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Everything posted by Kevin

  1. Kevin


    Have either of you (or anyone else) ever made mock scrapes? I wouldn't have a clue how or where to make one but have read a little on the subject for non coues whitetails. 25-06, I think you are probably right with the water idea, however with my luck it will snow 12 feet the day before I start hunting! Kevin
  2. http://www.dfw.com/mld/dfw/news/state/1611.../printstory.jsp I saw this on another website. Those of you that hunt south of the border need to watch your topknots! Kevin
  3. I won't post pics cause I don't have permission, ( I hope you understand), but my best friend and hunting partenr's little girl killed her firt buck at 7:50 this morning! I'm as proud as if she was my own daughter and can't wait until the day my girls are old enough to hunt. This buck is a 2x3 mule deer and made that little girls ( and her Dads) day. 250 yard, one shot through the heart! Good shootin' Kinsey! Kevin
  4. Kevin


    I've become a pro at helping my girls pee in the woods! Definately a new experience for fathers to figure that one out! We've had to hang up pants on more than one occasion to dry. I've done 4 scouting trips this fall with my kids and had a blast on every trip. Getting kids involved early is what its all about. Kevin
  5. Kevin

    Dad's First Coues

    I've followed your scouting trips and now your successfull hunt. You are an inspiration to a lot of older coues hunters! This is a perfect example of how it ought to be done. Congratulations to you and especially your Dad. Not only for his deer, but for raising a kid in this day and age with the respect for him and the critters we chase. No matter how big the head gear, these little deer are just plain beautiful! Good job, Kevin
  6. Kevin

    Coues Country

    Has Coosefan been near your pack? I'd check it for half of his gear or a rock or two. Best way to feel in shape is to slow your partner down Good luck on your hunt! Kevin
  7. Kevin

    Buenos Aries Refuge Closed

    Its hard for me to believe that only 10 years ago I lived at the Garcia ranch house on the south-east corner of the refuge. I spent two years on the refuge while doing research for my MS. heck, my wife used to go down with me in the summers and stay at the house alone while I worked. I'm not sure I would want to work down there anymore, probably wouldn't stay at the Garcia place, and sure wouldn't leave my wife alone at the house. It's a sad state of affairs folks! Kevin
  8. Kevin

    Water filter

    Brett, The muzzle blast from that hand cannon should be enough to sterilize the water in any tinajas if your near enough! I've used the Sweetwater, and it works well. I've heard of some people having problems with the handle breaking off but have not experienced it myself. I have heard nothing but good about the Katadyn filters, but have no experience with them. I'd choose the lightest, smallest and go for it with confidence. Good luck killin' that "weaner" buck! Kevin
  9. Kevin

    Unit 29

    Muley, You sure you got the unit right? Unit 29 in NM? It is any antler point restricted deer, not either mule deer or coues deer. But no, there are no coues in unit 29. A growing number of eastern whities but not coues. If they kill deer, make sure to have them tested for CWD. The northern portion of 29 is in the CWD area. Kevin
  10. Been trying to scout 21 the last couple of weekends. It is so wet that even a sprinkle seems to cause the canyons to run. My girls (4 and 7) think scouting involves being soaking wet, eating soggy burritos, and outrunning floods on the 4 wheeler! We have had some good fun but have found few deer (only mulies so far). I'm gonna try one more time without the kiddoes this time to see if I can find a coues buck. Anybody else been out scouting for the rifle hunts? Kevin PS: Anybody else hunting 21?
  11. Kevin

    Got Coues? Here she is...130 inch coues!!!(3x6)

    Casey, maybe 12". Hope you have had better luck convincing your girlfriend its 18"
  12. Kevin

    Unit 24

    Probably not. There are a few coues in the Cook's peak range but they are few and far between from what I have seen. There is a reason people are steering you towards the Gila. Good luck on your hunt. Kevin
  13. I'll be down in the Southeast units (29, 30) for a few days this weekend and early next week and was just curious if any of the rest of you CWT members would be bowhunting down there. If so and you run across a two tone brown crew cab Ford with NM tags stop by and say hello! Kevin
  14. Kevin

    Southeast units

    Well, those of you that hunted this past weekend, have you had enough rain for a day or two? My hunting buddy missed a small buck opening morning and I failed to get close enough for a decent shot with my stick. Then it rained for the rest of our trip so we scouted some new areas, visited and shot a couple limits of dove in the desert. Had a great time! I hope you all were as successful. Kevin
  15. Kevin

    Southeast units

    Thanks Scott, I'm going to give it a whirl. Let me know if you need any scouting info for your boys 34 hunt over here. I've got a couple of buddies that will be bowhunting it for the next 3 weeks. I hope that kids luck continues through his hunts this fall, talk about some primo tags! WOW! Kevin
  16. Kevin


    Yes, it is slower. Beats not working at all though, I think a bunch of us are suffering the DT's Kevin
  17. Very nice bear! The sheds aren't bad either! What part of the state? Kevin
  18. Kevin

    Mountain Dreams...

    Andy, I work for the University. Kevin
  19. Kevin

    Mountain Dreams...

    I'm with you Scotty, have the desire but can't draw the tag. Since the mountains are only an hour away from home, I get to watch the goats occasionally. They are amazing animals! Kevin
  20. Kevin

    What do you use to keep it steady?

    If I've got time, I shoot off of an adapter I made out of a PVC "T" that mounts on my tripod. If not, I'll take what I can get or just do it the old fasioned way (offhand). I got tired of the extra weight of the Harris bi-pod. Plus the bi-pod is a pain to shoot off of if shooting uphill at all. My tripod can be raised or lowered to about any shooting height and pans and tilts to any position. Kevin
  21. Kevin

    NM unit 24

    Coatimundi, Welcome to the site!. What part of NM are you from? To scout for a January hunt from now until then I would focus on finding does. If there are good numbers of does (especially does with fawns) the bucks will be around come January. I'd pay special attention the area that burned in the Skates fire if I had a tag in 24. Good luck, Kevin
  22. Kevin

    Search function

    For the last couple of weeks I've been unable to get the search function to work. Is it me or is there something wrong with the database? Any help would be appreciated! Kevin
  23. I went yesterday. I'll go back after the crowds settle down a bit, it was a mad house and will only be worse tomorrow! It is about the same size as the one in Albuquerque. I'm really glad to have somewhere to shop for sporting goods locally besides Walmart! Can you believe a town of 100,000 hasn't had a decent sporting goods store? Kevin
  24. Adam, Do you mean the Pixcontroller universal kit? I'm currently building a Sony S600 on that board and will let you know how it turns out. The Olympus D360L is a plug and play camera from what I understand but are getting hard to find. The Sony has to be "hacked" in order to function as a trail camera, but is a new camera with a strong flash and 1000ISO. It should take some outstanding pics if I don't burn it up making the connections Kevin
  25. My partner and I blanked in AZ this year so we'll be bowhuntin' this year. Anybody from over here draw an AZ coues tag? Kevin