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Everything posted by scoutm

  1. Sun Devil and I were talking and he thought an intersting topic/poll would be to find out how many different units people have harvested deer in. For me of the 7 deer I've harvested 4 have come from 30A. For Sun Devil each of his deer have come from different units. What about you?
  2. It looks like if you hunt enough years you eventually hit a fair number different units.
  3. Thought it was time to get a picture in my avatar so here's a picture of my first Coues. Shot it 10 years ago. It was my first WT hunt ever. I grew up hunting Blacktails in the rain forests of Oregon so at the time I had not idea of what I had or had done. When I had the chance to go the only gun I had in AZ was a DU anniversary addition lever action 30/30. I shot him on the run at over 150 yard with open Iron sights. My friend who introduced me to WT here said I should just quit as I would never do any better than this...both in size and shot. 10 years later I'm still working on getting close. He goes right at 100" +/- 1.
  4. scoutm

    Young and Dumb

    I know I need a cape but I want to shot the animal the cape comes from!
  5. scoutm

    Howa 1500 Problems

    You mean they aren't interchangeable???
  6. scoutm

    Fewer Deer in 30A

    c'mon, There are some great deer in 30A You can find them just the other side of the no trespass sign or just a ways past the locked gate.
  7. scoutm

    Howa 1500 Problems

    I don't believe it's the ammo...I have tried different Mfgs same result.
  8. Good luck to all those that have tags this weekend. I am packed and ready to go. All that is left is one good night sleep and 8 hours of work. I will be hitting the road with Sun Devil sometime after 4:00pm tomorrow. If you see us stop in and say hello - we will be in unit 33. Safe Hunting to everyone!!
  9. scoutm

    Shooting help!

    Go to the Pima Pistol Range. It has a 100yrd range for rifles. It's just outside of catalina. http://www.pimapistol.org/directions.html
  10. scoutm

    33 This weekend

    Buckshot - we did fill one of our tags. We had chances to fill both but one bad stock and one bad shot left us with one unfilled tag. Saw our share of bucks but nothing too big.
  11. scoutm


    10% skill 90% luck
  12. scoutm

    Seat for Glassing

    I took an old ridge rest hiking pad and cut it in half. When folded into quarters it fit nicely into a day pack and weighs almost nothing. One of the other benefits is that you can unfold it for that mid day nap to get some added comfort.
  13. scoutm

    Different Tactics

    I think the tactics don't change it's the location. If you hunt the same unit over the years you will find where the deer are in Oct. and where they move to once they are pressured.
  14. scoutm

    30A Dec. Tag

    You may want to consider an area just north of the Barboot Ranch. There is a locked gate but the rancher grants access if you call him. It's kind of thick. You can't hunt the private property but that's not a problem as the WT are on public land. Was in there a few years ago and saw some nice WT Bucks. Send me a PM and I will give you more specifics.
  15. scoutm

    Scouting in the rain

    Was out scouting 23 this weekend and got rained/hailed on. Saw very few deer. I hope it was the weather that had them down.
  16. scoutm

    Badlands 2200

    I have just purchased a badlands pack and the booklet that came with does yes to designed to carry a rifle but doesn't show how.
  17. http://s99.photobucket.com/albums/l302/sco...MBucks_0001.flv http://s99.photobucket.com/albums/l302/sco...MOVIE000411.flv
  18. scoutm

    $25 Bucks

    Went scouting this weekend with SunDevil and found 25 bucks from small spikes to a 100 incher, one Gila Monster and a above average rattler. Given all the bugs and wind we felt pretty good the weekend. We took many pictures...I will attempt to post mine later tonight. How was everyone else's weekend?
  19. scoutm

    2006 BULL

    Great video!!! Almost like being there...got the heart pumping!
  20. scoutm

    $25 Bucks

    here's the other monster we found here's the other monster we found
  21. scoutm

    $25 Bucks

    We saw more bucks than does as well. All the bucks were in bachelor herds and the does were all ones and twos. Hopefully this photo comes out. It was with two other deer we could see and one that we could not. My buddy tried to get close to take a picture and busted them out. That's when I saw the fourth one. It was the biggest - on the fly I'd say 100 +/- a couple inches.
  22. Thought this might be a fun debate...let the opinions fly!
  23. I've had the same success with the Win BST in 130 grain.
  24. scoutm

    Best Coues Caliber

    Man, not what I expected. I really expected the 7mms to be the caliber of choice. I never expected the 300's to be so popular.
  25. scoutm

    Your First Rifle?

    My first rifle was a daisy BB Gun. I took more game (Toads) with that gun than any other I've ever owned. We had an old man down the street that would pay me $.50 a toad because he loved fryed fog legs so much. Of course that was back in the day when $.50 bought you a soda, bag of chips and a candy bar.