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Everything posted by scoutm

  1. scoutm

    Which Spotting Scope ?

    http://www.swfa.com/pc-4309-45-swfa-20x65-...ter-system.aspx Kind of like this?
  2. scoutm

    Adding Turrets to your scope

    Wind drift is definitely a consideration/concern but if I'm understanding my scopes specs there should be ample windage adjustment to account for 10+ mile/hr wind so I'm not concerned that I will run out of travel in the windage adjustment. I pulled some information about wind drift for what I would think would be common loads off of Federals web-site and they are all very compariable and all within my scopes range. Thanks for the other forum information - I'll check it out and and see what I can learn from them as well. Wind Drift in Inches 10 MPH Crosswind @ 100 200 300 400 500 270WSM 140 Nosler AB 0.6 2.2 5.2 9.5 15.4 300RUM180 Bear Claw 0.7 3.1 7.2 13.5 22.2 300WBYA 180 Nosler Partition 0.6 2.5 5.8 10.5 17.2 7mm RM 160 Nosler partition 0.6 2.7 6.0 11.3 18.2 Thanks again for the feedback.
  3. scoutm

    Adding Turrets to your scope

    Most 30 mm tubes have enough travel for a flat shooting gun to reach 900-1000 yds real easy. The Huskumaw Scope I put on my 300 Wby Mag goes to over 900 yds on one turret revolution with a 168 gr. Berger VLD. Your best bet is to shoot a 7mm Mag., a 300 RUM, a 300 Wby mag, or something better balistics than those if you plan to shoot out that far anyhow. CnS The gun I'm considering putting the scope on is chambered in 270 WSM. The trajectory is similar if not a little better than the rounds you mentioned - depending on your choice of load. I already have the scope on a different gun but was considering making a swap to take better advantage of the the target turrets it has. The scope has a 1" tube and I just don't know about whether it will have the travel if I don't shim it or use +moa bases. I determined that from the factory setting I have about one and a half rotation before the travel ends. I have no intention of shooting game at those kinds of ranges but if I'm going to get the gun up for long range shooting I would like to do it right and have the travel necessary to get out to 800+ if for nothing else the ocassional long range target practice. Thanks for the help.
  4. scoutm

    Which Spotting Scope ?

    I have the Swaro 80 HD and I love it. Can't say enough good things about it. Another great option is the Nikon Fieldscope. SunDevil has one and I've looked through it many times. The Nikon will save you around $600 (I believe) when compared to the Swaro but it's the heaviest of the bunch. One plus though is it has a variable eye piece that goes out to 75x which on non-windy days is pretty nice.
  5. scoutm

    Adding Turrets to your scope

    When adding turrets to existing scopes or when mounting a scope with target turrets has anyone used a shim or +MOA bases in order to maximize the elevation travel - ie. puting +15 or +25 moa base or shim to force the the initial sight in to use up the downward travel so you can then re-use it or pick it back up for additional upward travel? Is it necessary or do most scopes have enough travel to get you out to the 800yd mark making +MOA bases or shims unnecessary?
  6. scoutm

    Tikka M695 in 25-06

    So have you moved this Tikka as of yet and if not, when are you planning on coming up to the valley as I live in the east valley. Fair price even if the weapon weighs more then I too would like. Rreply to me and lets work something out possibly. Thanks, Broken Wheels I went up this weekend. I guess we didn't time that well. Let me know if your still interested.
  7. My Parents brought me a box of old photos to scan and I came across these two. They are of mule deer taken by my Grand Parents in Eastern Oregon in November of 1967. I thought it would be fun to see what kind of big game photos everone else has of their Grand Parents' trophies.
  8. scoutm

    Game carrier for my Oryx hunt

    It's my understanding that you can't take a camera on range so if you want good pictures you can't quarter it up.
  9. Doug - Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a great day!
  10. scoutm

    Tikka M695 in 25-06

    I want to make a run up to Phx sometime in the near future would be willing to hand deliver if there's anyone interested.
  11. A friend from Oregon e-mailed these photos to me and said it was OK to share them. He didn't know a lot about the buck so there's no story to go with it but talk about a complete toad!! Since I don't know the guy in the photo blacked his face out.
  12. Doug - thanks for sharing your hunt with everyone sorry the outcome wasn't better but as many have said we have all been there. Thanks agian for allowing me to join you - I really enjoyed it.
  13. scoutm

