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Everything posted by scoutm

  1. I guess I will join the fun. Custom .264 Win Mag 25.5" Lilja Barrel, Timney Trigger, Mcmillan Rem Mtn Rifle Stock w/Edge Tech and Zeiss Conquest 6.5-20x50 Target Scope Built by Mike Bryant of Bryant Customs out of Wheeler TX Used this year on my elk hunt with 140 grn Nosler Partition Bullets. Will use it on my Whitetail hunt with 130 grn Scirocco II
  2. scoutm

    Red Tailed Hawk Vs Snake

  3. For sure!! I'll gladly pay for a good back adjustment your help was worth far more than that.
  4. I'd be happy to share all that I learned. I spoke with quite a few guys who have been on these hunts in the past and their input was great and really made me feel good about holding out and enjoying the experience.
  5. Thank Man!!! Your help was appreciated more than I can say. Can't wait for you to draw your tag even though Shahla would prefer you wait a few years.
  6. Thanks for all the complementary comments. They are appreciated! It was an awesome hunt and I enjoyed documenting it.
  7. Cleaning out the gun room (closet really) and have a number of items I’ve upgraded over the years and decide to part with the old. Up for sale are: Leupold VXII 3-9x40 Duplex Reticle - has a few marks from scope rings – glass is perfect $215.00 Shipped/Insured. Badlands Hypervent Pack. Good conditions but does show some use. $90.00 Swaro Universal Digiscoping Adapter retails for over $300...I'm selling for $190.00 Rilfe Rest - I upgraded to a lead sled - $60.00 (buy pays shipping on this item if not face to face) Weaver Stainless Steel Rings and Bases (post 64 Winchester Model 70 LA) $35.00 7mm Remington Mag - Rem 700 stainless steel take off barrel 24" - I have no idea of round count as action was taken as a doner action. Looks clean. $45.00 I also have a couple Remington Triggers. I believe one is the xMark Pro possibly both...Make an offer if you want one. Thanks for looking.
  8. Light, manageable recoil and elk...that a bit of a tall order. 7mm WSM, Rem 700 action Mcmillan Edge and a high quality barrel would work nicely.
  9. scoutm

    Bulls and Bugles

    Spent the weekend scouting for elk. Here are a few that we found. http://s99.photobucket.com/user/scoutm5909/media/Bull2_zps1349efab.mp4.html http://s99.photobucket.com/user/scoutm5909/media/Spar2_zps233a63d4.mp4.html http://s99.photobucket.com/user/scoutm5909/media/Spar1_zpsa19acae7.mp4.html
  10. scoutm

    heard alot of bugles in Unit 1 this weekend

    In unit one right now bugling all around us.
  11. scoutm


    http://www.midwayusa.com/find?sortby=1&itemsperpage=24&newcategorydimensionid=9852 If you can't find any locally there are a few they have in stock at Midway.
  12. scoutm

    Spotting Scope Help

    The true measure of any optics is how they perform in the first and last 30 minutes of the day so when possible always do your SxS compare during that time.
  13. scoutm

    Unit 1 archery bull

    Buddy found them with his 15x. I put my 20x60 spotter on them and then placed one of scope cam adapters on it. Pretty good given the distance.
  14. scoutm

    Unit 1 archery bull

    A few from this past weekends scouting. The bottom pic is of a 6x7 over 2.75 miles away.
  15. I would suggest going with the Zeiss 4.5-14x40, send it into zeiess and have them put a target turret on it and you are good to go.
  16. scoutm

    Custom rifle for sale

    Quit posting up pics of 25 yard groups I was able to shoot this rifle once and it was quite the shooter.
  17. scoutm

    Zeiss warranty turnaround time?

    My experience with them has been great. The turn arounds were very good but are impacted by the time of year. The closer to hunting season the longer it takes as more guy are having them address problems. If you call them they will give you an estimated timeframe and they have met it every time (twice)
  18. scoutm

    What Caliber to get??? - Need Suggestions

    Not entirely accurate. There are 11 factory offering for 6.5x284 listed on Midway's site including bullets from from 120 to 156 grains with good bullets from Nosler(accubonds, partition and BT), Berger and norma. It's not the cheapest but what ammo is these days.
  19. scoutm

    What Caliber to get??? - Need Suggestions

    I don't have personal experience with either but if I were in your shoes I would be very tempted to go with this: http://www.savagearms.com/firearms/model/11LONGRANGEHUNTER in 6.5 x 284. There are a ton of guys sing the praises of this rifle and even more praising the 6.5x284. I think this combo would meet all your needs (including Elk with the proper bullet selection) without breaking the bank. It won't be the best looking rifle in camp but from the post and reviews I've read it certainly sounds like they get the job done.
  20. scoutm

    Newish to hunting, drew 36C

    If you're not fit get fit. Most of the good areas are land locked by private poperty and only foot access is allowed. Be prepared to hike in across the private land to get to the hunting areas.
  21. scoutm

    Unit 10 tag holders

    Seems that the grazing leases just found a new way to generate revenue. Can't wait to see the lease rate increases to account for the new revenue they will be generating.
  22. scoutm

    Powder availability

    Don't know where you're located but sportsmans in tucson had a good supply of Acccurate 4350 when I was there saturday evening. Don't know how it compares to IMR but would suspect pretty comparible. Also had a good supply of R17.
  23. ace hardware on bear canyon now has an ammo section. they had a variety don't know if they had 243 worth a shot.
  24. Looks pretty good. It's pretty pricing so looking for real end user feedback. Anyone have one that can comment good or bad? For the money it should be outstanding. Thanks.