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Everything posted by scoutm

  1. scoutm

    Made the Best Out of A...

    Nice buck Phil. How old do you think he was? Looks pretty mature and well fed to me.
  2. scoutm

    Giant Buck!!!

    You sure that's not a Pygmy Hunter and a normal coues?
  3. I thought the thread on the shot/choke choice for quail was pretty good so I thought I would ask for those that shoot O/U shotguns how you have yours setup - which barrel you have what choke in and why. I like to shoot my lower barrel first with an improved choke then the upper with modified choke. No particular reason other than that's how I've alway done it. How about yours?
  4. scoutm


    It was a great day of hunting!! First time in almost 15 years of hunting that we've tagged out on the same day and one of only a few times we've tagged deer during the same hunt. (Excluding Antelope) Thanks for being a great hunting partner and congrats on another outstanding 4x4. I'm already looking forward to next years hunt!
  5. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE LOL yea after five shots an antler shot off and a bullet hole on one the buck ears LOL Were you goint to put a I.D. tag on it or a earring? If I remember correctly, that deer was already dead and as the ultimate test of a sharp shooter he decided to see if he to blow the horns off it's head.
  6. scoutm

    I really messed up!!!

    For turkey you are still ok. Simply apply for a fall turkey bonus point and your loyalty point for turkey will be maintained. I made an error on my spring turkey last year and that's what I did to maintain my loyalty point.
  7. scoutm

    spring draw results are out.

    Gould's Turkey unit 35A first hunt
  8. scoutm

    Wife's First Buck

    Congrats to you and Kristi! One heck of a first buck I know you guys worked hard for it.
  9. The 2010 deer season ended like no other season I've ever shared with my long time hunting buddy Chris (SunDevil). It's been a number of years since we've drawn a tag in our preferred unit and an even longer time since we've drawn an October tag. Going into our scouting we decided to scout a number of areas we felt were more remote and would get far less pressure than the areas we've hunted in the past. Our decision to go remote had us feeling optimistic about our hunt. Unfortunately, life had other plans for us and quickly put our optimism in check. We scouted Wilderness areas, extremely remote areas on some of the nastiest roads you can imagine and a few of our standby areas only to find fewer deer than in years past and very few bucks with most of the bucks being young and small. On one of our scouting trips I was fortunate to get some fairly good video of a young 3x4 that will be fun keeping tabs on. Should he manage to survive, he should turn into a really nice deer in a few years - one worthy of chasing. Here's some video of him unfortunately when uploaded to photobucket the video is a bit grainy. http://s99.photobucket.com/albums/l302/sco...hursBuck038.mp4 For our hunt, we headed out Thursday at around 4:00 A.M. for one last scouting day before Friday's opener. Since we hadn't found any bucks to our liking that justified going into areas we've never hunted before, we decided to take our last scouting look in an area that has produced good kills on past hunts and a few more near misses. Here are a couple of deer we've taken from the area: Brothers 2006 Buck My 2004 Buck This last look recharged the optimism I felt before scouting started. Shortly after glassing light, I found what I believed was a solid 3x3. He wasn't the 100 incher most covet but a good buck none the less. He was on the move so, disappointedly, I wasn't only able to catch any video of him. With a good buck located we decided to go after him the opening morning. Unfortunately, hunting pressure got the better of us and the buck was not relocated nor did we find any bucks mature enough to take. The next few days offered very little excitement. After a quick trip home to process payroll for my company and to restock supplies, Chris and I were back out Tuesday evening for an uneventful evening glass. When the last light of the day was gone we moved on to setup what would be our final deer camp of the year. Our new camp was setup in an area that neither of us have ever scouted or hunted before but Chris's optimism was high. So much so he stated he felt tomorrow was going to be a really good day. The alarm went off at 4:30 AM, we had a quick breakfast and after an hour long hike up hill we arrived at our chosen glassing spot ten minutes before glassing light. A quick changing of the sweat soaked shirts, a few pictures of the rising sun and we were ready to glass. Within minutes of glassing light we started locating deer – mostly does with a few small bucks mixed in. After a relatively short glass, Chris located a good buck. We glassed for a while longer from this spot but ultimately decided to relocate to get a better look at the cut the nice buck went into. After relocating, I decided to go look at some shaded foothills not far from our new location in hopes of finding a good buck for myself while Chris glassed to relocate the buck that was on the move. I quickly found two small bucks and several does. While watching a bedded doe, I saw a deer stand, turn and re-bed. It was only a flash but I could tell it was a good buck. I quickly ran back to where Chris was located, grabbed my spotting scope, informed him I had what I thought was a good buck and went back to pick the area apart. After about 30 minutes I couldn't locate him. Being cooked by the sun, I decided to return to the comfort of the shade a large oak tree offered at the location where Chris was glassing from. Fortunately, the location offered a great view of the area I knew the buck was located. So for the next couple of hours we alternated glassing the cut I knew a buck was in and glassing the cut we knew Chris' deer was in. Being mid-day and not expecting much deer movement, I decided to take a quick nap (one of my favorite parts of hunting). Just about to come out of my nap Chris informs me he had a buck bedded in the cut between the cut my buck was located in and the cut his deer was located in. I was convinced that the buck I had seen had moved cuts while I was napping. While we evaluated the buck trying to decide if he was a shooter or not I started taking video of him. http://s99.photobucket.com/albums/l302/sco...hursBuck033.mp4 While videoing the buck in the middle cut Chris proved me wrong about the buck relocating when he looked into the cut where I had seen my buck and to both our surprise saw two bucks up feeding and relocating bedding spots – then a third buck stood up. We were amazed – three cuts with not more than 1500 yards between them with 5 different good bucks. With some discussion of whether we thought taking one of these bucks would bugger Chris's buck I decided I wanted to take one of them. Before I set out, I let Chris know he had the call – if he thought it could mess up his hunt I would hold back with no regrets – he said a "bird in the hand" and I was off. I worked my way to within 300 yards, relocated him with my 15s and started to setup my rifle while he was bedded. I confirmed my range, dialed my turrets, extended my bi-pod legs got into prone position and checked him through my rifle scope. The scope was set at 4.5x so I cranked it up to 14x and rechecked the buck and to my surprise and like it was scripted he stood up and turned broadside. Not sure how long he would be up or if I would get another shot if I didn't take this shot, I fired. Fortunately, I decided to use my 25-06 for this hunt. The low recoil of this rifle allowed me to see the solid hit through his upper shoulders and the almost immediate tumbling down the mountain. I couldn't have been happier with the buck I was blessed with. Thanks to all those who helped on this hunt. The questions answered, the maps reviewed and the assistance in glassing all helped to make this a very enjoyable hunt. The assistance was and is much appreciated. Now, we need Chris to fill in some blanks and complete the Whitetail Wednesday story…..
  10. scoutm