    Red Rabbit

    Just got off the phone with Doug. He's found a few small bucks - spike, few forkies and one 70ish 3x3. He's moved to a new location and will be heading home tomorrow for the holiday then back at it after Christmas. He also said that Rica is having fun with the bird during the mid-day.
  14. scoutm

    Red Rabbit

    I went out with Doug Saturday evening, all day Sunday and Monday Morning. We saw some good country but no bucks. Saturday we weren't in the greatest spot but still saw if I recall correctly 5 does and 2 fawn. After it got dark we moved to a new location for Sunday and glassed up 18 does and fawns in the morning. Sunday evening the wind came up a little and we only saw one doe and fawn. Monday Morning the wind was blowing pretty good and we saw about 10 does and fawns. All he need is for one of those does to get hot and the bucks will start showing. Said he will be coming out on Friday and will be returning after Christmas if he needs to.
  15. scoutm

    Leftover Tag Pays Off!

    Thanks for bringing this back up. It was fun to revisit a great hunt!
  16. This year’s hunting season began as all do – with the debate over which hunts in what order should go on the application. Once decided in went the applications and the wait began. Of course we were skunked all around. Fortunately, one more chance and the leftover permit application went in – Success –A unit I haven’t hunted in many years and my hunting partner is less than fond of but it was a chance to hunt. We made three different scouting trips – August, September and October - The trips only offered up one good buck but again it was a chance to hunt. We arrived in camp Wednesday afternoon so we could try to locate a buck on Thursday that we could hunt on Friday. We were unsuccessful so we decided to hunt an area that I found a good buck in on the August scout trip – all we saw were two does and a fawn. Around 10:30 we started back to camp for lunch and to discuss our next area. On the way back, I saw a ridge that had good shade and was wind protected so I told Chris I was going to climb to the top of a hill that would give a good view. Chris wasn’t too excited about the spot but agreed to go with me. About halfway up the hill Chris had to stop to answer natures call (the real reason he wanted to go to camp). I went on up got setup and started to glass. I told myself to focus on the shade. The second tree I looked under I saw a deer. I could tell it was a buck but couldn’t tell how good so I pulled out the spotting scope only to find that it was a little two pointer but the scope also revealed the butt of another dear. I could barely see his head through trees but I could tell he was better than the two point buck. It took a minute or two but he turned his head just enough to tell he was a decent buck so I got up and called Chris to get up to me so I could put on a stalk. Once up with me Chris and I discussed our plan – we were around 900 yards away with two ridges between us and the deer. The first move was to get to the first ridge from where I could start my stalk. I went first and once over to the ridge and with the deer relocated Chris came and joined me. We were now just less than 500 yards away. Not being the sharp shooter that many of you are, I needed to get closer. After discussing many options we decided on the best stalk. Not expecting the stalk and shot to take long I went light. I only took my gun, range finder, tripod and binoculars. This proved to be a mistake. With gear in hand I dropped down into the drainage and up the other side. Once on top, I worked my way into a position that gave me a shooting lane. Once there, I had two problems – first it was around 1:00 PM full sun and I only had what little shade a small buck brush provided and second all I could see was his head. Not thinking it would take too long for him to stand I set my tripod up to act as my gun rest and waited. A half hour later the little shade I had was gone and the buck had still not gotten up. So, we waited some more. Another half hour later, no shade and my water back with Chris I was about cooked and needed to make a change. I looked around and saw an oak tree about 15 yards up the ridge that would offer much more shade but not as good a shooting lane but with the buck showing no sign of wanting to get up I decided to make the move – all I need to do was cross 15 yards with no cover – I knew I risked losing the buck but I needed to get out of the sun so I grabbed my gear and went for it. Now in the comfort of a shady oak tree, I called Chris on the radio to see if the buck was still bedded. Chris replied “Affirmative”. In position again, I set my tripod up as my rest and continued to wait. While we waited, I practiced different shooting positions to determine, given my position, which would give me the steadiest shot. Once determined, over the next hour, I must have visualized shooting the buck 50 times – I was ready. Having now been sitting in a shooting position for a combined total of two hours my legs were starting to cramp and seeing the sun was about the hit the buck which would surely get him to stand up, I put my rifle down and stretched my legs so I would be ready the when the opportunity presented. The second I did, I heard Chris on the radio – HE’S UP! I quickly grabbed my rifle put the cross hairs right behind his front shoulder and fired. As I was relocating the buck in my scope, I hear Chris over the Radio “Great Shot”. I relocated the buck just in time to see him fall. To all of those who helped me with this hunt thank you - Especially Chris who had the patience to sit on this buck with me for over 4 hours. Final score sheet – Located the buck at approximately 11:00am, 2 hours to Stalk to 203 yards, sat in shooting position for 2 hours and 10 minutes, double lunged at 3:10 PM. Great Hunt!
  17. I've used mothballs. They've done a very good job for me. I've put them under the hood of parked vehicles and I have tossed them into the nests - it doesn't kill them it just makes them move on.
  18. scoutm

