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About elkwalker

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  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, & Chopping Wood

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  1. elkwalker


    What’s the new price?
  2. elkwalker


    Still available
  3. Tomgobbler what state do you do taxidermy in?
  4. What if the buck is in velvet? How you not giving them up to be preserved?
  5. elkwalker

    Non-Res Deer tags sold out

    Happened last year just about every unit the quota was hit ending the hunt early
  6. elkwalker

    Non-Res Deer tags sold out

    It’s amazing to me for years otc archery hunters success rate has been in teens and twenties. Now every single unit is being shut down early due to 100% hunter success in these same units? WTF really y’all nonresidents are that good -WOW
  7. WOO HOO Dreams do come true! After harvesting my first Archery Black Bear I received an email stating" You are a King's Camo Spring Gear Giveaway Winner - Congratulations!
  8. I have finally gotten a Black Bear with my bow, after several years of failed attempts with dogs, sittin water, calling, spot n stalk, it was plain luck that did the trick. Actually after sitting water all evening I was headed back to my truck when I caught movement - this Brownie presented a top pin shot. He isn't one of the monsters that I've caught on trail cam but a beauty to say the least. G & F said its a 10-12 year old boar.
  9. elkwalker

    My 2016 Mule Deer, Ugly or Awesome?

    He's fricking awesome bro congrats
  10. elkwalker


    it wasnt right off Castle Hot Springs Rd I was using that as a reference for others to get an idea where it was. I'm not that stupid. It was 1/2 -3/4 mile off the road.
  11. elkwalker


    I've posted this on facebook,craigslist,hunting brotherhood so his ugly butt face is gettin around #3 my camera is in his hand look just below fingers you can see the bottom of the #10 It is a Browning not sure of the model 20-30 ft away QhunterAZ as for you and your fancy talk Abandoned- MY butt I LEFT THE CAMERAS FRIDAY NIGHT -HE TOOK THEM SATURDAY MORNING this hardly qualifies as abandoned last time I checked. You're commenting about shoot that you have no clue what is really going on nor do you care. You just want to put your stupid butt comments down to piss people off. Screw the laws, courts, police, & rules I'm talking straight MAN TO MAN FACE TO FACE shoot. This guy is the type of person that needs his balls blown off by a 12ga., an Alaskan Pipeline shoved down his throat and then water boarded. Obviously you are the same type of person condoning his acts and backing him up. Next time you go out let's see how'd you feel if someone took off with your RV or Tent and you came back to a couple of chairs. So in your eyes there is no such thing as RESPECT, MORALS, HUNTER ETHICS, or CLASS. ETC.
  12. Ok i need help identifying the following douche that stole 2 of my trail cameras 1/23/2016 9:33 am right off castle hot springs rd lake pleasant Az. Its hard to believe that someone would do this but he removed memory card from first camera and broke it into 5 pieces leaving it for me to find.Then he proceeded up the trail to steal both cameras as you can see in the last pic he is holding one of my cams in his right hand. Thank god he didn't see the the third camera. Reward offered if you can identify this piece of s--t you can claim the reward !! I WILL NOT REMOVE PICS THIS TIME I'M 100% CERTAIN THIS IS THE GUILTY PERSON