't get ahead of me in line! Kevin
  5. I'm just curious after looking at some of the pictures on the site: Why do you count points the way you do? My dad taught me to only count main points, not eyeguards and to add them up. So a typical 3X3 coues with (not counting)eyeguards would be a six point. I see this method commonly as well as calling it a 3X3. My hunting buddy argues that this deer is a 4X4 since Pope and Young or Boone and Crockett would score each point. What is your method of point counting and why? Good luck in the draw! Kevin
  6. Kevin


    29 November! Kevin
  7. Kevin

    NM Draw Desults Posted

    Congratulations to those of you that drew! I drew a cow elk tag for archery and stink pigs. My deer hunting will be in Arizona this year. Kevin
  8. Kevin

    Credit Card Hit Yet?

    TAM They usually post a few days before, infact the way a recent newsletter read was "results will be posted on G&F website prior to June 22". The Breeze hit it dead on as far as the deer draw, CC hits won't tell us a thing about it. Good luck! Kevin
  9. Kevin

    Who put in

    Lark, No, all deer hunts are draw only in NM as of this year. Kevin
  10. Kevin

    I gotta bad feeling

    Bret, After reading the other thread about where you applied I don't think you have anyting to worry about. I think the whitetail tags over here will be much easier to draw than most of us coues hunters think as long as your not applying for the Burros or 27. Of course, thats all conjecture and I could be wrong as you know what! Kevin
  11. Kevin

    I gotta bad feeling

    Bret, Depending on the moisture and what the bear have to eat will make a big difference in where the bears are in August. I've seen as many as 9 in one day in unit 22! 16a,b,c, and d all have good bear numbers, 21, 23, and 24 do as well. I've seen a few bears in the Burros but not as many as other areas of the unit. I'll be doing some bear hunting in August while elk scouting (hopefully). Maybe we can hook up for a day? Kevin
  12. AZ got my 244.00 for unit 29, but NM (I hope) will really make some bucks off me. If I draw half of what I applied for I'll need a new job (a guy only has so much vacation time before he just has to go AWOL ) and a divorce attorney (pretty obvious!). 16A archery elk Burro Mtn coues SW antelope Florida Mt Ibex 27 Desert bighorn 44/45 Rocky Mt. bighorn Javelina and I drew an oryx tag for the remote WSMR hunt in March! How many of you guys/gals applied for hunts over here? Kevin
  13. Kevin

    Cleaning a Bow

    Exactly what Red Rabbit said, then figure out a way to put the bow on the front rack of your bike! It will still get dirty but nothing like on the back. Kevin
  14. Kevin

    Fire near Bartlett

    Try this link (Southwest Area Wildland fire website) out: http://www.fs.fed.us/r3/fire It is about 4000 acres with long range spotting according to this site. This is a good site to keep up on fires in NM and AZ. Just click on the fire information box and it will give you the latest on all fires over 100 acres in the region. Kevin
  15. I didn't get a chance to get out this weekend. What did I miss? Kevin
  16. Wasn't he having his hind end re-done? Maybe they cut too much off and can't tell which half to keep? Kevin
  17. Kevin

    Hey Jeff in NM

    I'm not Jeff either; but I know Curtis, or at least, used to! Last I knew he was in the Dusty-Magdelena area but that was 10-12 years ago. Kevin
  18. Kevin

    Spring turkey tags?

    I've met a couple AZ fellows in the last couple of years here in New Mexico unit 24. Maybe I've met some fellow CWD.com members? Kevin
  19. Kevin

    Crimson Talon broadheads?

    Welcome to the CWD site and to archery! I've never used the Crimson Talons so I don't have an opinion on them other than they look like a tuning nightmare because the "crooked" blades are going to try to steer the front of the shaft. This might be offset with large feathers. If you can get them tuned up where they shoot straight then they are probably ok. I will say that Muzzy makes a great head that is strong and sharp. Many broadheads are not as sharp as they should be when you buy them. Always shoot the sharpest head you can. That means changing blades (or sharpening)periodically during the hunt. Pulling arrows (and putting them back in) out of the quiver will dull the blades. Learn how to touch them up and you will be good to go! I shoot a Wasp Hi-tech 90 grain head and have killed 5 elk with them. All pass throughs and all recovered within 200 yards. You need to match the broadhead to your arrows and to your bow. Style doesn't matter much although I like a sturdy fixed blade head rather than mechanical. Just make sure you shoot your broadheads before hunting to make sure they hit where you are aiming and then change blades or resharpen them! Good luck, Kevin
  20. Kevin

    My 2005 HAM hunt

    Amanda, Congrats on the pig! From the looks of her teeth and the condition of the liver, it sounds like you did her a favor! What was her body condition like? Kevin
  21. Kevin

    AZ Resident Hunting in NM?

    Most of us NM residents are friendly. Are you aware that we have gone to a draw system for deer this year? The deadline to apply is April 9th. Units 16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 all have huntable coues numbers but most are in small pockets. You should plan on scouting alot to find them. Good luck in the drawing. Kevin
  22. Kevin

    AZ Hunt/Fish Fees

    Just for everybodies info, New Mexico is raising both resident and non-resident fees as well. Info can be had under the "Legislation" on the NMG&F website. Kevin
  23. Kevin

    CWD in Az.

    Lark, sorry about your friend. Its tough to lose a hunting buddy. I hope you and others close to him can find peace in the fact that if it was CWD from an elk that killed him, at least he was doing something he enjoyed. God Bless you all. Tony, everything you've said is consistent with what I've seen and read about CWD. Thanks for trying to enlighten folk with more than rhetoric and misconceptions. There is alot that we don't understand about prions and probably never will. I for one believe that CWD is not a new disease, but one that may cycle through its hosts periodically. Its discovery in the early 70's on the Wagner Ranch and CSU campus was primarily due to the work of a very intelligent and hardworking veternary student that was interested in the strange behavior of captive deer on the college campus and free ranging deer on the college ranch. She became the leading expert on spongiform encephalothopy and was making progress on field test for live ungulates. However, she and her husband (also a scientist involved with this research) were killed in a car accident this past December. Sadly, for those of us that believe science a usefull occupation, their deaths will set back progress on these diseases for several years. Is CWD something to be concerned about? As a hunter, I don't worry about it much. I won't kill an animal showing signs of the disease and my chances of dieing in a car wreck is a heck of lot higher than dieing from CWD. As a biologist, like I said before, I don't think it is new and believe that the deer herds are affected by many diseases when other stresses are above normal levels. Kevin
  24. Kevin

    need some help

    jlhcoues, I too shot bare bow/fingers and I used to shoot 2315 XX78, 29.5" @ 70lbs. When I swithched to carbon I tried GoldTip 5575 but couldn't get good flight with broadheads (probably a tuning issue) but I ended up shooting 29.5 inch 7595 GoldTips with 90 grain heads that fly like darts. Try to find some buddies that shoot carbons and play around or a shop that carries several brands etc. before investing a lot of money. I will say that I love my old GT's, they are tough and straight but were bought 8 years or so ago. I've heard that alot of people are having trouble with quality these days but they may be buying factory blemishes and seconds for all I know. Good luck with the switch I think you will enjoy the strength and straightness of carbons. Kevin
  25. Its that time of year again. I've been looking around at guns and came across a Remington Sendero 300 Win Mag. Do any of you have any experience with one? With a 26" fluted barrel it ought to be pretty equivalent to a 300UM ballistically. How accurate are they? Thanks for any info you may have. Kevin