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Everything posted by brademan76

  1. Glad he was able to finally dispatch it. Too bad that scenario had to come about in the first place.
  2. brademan76

    Prickly pear fruit

    C'mon, you know Tres doesn't actually hunt, he just talks like he does.
  3. brademan76

    Early ballot

    My God, is everything a conspiracy with you guys, holy tits.
  4. brademan76

    This is why some people don't deserve to hunt

    Let's not get too carried away guys. This is someone who is obviously (most likely) new to what most of us have know all of our lives. He made a mistake and owned up to it. I'm sure we've all made mistakes in our hunting careers and you can bet we've all become way more skilled or way more careful as a result of those mistakes. No need to bash them and really turn them off to the sport and hunters in general.
  5. brademan76

    Getting ready for quail

    Walked the dogs this morning along a ditch that has lots of gambel's and with the nice breeze coming perpedicular to the ditch we were able to get a lot of good points and close flushes! Bring on some cool breezy days in Oct!
  6. brademan76

    Duck stamps

    Fresh flock of canadas? You must mean the snowbirds are already starting to arrive, cuz any canadas in the area are locals.
  7. brademan76

    The Wait Was Worth It

  8. brademan76

    Spot and stalk giant velvet coues!

    Mega sweet buck, man. Congrats on the trophy and awesome adventure!
  9. brademan76

    Spot&Stalk Mulie 2016

    Nice buck and gorgeous area!
  10. brademan76

    DP at it again

    I hired Steve and Aaron (the Gould Bros) to perform at an event in 2013. They are super talented, entertaining and all around nice guys that put on a helluva show. DP picked the right guys to help them out with this video. I still want to know how their shotguns are modified to help with the trick shooting. Its got to be more than just wide-open cylinders-especially since they're picking those 7-shot strings apart when the rocks are pretty close together.
  11. brademan76

    Never give up

  12. brademan76

    Your best days

    Reflection and soul searching can be good things, no doubt... but they can also lead to a total mind-fk. When I'm in a funk or upset over (all things considered) insignificant things, I quickly snap out of it by reminding myself of two simple things: 1. It could always be worse. (Considering all the people in the world and their day-to-day circumstances or horrific events they've lived through or been victims of) 2. None of us are getting out of this thing alive. (So make the most of what you've got to enjoy the time you do have)
  13. brademan76

    Green chiles

    Have a pot of green chile stew (pheasant legs and thighs from wild Nebraska birds) going right now for dinner tonight.
  14. brademan76

    New Camo???

    Gear junkies and Kuiu bros. .. Does everyone that owns something Kuiu also own something Yeti?
  15. brademan76

    No new bow this time!

    Those guys are the worst! They're like the guys who have to get the new iPhone every time regardless of the lack of new features and condition of their current one. ...And they all drool at the mention of Cam Hanes like trphy does at Hi Liter
  16. brademan76

    Who is ready???

    I almost thought it was a left-handed model 12 at first, then I recognized the ithaca-style assembly at the end of the mag tube and here you confirmed that. Cool gun.
  17. brademan76

    Paleo Diet

    Multvitamin FTW Truth on the veggies... reminds me of when people say, "oh but *blank* is a healthy food so its okay to eat (as much of it as I want)" like this one I heard the other day about someone justifying the peach cobbler they were eating, "but fruit is healthy and there's oatmeal in it too, so its kind of healthy." I had to restrain myself for slapping them before educating them. I've got nothing against peach cobbler, but don't be a dumb sh** and consider the fact that its a pile of carbs and fat and the amount of calories it is and how it fits into your overall for the day.
  18. brademan76

    Spot the animal

    Ya thats a good catch! I never would've seen it going through trailcam pics.
  19. brademan76

    Spot the animal

    Top center jumping?
  20. brademan76

    Paleo Diet

    NO. I can live on nothing but caramel corn and protein shakes and lose weight or gain weight depending on how many calories of it I consume. I could do the same with pizza or burgers. Or I could do it with legumes, roots, and "clean" foods. At the most basic level, its not a matter of what but how much (calories).
  21. brademan76


    Bangarang! Nice work Clay!
  22. brademan76

    red flagged

    click more information and then you can click proceed anyways.
  23. brademan76

    Who is ready???

    Nice guns! I really like the fore end on the 16, if it had a rib it would be primo (IMO). Nice finds!
  24. unless its part of your native camera app, I'm not aware of one. Google might give you an answer. Otherwise just take a screenshot, send it to your email/computer and edit out the phone details around the frame that you don't want in there.