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Everything posted by brademan76

  1. brademan76


    Came out swinging like Brett Kavanaugh to those falsely accusing him.
  2. brademan76

    Coues rut

  3. brademan76

    Coues rut

    Fixed Also, who even posted this? It doesnt have a sign off.
  4. brademan76

    Anybody use call/rattle for rutting mule deer?

    Blow a fawn in distress, you'll get the does to run right to you and typically the bucks will follow.
  5. brademan76

    Furthest south you have seen elk?

    3yr bump... Saw a little bull today just north of 4 peaks in an area I hunt deer. Figured they wandered through this area from time to time but still a surprise.
  6. brademan76

    Mtn Lion Quota Reached

    I had no idea there was a quota in some areas!
  7. brademan76

    Technology and Animal Quality

    Maybe when quality drops to where AZ loses its luster and non-resident apps #s drop enough for G&F to notice, they'll make adjustments toward trophy quality. That's a big maybe though...
  8. brademan76

    Savage Arms B.MAG 17 WSM (AT) MATTE

    These are fun, accurate guns- great deal with the ammo and optic! Worth swapping out the stock for a Boyd's or something for whoever picks it up!
  9. brademan76

    Daughters 1st archery buck

    Good for her and congrats, dad! He'll be tasty!
  10. brademan76

    2018 pictures

    Thanks for sharing. Nice bucks!
  11. brademan76

    Great grandparents hunting photos

    Duggaboy, did your {.} key come unstuck and now your {!} key is? Not awesome............. BRADEMAN!
  12. brademan76

    Where am I

    Back in 'The Campfire' lighting the place up.
  13. brademan76

    Sonora hunters, good luck!

    Be awesome and shoot awesome, guys!
  14. brademan76

    GSP male puppies

    Donde estas? Very interested!
  15. brademan76

    Wanna see a huge buck?

    Stud. Are those the last pics you've got of him?
  16. brademan76

    Would like to sale this very rare deer mule mount

    Best thread of 2018! Way to sneak it in at the 11th hour!
  17. brademan76

    I want to hunt feral piggies, New Mexico?

    I saw as much on their website regarding pricing. They have hogs that have "escaped" or what? Is it within a fence on private property or blm or what?
  18. brademan76

    First timer

    You fill out this form at a CBP office and have verified with an agent not on your own. The form 4457 is to ensure you're not charged a duty on items that you didn't purchase abroad. IE: you register (on the form) specific items: guns, optics, jewelry, electronics, etc with customs prior to leaving the country. That way if inspected, you have proof that the items weren't purchased abroad and therefore you do NOT owe a duty on them. I've got no experience with crossing the border to MX on the road, but have been abroad by air to mexico and a few other countries with firearms and have never had to pull out the 4457 upon returning and going through CBP at the airport.
  19. brademan76

    I want to hunt feral piggies, New Mexico?

    Give the place a call and do some digging. Sounds like you'd have just about as good a shot spending a day with them as you would trying some of the other AZ/NM places where they might be.
  20. brademan76

    ISO Swarovski 15x56 HD!!!!!

    Do they need to be fluorite?
  21. brademan76

    What Church do you attend?

    Haha Bob drunk posting at 3am. Classic! Also...
  22. brademan76

    Anybody lose this today?

    Maybe they didn't have a tag