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About crotalus

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 09/24/1964

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sunny Tucson Arizona
  • Interests
    Hunting, Hiking, Golf, Herpetology, Toxicology, Venom Research, Reading, Being Alone in the Mountains

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  1. crotalus

    *Updated 9/5* Bear Skull Cleaning Finished!!!

    That's awesome. What whitener is he using? Major kudos on his getting his taxidermy license. Very inspiring young man.
  2. crotalus

    Cutting the cord part II

    My cable is outrageously expensive. I have Comcast and pay way too much a month. Let's just say if I cut the cable in one year I would have enough to buy my dream rifle 300RUM stainless steel with a really nice scope as well. I watch NFL games on my Verizon Total access acct. so that would solve football. But my other shows I could use the interweb. Good luck I might follow suit.
  3. crotalus

    Spainish Chorizo

    Looks tasty, I've found Spanish chorizo at some oriental markets believe it or not. Thanks for the post .
  4. crotalus

    Rica 2002-2017

    Oh man, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. My condolences. Ernest
  5. crotalus

    Aren't they beautiful

    Super! Congrats and best of luck. Enjoy
  6. crotalus

    Long overdue hello

    Scott, would you mind telling us what caliber you used for the hunts mentioned above? Thanks and congrats on completing your Capra World Slam.
  7. crotalus

    Where Am I?

    Hilarious!! lol, good one for sure.
  8. crotalus

    Long overdue hello

    Oh wow, what a nice surprise. Glad to have you back, I too enjoyed your hunt stories and passion for "the hunt". Welcome back Ernest
  9. crotalus

    Couple out of states 2016 coues

    So how did they like hunting coues wt in Arizona vs wt in Indiana? Nice bucks by the way.
  10. crotalus

    Veteran's Day Nov 11, 1967

    God Bless you and your family IA Born. The sacrifices that your family has made will not be forgotten, thank you for sharing. I'm a firm believer that challenges like this can make us bitter or better. My God give you grace and peace as you move forward. Ernest
  11. crotalus

    Happy Birthday IA Born

    Happy Birthday IA Born, hope your day was great. Any new herp news to let us know about? Ernest
  12. crotalus

    Happy Birthday Amanda

    Happy Birthday Amanda, enjoy you trip.
  13. crotalus

    who uses a GPS collar with their dogs? I love mine!

    Love that 8th pic down, looks like a Family Circus comic, lol. Ernest
  14. crotalus

    Prayer Request for My Mom

    May God give you and your mother a special blessing during this difficult time. God always has the last word. You and your family are in our prayers.
  15. crotalus

    Horn Hunter Fanny Pack Brand New $50

    Hey Redman, pm'd you.