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About zackcarp

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sierra Vista, AZ
  • Interests
    Anything outdoors and family.

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  1. zackcarp

    27 late rifle for disabled youth.

    We'll be up on the hunt prior to yours. I'll pass along any relevant info. Did you get any information on a stock outfit yet?
  2. zackcarp

    More youth success

    Awesome story. This is the stuff that keeps me coming back to CWT!
  3. zackcarp

    3 years curse

    Nice job Sherman!
  4. zackcarp

    Aurora and Comet?

    Took this one at work, the phone definitely made it more distinct.
  5. zackcarp

    Aurora and Comet?

  6. zackcarp

    Shes 3 for 3

    Nice job!
  7. zackcarp

    freeze dried food

    Do you add anything to your eggs to not make them rubbery? I thought about adding corn startch and seeing if that works.
  8. zackcarp

    Anyone else freeze drying?

    Yellow is rated for gas, if you have a choice between blue and yellow, get yellow.
  9. zackcarp

    Anyone else freeze drying?

    I would say no. At least my medium is not big enough.
  10. zackcarp

    Anyone else freeze drying?

    This video explains it. When you finally get a hold of harvest right, they'll tell you to do this step. I didn't rewrap mine because I just warm up the sensor when I get a vacuum error. It is dumb that with how much these things cost, and they still have some kinks to iron out. He removed the back, left and top panels. I just removed the top and back panels to achieve the same results.
  11. zackcarp

    Anyone else freeze drying?

    I had to pull off the shroud. The vacuum sensor freezes up. When you get the error code, rub it with your hand or hair dryer, itll kick over in a few minutes. Also, the drain valve should be replaced with a higher end valve.
  12. zackcarp

    Anyone else freeze drying?

    Its still in the 30s here in SV. We still need to wait. Old farmers tale, dont plant until the mesquites bloom.
  13. zackcarp

    Anyone else freeze drying?

    I have a black thumb bro. Haha.
  14. zackcarp

    Anyone else freeze drying?

    We've been doing whole meals for a couple months now. They turn out pretty good. My daughter has celiac, so finding a place she can eat on the road can be a pain. Now we take FD meals on the road and good to go. My kids love grapes, strawberries and pineapples as a treat.
  15. zackcarp

    Mathews VXR 28 bow RH

    Interested if falls thru.