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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. I'll be there helping a friend out for the first couple of days. I've never been down there so its all new country to me. He hunted there before the drawing started. I don't even know where we are going to be but I'll be driving a brown crewcab Ford. Kevin
  2. Kevin

    Bowhunt during rut

    Come on TREESTANDMAN, don't you speak New Mexican I knew exactly what Tommy was talking about! Another treestand shooting tip is to bend at the waste instead of lowering your bow arm. Lowering your arm for a close shot changes the geometry of your setup and will cause a miss. Experience talking here! Good luck on your hunt Tommy. I'll be disapointed if you don't get a good one, afterall, either you or a jamaro has my tag. Kevin
  3. Kevin

    Leupold VX-III help with a decision

    Amanda, Have you (or anyone else for that matter) checked into the newer Kahles multi-zero scopes. I don't know much about them, but from what there adds say it is a similar system as the custom turrets you are considering. Maybe another option without the hassle of sending your scope off etc? Kevin
  4. I've tried to find info on the G&F web site for the availability and cost of the 2006 license and non permit tag (archery) for non residents to no avail. I'm curious if any of you have that info or an idea where I can find it. Can a non resident still buy an over the counter archery deer tag? I know there is talk of 10% caps, but can't find info on when those will go into affect. I'm kicking around the idea of hunting deer in January since I didn't draw an archery tag here in NM and will buy the license anyway to enter the draw. Thanks for any help. Kevin
  5. Kevin

    Best coues rifle ?

    If there is an ideal caliber for any animal, I haven't found it. Well maybe 12 guage for rattlesnakes, but I digress. Find a gun that you shoot well not what I, or anyone else for that matter, shoot well. If you are more capable than your rifle then by all means upgrade, but the 25-06 is a dandy coues caliber in my opinion. Sure, for long shots it is lacking the energy that the larger calibers produce but if you are wanting "to get more dialed in and have a better shot pattern" bigger isn't necessarily better. Something to consider is recoil. I like my 300 Win mag and shoot it well, but magnum recoil is not for everyone! It took a lot of shooting to get good with this gun. It also took some getting used to the kick. If you flinch, it won't matter how accurate, flat shooting or hard hitting the gun is. You will miss do to operator error. I have shot 3 different ultramags and can't handle the recoil. I've also shot a 7 mag that made me wish someone had just hit me with a sledge hammer instead! I would suggest finding some friends with some of these hand cannons and try them out; make sure you can handle them. I'd say if you have killed deer at 500 yards with your 25-06 then you have a good shooting rifle and are skilled with it. Why change? Really, how many opportunities have you missed by not having enough gun? Now if you just want another gun, then I would suggest a pair of any of caliber you don't already own (one with stainless and synthetic to drag around the rocks with and one with polished blueing and English walnut to show off). Honestly, if more accuracy is all you are looking for, glass bed your existing rifle, install a good trigger, work up some good handloads and spend some quality time at the range. It will pay off. Good luck, Kevin
  6. Kevin

    Nov hunt pics

    Muley, they are protected in NM --which unit did you see one in, 27? Kevin
  7. Kevin

    Nov hunt pics

    HunterAZ, re-read the rules and regs. Nowhere on this thread is there an animal that is illegal to kill in AZ. Even a dumb New Mexican can figure that out! Kevin
  8. Kevin

    Burro Mountain Hunt Unit 23

    You have heard right, The Burro Mt. portion of 23 is a quality hunt. I think most of us from NM know that and don't have to be told! There are coues deer in much of the unit. Driving through some of the higher terrain you may see some. Get off the road and glass and you will see some. You need to spend some time in the next month glassing where you can and wearing out some shoe leather in the thicker stuff if you want to have a chance. Contact crazyaboutcoues here on this site and see what he can do for you. He provides a scouting service and is hunting the same hunt! Maybe he will help you out? Kevin
  9. Kevin


    Doug, how was your hunt? What did you do with Scott? Kevin
  10. Kevin

    Help on Mulie hunt in Unit 23

    Will K, get your crap straight before you get someone in trouble! LS mesa is in unit 24, Lonestar mesa is as well, but is 30 air miles from LS. While you are right in stating that several large deer have come from the area(s) it is irresponsible to give erronious information. Take a look at the unit boundaries before giving advice would you please? Couestracker, look through some of the old posts and glean what you can. There are several good areas to hunt in unit 23 from the desert around Deming to the areas just south of Luna. The Mule creek area gets alot of traffic and for good reason; there are some good deer numbers in that country and it is much easier to hunt than a lot of the country to its north and south. Do you have some idea of where you want to hunt? Get back with some specifics and I may be able to help you out. Kevin
  11. Kevin


