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About Kevin

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/29/1971

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    Las Cruces, NM

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  1. Kevin

    NM Buck

    Derek, You are one bad *ss! Congrats on a great deer and more importantally for involving your little bro. Good luck on his ibex hunt, he's got a great guide/mentor(s). Kevin
  2. Yesterday the New Mexico Game and Fish Commission pulled out of the agreement to support the wolf reintroduction program! Kevin Commission suspends Mexican Wolf Reintroduction program By Reyes Mata III/rmata@lcsun-news.com Posted: 06/10/2011 03:49:13 AM MDT LAS CRUCES - The New Mexico State Game Commission voted unanimously today to suspend the Mexican Wolf Reintroduction program in the state. "I would like to suspend it for a while, lets see how it lays out," said Commissioner Thomas "Dick" Salopek. "Both sides have been unhappy about the wolf recovery program. We have been keeping peace between all people. So, you know what, if both sides are unhappy, then let's suspend it and let the federal government do it. I am frustrated at both sides, especially with the federal government." The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department - following the requirements of the federal Endangered Species Act - looks for partners throughout the state to protect endangered species, like the Mexican wolf. The New Mexico State Game Commission has been a partner to protect the Mexican wolf since 1999. Today's regular meeting, which for the first time this year was in Las Cruces, sought to gather public opinion to help guide the state's wolf protection policy. About 50 Mexican wolves are spread over New Mexico and Arizona. Dan Williams, public information officer for the New Mexico Department of Game and Fish - a partner in coordinating the Mexican Wolf Reintroduction Program - said it was a "balanced" public comment session. "But we will no longer be participating in the Mexican Wolf reintroduction program," he said. "It's an argument that's been going on since 1999." June 30 will be last day the New Mexico Game and Fish Department participates in the program, he said. The sentiment expressed at the meeting was passionate. "Hunting is under fire from every front," said Tom Klunker, director of the Southwest New Mexico Outfitters. He said the federal Endangered Species Act was used as a way to further a hidden agenda. "It's not about the endangered wolf, or the spotted owl," he said. Environmentalists "use that, very successfully, as a tool to remove humans from the land. They view the wilderness as something aesthetic, like a utopian playground. They want humans out of those areas." Michael J. Robinson, a conservation advocate with the Center for Biological Diversity, bristled at that characterization. "That's paranoid ranting," he said. "Animals, like the Mexican wolf, that are on the brink of extinction play an important role in the balance of nature. New Mexicans - both urban and rural - support the recovery of this beautiful, intelligent and social animal. These animals have been gravely persecuted." Carol Fugagli, of Cliff, N.M., said she and her son were recently camping in the Gila Hot Springs when they "heard the mysterious and beautiful" howl of a wolf. "I instantly got chills of excitement and was stunned and filled with the beauty of the sound," she said. "Unfortunately I have not heard the wolf cry again, but I don't want this to be a distant memory for my son. I want him to grow in an environment where there is a full spectrum of biological diversity so he can share similar experiences with his children. "I feel (the wolves) are a highly valued and needed element (of nature). My family does not feel that wolves are a threat to our safety in any way. I don't think humans can pick and choose which animals should or should not be in the wilderness." Reyes Mata III can be reached at (575) 541-5452. http://www.lcsun-news.com/ci_18242175?source=most_viewed
  3. Kevin

    Looking at 5th wheels

    Thanks for the input fellers. Kevin
  4. My family is in the market for a fifth wheel trailer. I don't know much about them and am looking for imput from those of you that have them. We have decided that we want a bunkhouse model and from there we're open to suggestions. Are there any specific brands or models to stay away from? Problems you've had with yours? I'd like to stay around 30 ft but would go to 34 if the right deal comes along. Is 34ft to long for mountain roads? Also, do you have a preference for hitches? How important is a swivel and tilt hitch? Any suggestions any of you may have is appreciated! I'll add that I drive a 2006 F350 longbed crewcab with the 6.0 powerstroke and automatic tranny. Kevin
  5. Kevin

    First turkey

    Way to stick with it Derek! Good job on helping your little bro out. He'll remember the time you spend together forever! Kevin
  6. Anyone going to take your kids out this weekend for the youth turkey hunt? We've got county 4H shooting contest in the morning, but will head out asap following that! Should be a windy weekend but were going anyway. Has anybody been out and know if they are gobbling much? Kevin
  7. Kevin

    Group applications

    Trotsky, You can apply with a non-resident; however, you as a resident will be placed in the 10% cap (assuming you or your partner is not a registered outfitter)alloted to non-guided non residents. It really hurts your chances of drawing and doesn't help his. Sometimes its worth it to hunt with a buddy or relative, but it may take several attempts, especially in hard to draw units, to finally draw. Hopefully that helps clarify things for you. Kevin
  8. Kevin

    January 31st Storm

    Scott, 12 degrees huh? If it was like here in Cruces you didn't get much higher than that. We topped out at 16 today. It is currently 2 degrees! Never seen it this cold here. Hope I'm not plumbing this weekend Kevin
  9. Kevin

    welder repair

    Tyler, I'm assuming you checked the breaker that feeds the machine? Does the welder itself have a fuse? Not much help I'm sure but they are pretty simple machines. Good luck. Kevin
  10. Amanda, I'm not an expert by any means, but the summer sausage I have made was with a Hi-Mountain kit from Cabela's. It uses a cure and comes with spices. It works well but is a little bland for my taste. I made six pounds of summer sausage out ot the muley I killed earlier in the month and added some spices (white pepper, garlic salt, etc) and jalapeno and cheese to some of it (hoping it would be hot enough to keep the kids out of and it turned out great (and the kids love it too ) I smoke with a very large homeade smoker that I've modified for low temps for 6 hours (internal temp of 156F) and I'm very proud of the sausage. I intend to explore some other recipes in the future but this one is easy to use and turns out great. Kevin
  11. Kevin

    Jan. 17, 2011 / Canyon Lake fishing report

    TJ, That looks like a blast. I haven't caught a bluegill in years. Very tasty little critters. Kevin
  12. Kevin

    Scratched my mule deer itch

    Ah, yeah--packin a Muley out will help to want to make you hunt coues again Congrats on a fine buck! Kevin
  13. Kevin

    NM Hunter Education

    Jeff, I hear you, some jobs just make it nearly impossible. With an unpredictable schedule like you have it would be pretty hard to commit time to the class. I spent almost 100 nights away from my family last year due primarily to work and then several to hunts. It is something folks have to commit to, just as the fellows that teach in Silver. The average age of that team is well over your age and mine added together Sadly, there is several people in the Silver are that are certified to teach the classes, but haven't had a class this year. I'll not name names! If you decide you have time to commit to the program let me know. I'd be happy to show you the ropes. Kevin
  14. Kevin

    Muley Down!

    Great buck! Kevin
  15. Kevin

    NM Hunter Education

    Jeff, thanks! I enjoy teaching the classes and you are right, there is always more demand than available instructors. My team usually teaches 4-6 classes a year with 40 students per class. That's about all the time we can come up with. I would encourage anyone that can, to become certified instructors and help out. Kevin