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Everything posted by scoutm

  1. scoutm

    Garrett's bull

    Great bull!! Congrats.
  2. scoutm

    Coyotes with hounds?

    I was watching a Fox Pro show a week or so ago and they were doing just that in Utah. It was the craziest thing. They would hit a siren (yes a siren like a police car) and if a coyote responded they would setup and send the dogs out to the coyote and the dogs would walk the coyotes into the stand. The dogs never really challenged the coyotes they would get just close enough to get the coyote to want to chase the dog off pulling them straight to the stand. At $50 bucks a coyote in Utah they paid for their gas, lunch and a pitcher of beer. Not to shabby of a day.
  3. scoutm

    37a and b javelina

    I wouldn't recommend the east side near the xrail entrance. Too many quad and motorcyle riders out there.
  4. scoutm

    FOR SALE 1874 Pedersoli Sharps 45-70

    Lee, that didn't take long. Next time though try not to leave a shadow that makes the picture look like a crime scene. Larry
  5. scoutm

    270wsm recipes

    I had my best results with R17 and 130grn Nosler BT.
  6. scoutm


    Looked like one killed on one day and two on another. Was that the case? How many days did you hunt?
  7. scoutm


    Congrats to all three hunters. Great Video. The over the edge footage would make me think twice and the vapor trail footage is unbelievable. Looks like a very physically demanding hunt but also looks well worth the blood and sweat. Is the $2k-$5K the access fee or is that for a guided hunt? Do you eat those things? I would imagine they have very tough meat and probably not the best table fare.
  8. scoutm

    The Buck I Never Dreamed Of

    You're not sleeping with the rack? You let someone else hold it for awhile? You must be crazy.
  9. scoutm

    Which Muzzle Brake

    Thought this was interesting. Very surprised to see the impact brakes could have on accuracy and on the rifle itself.
  10. scoutm

    36c info

    If you're not in good shape then get in good shape. The best areas are blocked by private property and are only accessible by foot.
  11. scoutm

    Advice on a model 700

    http://www.gunsamerica.com/921511627/REMINGTON_700_BDL_20_INCH_CARBINE_30_06_1964_STRIPPER_CLIP_TYP.htm# Something like this one?
  12. scoutm

    Well Deserved Buck

    This post broke my heart. I'm glad Dakota is able to find some peace from such a loss in the outdoors.
  13. scoutm

    Coueszilla, better to be lucky than good

    Gary - I must congratulate you on so many levels. Far too often a great buck like this gets taken and the green monster raises it's ugly head and accusations of the buck being shot out from underneath them or as you say the bucks get "sold out" to the highest bidder. I is refreshing to see that not happen. Helps to restore a little faith and hope. Congrats to you for finding the buck, working hard to find his sheds and then expressing a sincere congratulations to the fortunate hunter that was able to seal the deal. Good luck to you in all future endeavors .
  14. scoutm

    Tucson processors

    Wild Game Processing is great. I've used them a a few deer. I also use Stacy Thompkinson in St. David. He did my Elk this year and did a great job...the best summer sausage i've ever had.
  15. scoutm

    My Daughter Awesome Hunt!

    Ernesto - great write up. Congrats on two nice bucks!!
  16. scoutm

    Charouleau Gap Rd. Unit 33

    Never been up it in a vehicle...quads and motorcycles only for me.
  17. scoutm

    Charouleau Gap Rd. Unit 33

    I have not but in my experience coming in off the catalina side even with all the improvements they made to the road a 4x4 is required.
  18. scoutm

    The Tuff Luck Buck

    Congrats on an outstanding first coues buck!! In a world too lazy to get out from behind the electronics it's fantasitic to see a tough young lady stand up to the challenge and get it done. Complements to Dad on a job well done!!
  19. thanks who did the build for you.
  20. any details? Load specifics and rifle details?
  21. Leupold VXII 3-9x40 Duplex Reticle - has a few marks from scope rings – glass is perfect $200.00 Shipped/Insured. Badlands Hypervent Pack. Good conditions but does show some use. $90.00 sold pending funds Swaro Universal Digiscoping Adapter retails for over $300...I'm selling for $190.00 Rilfe Rest - I upgraded to a lead sled - $60.00 (buy pays shipping on this item if not face to face) Sold Pending Funds Weaver Stainless Steel Rings and Bases (post 64 Winchester Model 70 LA) $35.00
  22. Rest has been sold pending funds
  23. scoutm

    WTB vehicle for my 17yr old

    Jimmy - a friend is in the process of putting this truck up for sale. There's been a good amount of work on it to get it ready to sell. They haven't given me all the details so post it for them yet but something for you to consider. They're thinking somewhere around $3,500.
  24. scoutm

    Matthew's first pack out

    That's awesome!! Congrats. His comment about speaking elk is a classic. Can't wait for similar moments with my little hunter.