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Everything posted by scoutm

  1. scoutm

    Best Coues Caliber

    I didn't leave off the 25-06, I forgot it and when I remembered it was too late I couldn't make the change to the pool options. I have shot my 25-06 for lopes never deer but I know it would work great. I like with 115 grain BT.
  2. scoutm

    Best Coues Caliber

    Sorry for leaving the tried and true 30-06 out but in all my reading in this forum I very seldom have read about that caliber so I did not select it as a choice. I do question however the choice given the faster and flatter choices.
  3. scoutm

    Best Coues Caliber

    I couldn't agree with you more...it's all about shot placement!!! I have hunting buddies that I hate to see them shoot at game outside 200yrds because it's 50/50 as to whether they will hit the kill zone and then other that I have complete confidence in shooting out beyond 400yrds. I must admit though everytime I read about these 450+ yrd shots I alway wonder how much effort was put into closing the distance. I take much more satisfaction out of closing the distance and getting that 200 yrd shot than I ever would by making a 400 yrd shot for a kill.
  4. Great pics...how did you take them? Just Camera or Camera & Scope?
  5. Great Buck! I love it when I read about guys that find a buck, scout the buck and then bag the buck!! Way to go!
  6. scoutm

    A good day

    My best day was actually a weekend...a buddy and I saw countless deer many of them put on tape, turkey, two big horn sheep rams, bob cat, a bear, javalina and a mountain lion. We went back to the area for my hunt and found the deer we put on tape but while getting setup some other hunters busted the deer out.
  7. I'm in the market for a spotting scope but unsure about I should get. I'm not shy about spending money on items that will last me so my major questions relate to the trade-offs associated with power, weight, length digiscoping accessories and most importantly image quality & light gathering abilities. I've used scopes from 20x up to 65x and both have advantages and disadvantages. Any comments about your setups and what you like and don't like about them Thanks.
  8. Thanks for the feedback...any thoughts on in having a scope that reaches out past 60X is worth the extra weight?
  9. scoutm

    New to Area - Unit 30A Tips

    AZcoues_addict - well stated. In all these posts there is a point that has not been touched on - the same ranchers who are locking gates are leasing these public lands for personal/private gain. This much in part to the fact the land leases are at rates well below the value of the land use. I have oftened thought as a condition of their public land leases they should be required to provide the public access to the public land they are leasing.