    Congrats on a terrific buck! Your photo is exceptional as well! I'm looking forward to the story. What about the bear Scott mentioned? Kevin
  12. Just curious if you October hunters found a lot of rattle snakes this year with it being so warm. Last year on the November hunt I ran across 3 and it snowed 4 inches on the 3rd day of the season. With it being 80 degrees this year still I'm afraid I may be up to my armpits in the dern things! Kevin
  13. Kevin

    feild dressing the deer

    I agree Recurveman. I skin one side of the animal from the backbone to the belly and remove all the meat on that side. Then flip the carcass and repeat. It keeps the meat much cleaner and makes even large animals (elk) doable by yourself. When I'm done with the exterior, I'll remove the rib plates with a bone saw and examine (I'm a biologist too!) the inner workings and remove any edibles (tenderloin, liver, etc). Kevin
  14. Kevin

    Unit 22 Toad

    Tommy, Doesn't that just tick you off! Friends like that: man I swear, they make it look so easy. That is one heck of a buck though. Kick your friend a time or two for me! Kevin
  15. Kevin

    make that 2/2

    Wow, with that new super duper 300WSM taking 5 hits to bring him down I may be undergunned if I hold out for a big one! Congrats on your deer, or whats left of him! Kevin
  16. Kevin

    NM Oryx

    Congratulatins Tommy. Gutting them critters is a new experience isn't it? I've killed two and the second was much easier after the first. Once you realize every inch of intestine has to be cut free it is a lot easier. A friend's wife from Silver also hunted Rhodes. She killed a similar bull late Saturday evening as well. Funny thing, they shot her gun Friday after they got to Alamagordo one last time then cleaned it. In the process they broke the cleaning "snake" off in the barrell and couldn't get it out. They drove back to Cruces and borrowed my 30-06 which is left handed. Luckily she only needed one shot because when she got exited she couldn't reload. I guess she was completly perplexed by the bolt on the wrong side! All worked out and she was very proud, as you should be! Great trophies and the meat is worth the wait for drawing a tag. Kevin
  17. A father and son went hunting together for the first time. The father said: "Stay here and be very QUIET. I'll be across the field." A few minutes later the father heard a blood curdling scream and ran back to his son. "What's wrong?" the father asked. "I told you to be quiet." The boy, bless his heart, answered; "Look, I was quiet when the snake slithered across my feet. I was quiet when the bear breathed down my neck. I didn't move a muscle when the skunk climbed over my shoulder. I closed my eyes and held my breath when the wasp stung me. I didn't cough when I swallowed the gnat. I didn't cuss or scratch when the poison oak started itching. But when the two squirrels crawled up my pant legs and said, 'Should we eat them here or take them with us?' ..............Well, I guess I just panicked................"... Kevin
  18. Kevin

    Non-Resident Question

    Jeff, Welcome the site. Where are you located? I'm in Cruces and hunt AZ most years. I wouldn't count on the price over there being the same as this year. With all of the USO crap they will raise the prices and I'm not convinced that NR will be allowed over the counter tags anymore. Keep an eye on the AZG&F website for details. Kevin
  19. Kevin

    Need help with JR hunter

    Dan, truer words were never spoken! Shane, do you or someone else shoot with her? Sometimes having someone around for encouragment can help. Also, take her "stump shooting". I get bored and practice becomes counterproductive shooting at targets. I enjoy going out in the desert and picking something to shoot at- just make sure there is a sufficient backstop and use judo points or blunts so that she doesn't lose her arrows. Making practice more fun will get her to shoot more and make her focus. She'll come around, just don't push her to hard and make sure she knows her limits and why it is important to stay within them! Good luck, Kevin
  20. Kevin

    gonna start reloading

    Watch ebay for reloading stuff. I bought a used RCBS Rockchucker kit plus all kinds of extras (tumbler, loading blocks, brass, dies, etc) for half of the new price of the kit alone. It was well worth the price. I don't think you can go wrong with RCBS. Keep in mind that if you ever plan on loading magnum brass, get the Rockchucker or equivalent. The Jr press is a little weak for full length sizing of the big cases! Good luck, Kevin
  21. Kevin

    .17 HMR VS. 22MAG

    If your eating jackrabbits you should try coyote. My bet is you can't tell the difference!
  22. Kevin

    long long distance shooting

    CNE ELK, Good to hear, maybe I misinterpreted your initial post. Good luck on your hunt, it ought to be a dandy! Kevin
  23. Kevin

    long long distance shooting

    The problem with videos like that is that they convince people like CNE ELK that their .243 is capable of killing a deer at 1000 yards. I'm guessing that CNE ELK hasn't any clue that the rifles in that videos are producing 15 times more energy than his .243. I'm not nocking the .243, I love that gun, just the mentality! Don't take it personally CNE ELK, just realize those guys are shooting very specialize equipment, not off the shelf rifles chambered in .243. Keep your shots under 400 yards and that .243 is deadly, past that and your 100 bullet doesn't hit hard enough in my opinion! Please respect these deer enough to kill them humanely. Not trying to be the ethics police, but get real! Kevin
  24. Dammit Lark, I've got to wipe the coffee off my computer! Never figured you for a Grammartarian. Kevin