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About scoutm

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    Premier Member
  • Birthday 09/05/1966

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  1. I guess a sign of the times..... https://www.anglingtrade.com/2015/08/25/denver-post-dumps-its-fishing-and-hunting-coverage/
  2. scoutm

    Can you cool a barrel quicker at range

    Here's probably simpler design of the same idea - 1. fish tank or nebulizer pump - something like this... http://www.theoxygensuppliesshop.com/medneb-airial-nebulizer-compressor-system-mq5600.html?acc=cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da&gclid=CLeX3KS_l8cCFcNhfgodMeUE1g http://www.123ponds.com/06404.html?utm_source=06404&utm_medium=shopping%2Bengine&utm_campaign=googleproducts&gclid=CLmQg7DCl8cCFcOBfgodieYE-w 2. extra tubing maybe 10-15 feet - the longer the tube the cooler the air 3. cooler full of ice Connect tube to pump, coil majority of tubing in cooler full of ice - leave enough of tubing exposed so it can be placed in the muzzle and turn the pump on and blow nice cool are down the barrel.
  3. scoutm

    Child adoption

    I'm more than happy to share our experience with you. I will shoot you a PM with contact info.
  4. scoutm

    Bigger Than Last Year?

    Well done!! That's one tough young lady you have there - Well done on that account too.
  5. scoutm

    Straight vs Angled eye piece

    Much easier to look up the mountain with an angled eye piece.
  6. Here's one you may want to add to your list...First thread talks about the development of the new case and the second thread shows the field testing...it's and interesting read. http://www.longrangehunting.com/forums/f19/6-5-ss-final-design-109263/ http://www.longrangehunting.com/forums/f19/6-5-sherman-shortmag-field-test-116269/
  7. I had a .264 WM built for me a little more than a year and a half ago. I'm very happy with it - I love the high BC bullets available in the .264/6.5 caliber. The things I wrestled with when making my choice were magnum(.264WM) vs. non-magnum (6.5x284 Norma) bolt face, Short vs. Long Action and barrel length. As stated, I am happy with mine but if I were to do it again knowing what I know now (you can learn a lot in a year and a half) I would have made a few different choices. There isn't one single factor that would drive the changes in the choices I made its more a function of how the choices interact with each other. I went with a 25" barrel to save a little weight while sacrificing negligible performance - should have gone with 26" as there's no benefit to the trade off. Given the powders available you can get almost as much performance out of a 6.5x284 and fit it in a short action with a standard bolt face hence some weight savings and arguably a stiffer ("more accurate") action. I didn't go this route as I was concerned about the short action not accommodating the longer bullets in the heavier weights but this could have been addressed through an extended Wyatt Magazine. Many will argue that you can get more performance (100-150 ft/sec) out of the .264WM than the 6.5x284 but then you can argue you can get even more out of the 26 Nosler but what's the cost of that added performance - more powder, shorter barrel life. Knowing what i know now the cost benefit just isn't there at least for me. So to do it again I would go with a 6.5x284 with a 26" barrel built on a short action with an extended Wyatt Mag. I would have a slightly lighter rifle with almost exactly the same ballistic performance. In the end you really can't go wrong with either.
  8. Incredible story. I've only had the opportunity to meet Roger on one occasion and thought he was a stand up guy then and your story confirms it!! If there was ever a case for a set of replicas to be made and shared I think this would qualify. Well done by all involved!!
  9. Sound like I may have to look in to see how much my SLCs are worth. Thanks for the feedback.
  10. Thanks for all the comments and pm's they are very helpful. Very hard decision to make. Hope to get more insight so keep them comments coming.
  11. Has anyone consolidated their 10x42s and 15x56s SLC for the 12x50ELs?? How did it work out? Any regrets?
  12. scoutm

    So this is how it ends....

    October hunt is over....Congrats to all those who were successful and good luck to those yet to hunt!!
  13. scoutm

    Shiras Moose - Utah - Part 2 -

    Thanks for the comments. The meat has been all cut up and is ready to be picked up. Moose steaks for dinner tomorrow.
  14. scoutm

    Happy Birthday Cramerhunts!

    Hope you are having a great one Phil!!
  15. scoutm

    Happy Birthday Cramerhunts!

    Hope you are having a great one Phil!!