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Everything posted by brademan76

  1. brademan76


    Excuse the source of the video, but this is making national news and just adds fuel to the fire for the antis. We all know these lowlifes are poachers, not hunters but unfortunately most consider us one in the same. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/video-father-son-killing-mama-bear-cubs-sparks-outrage-just-disgusting-abhorrent-140807261.html Anyone have any context to the text at the end of the video? Sounds like pure propaganda...
  2. brademan76

    Check Those Mailboxes!

    Got something in the mail yesterday, was hopeful I missed a charge but it was just an archery deer survey. 😔
  3. brademan76

    Shooting of a road in AZ on YouTube.

    Pshh that old fad? I'm doing VR podcasts now. You can find em on my page HERE
  4. brademan76

    Shooting of a road in AZ on YouTube.

    Nice try but that was taken by someone else and not at my request either. There is another photo of me from that same packout in the fall 2018 issue of outdoor life where I'm taking a break facedown on the ground. 😉
  5. brademan76

    Shooting of a road in AZ on YouTube.

    Amanda, can we please to create an 'old fogies bitchin' subforum?
  6. brademan76

    Shooting of a road in AZ on YouTube.

    Meme of his girlfriend crying is gold.
  7. brademan76

    Bull Elk 22 South

    Have you already determined an area that you're going to focus your hunt? If not then you're going about this backward. I backcountry tent camp that area (lightweight as possible) during OTC archery deer hunt and survive and sleep just fine. Maybe something like that could be a "plan B" if the forecast calls for something ugly during your hunt... my $0.02
  8. brademan76

    Sig Sauer BDX

    Look up Swarovski DS. Only available in Europe so far. Burris eliminator tech was actually Swaro's and licensed to them for years but has since expired allowing them to offer directly. They had first shipment into US right around 1st of year, but delivery to dealers was delayed because of govt shutdown impacting (FAA?) approval of ranging laser placarding... allegedly https://www.swarovskioptik.com/hunting/rifle-scope-ds-5-25x52-p-c20050901/dS-5-25x52-P-L-p5380527
  9. brademan76


    Google how to make some simple pigeon traps and go to the nearest dairy and ask if they'll let you catch a few.
  10. brademan76

    January Malay Elk Rifle Hunt Advice

  11. brademan76

    Iso jet boil

    Johnson Outdoors owns Jetboil. They're anti-hunting?
  12. brademan76

    Iso jet boil

    This is what I used for extended trips in the bush- nice to be able to use multiple fuels: https://www.cabelas.com/product/MSR-reg-WhisperLite-International-Stove/1322147.uts I also have this for more brief trips- nice cuz it keeps fuel, stove, matches, fork, etc all self contained in the pot and is super efficient: https://www.cabelas.com/product/JETBOIL-PERSONAL-COOKING-SYSTEMS/2494256.uts
  13. brademan76

    Got One!! Lawn Mower

    What size of yard?
  14. brademan76

    Popcorn thread

    Capped em both in a closed unit and without a permit? Classic BC777 move
  15. brademan76

    well place shot

    Have you ever hunted?
  16. brademan76

    Popcorn thread

    Forgery and Insurance fraud? Holy crap! And according to that date, charges were filed prior to his bro coming on here running his mouth again. Maybe he'll come on to provide an update tonight that he was acquitted of all charges.
  17. brademan76

    Tracker sxs sold by bass pro / cabelas

    SxS and ATV line was just added to their existing Tracker business very recently so there really isn't much history or product review out there. They're made by Textron- so start your research there.
  18. brademan76

    Bull Elk 22 South

    Unless you killed it in Crispis and Kuiu it doesn't count.
  19. brademan76

    Hi-Ho Hi-Ho It's off to market I go

    Thanks for sharing guys. Super interesting.
  20. brademan76

    Hi-Ho Hi-Ho It's off to market I go

    Wow, I had no idea bobcats down here brought that much.
  21. brademan76

    Hi-Ho Hi-Ho It's off to market I go

    Interesting. Bummer that you didn't get a higher premium, but still nice to recoup a little for something you obviously enjoy.
  22. brademan76

    Hi-Ho Hi-Ho It's off to market I go

    So how did the auction go?
  23. brademan76

    Hi-Ho Hi-Ho It's off to market I go

    Makes sense. Sorry I didn't really look at he ones hanging that hard to see that they're also yotes.
  24. brademan76

    Hi-Ho Hi-Ho It's off to market I go

    any reason why you don't tube out the yotes the same as the foxes?