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Everything posted by scoutm

  1. scoutm

    A Mexico Hunt for the Books!

    Phil - great write-up and even better buck. I really like the new glassing platform - very nice addition to an already nice ride. Congrats, Larry
  2. scoutm

    Another great time in Mexico

    How was the salsa? When I was down there a couple year's ago we couldn't get enough of Justo's wife's salsa.
  3. scoutm

    Happy Birthday Red Rabbit

    Happy Birthday Doug. Hope Rica got you something special.
  4. scoutm

    It nevers pays to be...

    A woman from CA who was a tree hugger, a Liberal and an anti-hunter, purchased a piece of timberland in Oregon. There was a large tree on one of the highest points in the tract of land. She wanted a good view of the natural splendor of her land so she started to climb the big tree. As she neared the top she encountered a spotted owl that attacked her. In her haste to escape, the woman slid down the tree to the ground and got many splinters in her crotch. In considerable pain, she hurried to the nearest ER to see a doctor. She told him she was an environmentalist, a liberal, an anti-hunter and how she came to get all the splinters. The doctor listened to her story with great patience and then told her to go wait in the examining room and he would see if he could help her. She sat and waited for hours before the doctor reappeared. The angry woman demanded, "What took you so long?" He smiled and then told her, "Well, I had to get permits from the Environmental Protection Agency, the Forest Service, and the Bureau of Land Management before I could remove old-growth timber from a recreational area. I'm sorry, but due to Obama Care, they turned me down.
  5. scoutm

    It nevers pays to be...

  6. scoutm


    Have a great Birthday my friend!!! Wishing you all the best in the New Year!!
  7. scoutm

    This post is for the dogs

    Here are my two girls...
  8. scoutm

    140 Inches of Coues Bone!!!

    Great video. The air distortion the bullet creates is way cool. Also love how it appears the bullet drops off a table right into the old boiler. Congrats!!
  9. scoutm

    It has been bugging me…

    +1 Well said!! I know there have been a couple of videos posted of 500 yard + shots that first didn't need to be that far if a little effort to put on a stalk was given and second where multiple shots were needed to kill the animal. Does us no good when we post videos of questionable shots that show us wounding the animals followed by multiple follow up shots to finish the job the first shot should have and would have finished if an effort to get closer was made. I've been guilty of taking shots I shouldn't have and was fortunate to have had clean misses. I learned my leason from those experiences and I won't be repeating those bad choices. Great topic - thanks for posting.
  10. scoutm

    WTS "Headshot"

    Don't know how I missed this. Surprised you are selling it. I have shot this rifle and it most definitely is a shooter. The trigger takes some getting use to but with a little practice you could grow to love it. Good luck selling it.
  11. scoutm

    kitty update

    For some reason I'm thinking this is going to end something like this...
  12. scoutm

    Kimber - 45 ACP

    Here's what I found on Gun Broker - has 10+1 and 12+1 mags. http://www.gunbroker.com/Auction/ViewItem....?Item=205347867
  13. scoutm

    Kimber - 45 ACP

    I'm posting this for a Client/Friend. I think he may be a bit off on the price but I'm sure once educated about it he will adjust appropriately. He's looking to get $900.00 out of it. I know nothing about it other than it is a 45 and he didn't like it because it's a double stack so the grip didn't fit his hand comfortably. If interested PM me and I will get you in contact with him. Thanks for looking.
  14. scoutm

    Kimber - 45 ACP

    7/8 If there was a handgun with a 12+1 capacity 45 they would be a lot more popular. Like I said, I don't know much about the gun. He did say it was a double stack and as a result the grip didn't fit him well enough to want to keep it. I don't think it's a 7+1 double stack. I guess it could be a 10+1.
  15. scoutm

    May you still be around to hunt at 86 yrs old.

    When my grandpa was too old to really get out and hunt he planted a food plot across the creek from his back porch. He would sit in his recliner and watch TV and the food plot. He would have his rifle next to the sliding glass door and when a deer would walk into he food plot he would get up and shoot off his porch. The last deer he took he ended up driving his front loading tractor across the creek, rolled the deer into its shovel and hauled to the barn to be dressed out. He was 84 or 85 at the time. I hope I'm as determined as him when I'm that old.
  16. scoutm

    Kimber - 45 ACP

    I'm not sure but I believe it's 12+1
  17. scoutm

    Check out what I found

    Kind of looks like a cactus buck that went hard horned after it was killed.
  18. scoutm

    My late November buck

    Here's a couple more pics and links to a couple of short video clips. Unfortunately, as the sun went down I was having issues with glare and at the moment of truth the video is really washed out but you can still see some of the action just not the impact. I was surprised how long it took the small buck to get up and take off. http://s99.photobucket.com/albums/l302/sco...seysBuck016.mp4 Took the kill video down as it was pointed out to me that the F-bomb was dropped at the end of it. I will edit it out and repost later. My apologies for not having noticed it before I posted.
  19. scoutm

    My late November buck

    Congrats. Thanks for allowing me to tag along. I'll get a link to the video posted up as soon as I can.
  20. Received a couple more reports and all of them have been the same - Lots of hunter, very few coveys with small number of birds in the coveys that were found.
  21. In CA for the holiday and didn't get to go out for the opener - Any updates? Anyone know if there is reason for optimism this year?
  22. Sounds like it's been a little tough. I was pretty optimistic with all the rain the south had this summer...not so much anymore.
  23. I've been unable to get the smell of deer blood out of my backpack. I've soaked it and scrubbed it in soap and water but even after doing that twice it still smells of blood. The deer I packed out was in doubled up game bags but some blood soaked through and got into my pack. After washing twice there are no blood stains but the smell is still there. Thanks.
  24. scoutm

    Golden quail

    Could they have been the masked bob white quail they have on the refuge? http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http:/...ved=0CCYQ9QEwBg
  25. scoutm

    Two different Predators

    Ernesto - great way to spend an afternoon - congrats.