    Unit 33 - Disapointment

    I don't...but others that don't like hunting will. It's not unreasonable to believe that the week after the october hunt the camp sites are a mess that hunters had something to do with it. It's also not unreasonable to believe when empty water bottles are left a choice glassing spots that hunters had something to do with it. All the other issues I'm sure hunters weren't involved but we will take the blame none the less. Because the do gooders take every opportunity to bash hunting we just need to make every effort not to help them.
  19. I was out playing in unit 33 up in Reddington Pass this Sunday and I have to say after a ride on my quad and a few short hikes I fully expect access to get cut off before too long and I won't blame any of the land owners for doing it. Nearly every camp site had trash left in them, I picked up eight differerent water bottles in areas that only hunters would be in, I picked up nearly an 18 pack of empty bud lite cans (could have been hunters or 4-wheelers) and I could have picked up 3 times that if I wanted my whole day to be spent as the trash collector. If this wasn't enough there has to be at least 5 or 6 new areas idiots are using for shooting and of course they aren't picking up after themselves. In two of the new sites a hot water heater and a TV set were left - I know hunters didn't do that but you know who will get blamed for it. I had to have also seen nearly 3 hundred empy shotgun shells left for someone else to pick up in areas other than the areas people normally shoot in. Then to put the cherry on top, we found a doe that was dead on the side of the road. We stopped to see if it had been hit by a car or not but couldn't tell for sure. I saw what appeared to be an entry hole in it's rear ham and the back side completely blown out so my money is on being shot. I called G&F but don't know if they got out to look at it or not. If you know anything about it please let G&F know. Some how we need to find a way to get people to be responsible for their actions or we are all going to suffer.
  20. scoutm

    ASU vs Oregon

    1st Support your team! 2nd Support your State! 3rd Support your Conference! So, I'm an Oregon boy that's an OSU Beaver Fan but there's only one game I look for the Ducks to lose and that's the Civil War Game. Now I have to say really I enjoyed the game...Good for the ducks, good for Oregon and good for the conference!!!
  21. scoutm

    Identifying objects with a scope

    I was in Utah a few years back hunting with my brother-in-law and his bother when his bother starting looking at other hunters through his scope. I informed him that when he did that he was aiming his rifle at the other hunters - he simply replied that he was trying to figure out what they were. I told him that there is only one thing in the woods that wears blaze orange and that's humans and that the last time I checked it wasn't human season. Later in the day when we were loading up the truck by bother-in-law asked his bother to unload his gun to which he replied it was. My brother -in-law said great then work the action. A five minute arguement proceeded and was ended with his bother working the action and ejecting a round from the chamber. Needless to say that was the last time either of us hunted with my bother-in-law's brother.
  22. scoutm

    Leftover Tag Pays Off!

    The unit isn't important...what's important is after some really hard work I was able to celebrate successs with a good friend - as witnessed in all the other great stories that can happen in any unit. Well said Larry. I hope to share a similar situation in a couple weeks with my father and/or good friend! Phil Phil - Given all the hard work you've put in I'm sure that will be the case. Have a great hunt.
  23. scoutm

    Fire Burning in unit #32 ???

    From the news report I saw last night they said it was burning "near" Copper Canyon don't know any more than that.
  24. scoutm

    A great coues buck

    When I took the mental tape to it I came up with 90-93. So I would say he's on the higher end of the range the author stated. Great buck though regardless of score. I really like tip of it's left main beam. Congrats to the hunter.