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About rj112275

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/22/1975

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  • Location
    SW Missouri

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  • Yahoo

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  1. rj112275

    Glock Police Trade Ins

    Couldn’t find anything on the site that listed anything glock
  2. rj112275


    I saw where a guy is using ChatGPT and AI to respond to all the spam callers and waste their time for as long as possible. Genius use of technology. Y'all stay safe out there.
  3. rj112275

    WTB RL 23

    I have three pounds of RL23, if you’re interested.
  4. rj112275

    Good Guy Seller List

    +1 for AZMark. Definitely one of the good guys.
  5. rj112275


    I’ll take them
  6. rj112275


    Do you have the box and other stuff?
  7. rj112275

    Looking to buy Swarovski 15s

    Did you check with YoteBuster? I have a pair that I would probably part with.
  8. rj112275

    Custom 6.5 prc $2,700 obo

    Is the GW action a true short action, or medium action? AICS mags? Thanks
  9. rj112275

    Swarovski HD SLC NIB 10x42

    Price please.
  10. rj112275

    WTB Zeiss scope

    V6 5-30x50 with zMOA reticle. I’m about to trade up to S&B. Looking for $1400 shipped.
  11. rj112275


    Any interest in a Zeiss V6 5-30x50?
  12. rj112275

    WTB Swarovski 12x50 EL

    Guy over at long range hunting forum has a pair up for sale. He’s looking for a pair of 10x50
  13. rj112275

    Swaro 8x56 10x56

    Can you expand on the awesomeness of the 56s? I have the 8x42 SLC and the 8x56 intrigues me. Is the primary benefit, the early and late evening light gathering? FOV any better?
  14. rj112275

    15 X 56 Swarovski

    pm sent.