    Corys first hunt

    Congrats again! Did you create a hunter for life? Sure looks like it.
  11. scoutm

    Whitetail Wednesday

    Ok, there are some much better "End of Story" pictures so let's see you post some of those.
  12. scoutm

    Happy Birthday Antlerdog

    Happy Birthday Jim!! Hope you have a great year!!
  13. scoutm

    Taking out my first youth hunter!

    Awesome!! Congrats to hunterbro and guide. Let's see some pics.
  14. scoutm

    Taking out my first youth hunter!

    Excellent. Will he join the forum as firstcoueswasafork?
  15. scoutm

    Colors of West Fork

    Looks like you have a couple of shots for the November 2011 photo for the upcoming calendar. As always, very nice.
  16. With .732" groups how much more accuracy are you trying to get out of it? I would ask what's the cost going to be to get another .25" out of it and will it really be worth it?
  17. scoutm


    If you use Microsoft Office Picture Manager you simply select the picture you want hi-light it in the file folder then right mouse button and select edit. If should open the picture manger and on the far right there should be a compress picture option. Select that and choose how much you want to compress it then save. If you don't use picture manger I have no idea.
  18. scoutm

    Yet some more Montana pics

    Nice Pics. Thanks for sharing.
  19. scoutm

    Whitetail Wednesday

    Thanks Simon and I don't think I need too as you just did. Have a great 1st BDay with Nolan. Thanks to everyone else for all the good words. Larry
  20. I put a bell and carlson stock on one of my rifles. I had it bedded and the accuracy really improved.
  21. scoutm

    Big Buck moved into next cut

    The video is much better than it shows. I don't know why but when it gets uploaded to photobucket the quality really drops. I don't know if photobucket can't handle HD video. On my computer it's nice and clear not grainy like it is on PB.
  22. Here's some video of a big buck SunDevil (Chris) glassed up on our hunt. Unfortunately he moved into the next cut before SunDevil could close the distance. The video was taken through my scope at 35x with an HD video camera on about 15x. At the time he was over 1500 yards away. http://s99.photobucket.com/albums/l302/sco...hursBuck040.mp4
  23. A. Working on the story and have to work on the pictures a little as an unfortunate sack is in every picture I have. B. No worries there - it's hanging in the garage well above the dogs reach. C. I've tried laundry soap and a general purpose soap with no luck. I will give Amanda's suggestion a try and if that doesn't work I will have to wait for it to go away.
  24. I thought baiting bears in AZ was illegal?
  25. Thanks. Amanda I will hit the pet store on my way home tonight and give your suggestion a try.