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Everything posted by brademan76

  1. brademan76

    4B Roll Call

    Haha, I haven't even heard the podcast but 3 posts into this thread I thought to myself this must've been the case. Maybe the title of this thread should be the Jay Scott Fanboy Roll Call.
  2. brademan76

    Archery Mentors (Volunteers) Needed

    Thanks,Matt. I've heard from one person so far here and I'm not sure if they officially signed up. Wish we could get another 1 or 2 volunteers!
  3. If this violates forum rules, feel free to remove. Bowhunting Mentors Needed for Next Step "Retention" event When: Saturday, Feb. 25, 2017 aproximately 6:30am-12:00pm Where: Robbin's Butte Wildlife Area. AZGFD is conducting its 2nd youth bowhunting event as a "next step" for a handful of kids who have participated in the Archery in the Schools program. The intention is to introduce these kids to hunting and wildlife conservation by pairing them with an experienced archery/bow hunter to lead them around the Department's Robbins Butte Wildlife Area on a hunt for rabbits. We will meet early for breakfast, run over some safety topics, let the kids and their mentors get familiar with one another, do some archery practice, and then go stalking around the open grasslands and hedgerows looking for rabbits. The kids will be using the Genesis bows that they are used to shooting in the program. But, their arrows will be outfitted with a small game point instead of a target tip. After hunting, we'll meet back at base camp to talk about our hunting experience and have a game/meat prep seminar with a couple of rabbits - hopefully a few from that morning! The meat will be fried up and served along with lunch before the group breaks for the day. Overall, its a pretty simple, relaxed event that makes some kids very happy. I was a mentor last year and will be there again on Saturday. Currently we have 7 kids signed up but only 3 mentors. Safety, patience, and a good attitude are key requirements to making this an enjoyable experience for the mentee and yourself. You don't necessarily have to be a serious archery hunter, or have been that successful in your personal hunting endeavors to make a good mentor for this scenario. Please PM me for more info, or contact Kelsey Gerchar, Archery Education Coordinator at 623-236-7287, KGerchar@azgfd.gov<mailto:KGerchar@azgfd.gov if you are able to volunteer.
  4. brademan76

    Skunk Trap

    Why doesn't the pan connect directly to the pin that pulls the door? Seems like the mouse trap is an unnecessary piece of the puzzle...
  5. brademan76

    Feral Pig Eradication

    Wish they would use the same method on the burros in the rest of the state.
  6. brademan76

    finally took down the tree

    little full, lotta sap Also: You serious, Clark?
  7. brademan76

    Wilderness Athlete products

    Guys, don't fall victim to the marketing just because these brands are geared toward hunters/outdoorspeople. Its just an overpriced version of the same crap you can buy for much cheaper at any online supplement shop.
  8. Clay and crew did a great job with my wife's first trophy for the wall. Wall pedestal mount turned out fantastic, and turnaround was quick- 7 month!
  9. brademan76

    Sold please delete

    Why are you getting rid of it/what don't you like about it?
  10. brademan76

    Healthy eats check in

    Never heard of it, but thats the way I grew up and have continued to do it. Pots/pans of food on the stove/kitchen counter - load food on plate there, then go eat at table. Rarely did or do I go back for seconds. Go back to kitchen to take plate to sink and put away leftovers.
  11. http://www.archerywire.com/releases/394891/ Is this old news that I missed? Anybody have more pics?
  12. brademan76

    1st Mearns

    Nice work. They sure are pretty and make for some great pointing dog work! I hope to make it out after them 1 more time before season close.
  13. brademan76

    Gila Hollows Duck hunt

    Bummer... ya the moon sure was bright that weekend. If he's got trespassers who are impacting his business and isn't putting some effort toward prosecuting them, that just doesn't make sense and doesn't present a good image to his customers.
  14. brademan76

    Snow damage

    Shoulda consulted that civil engineer after all.
  15. brademan76

    The new boarder wall

    It sounds like the rifle has a new home in Hog Hunters safe. But its not cheating because... its his dog! (j/k road trip ref). But seriously its okay because God led him to keep the rifle... maybe there will be another need to raffle it in the future God said.
  16. brademan76

    Protein Powders

    Exactly why we can't hunt together... I mean if I can't post a hunting selfie with you on my instagram because you are soft, then the whole thing would just be a waste of time.
  17. brademan76

    Protein Powders

    Feel free to. I'm simply saying if you view it as fuel and not as a post workout dessert, taste will be a factor you can take out of the equation (or put lower on the priority list) when it comes to selecting the supplement. You enjoy the shot it your a$$, brah? No way, you get that shiz over with as fast as possible looking forward to your jacked and tan future.
  18. brademan76

    Protein Powders

    The best 3 have been mentioned. Don't sip it, its not to be enjoyed. Enjoying the taste of things too much is what gets most people to really need to get to the gym... Just slam it. Choc milk is just a tasty easily digestible mix of sugar fat and protein, the exact things that are in demand after most exercise-nothing wrong with it, just takes a lot of it to reach 20-30grams of protein... plus its not as portable as dry powder. Higher boluses of simple protein have become the norm for most of us since we are usually focusing on exercises that break-down muscle and we are looking for most efficient way to promote protein synthesis to repair and build. Optimum Nutrition Dymatize Muscle Pharm
  19. brademan76

    Vegas Shot Show pics

    SHOT show... its like groundhog day. So many companies offering the same products but each one of course has a special feature that none of their competitors can offer. Lot's of hunting/outdoor "celebs" walking around or doing appearances. About the only good thing are the "booth babes" that get hired to attract guys to look at product. My least favorite week every year. PS- I may have made a rude comment about the folks lining up for pics and autographs from the gold rush guys... sorry, David.
  20. brademan76

    Gila Hollows Duck hunt

    How'd the hunt go?
  21. brademan76

    PF Changs Oolong Marinated Seabass, With Catfish!

    Alright, sorry for the mixup. I can't remember on which forum someone said that, dang. Recipe sounds good BTW!
  22. brademan76

    PF Changs Oolong Marinated Seabass, With Catfish!

    Kev, I recall seeing another thread (can't find it now) about someone who had worked as a cook in a Chinese Food establishment in the past, was that you?
  23. brademan76

    The new boarder wall

    This is the real trajedy of building a continuous wall. Good for you, not bad for a recent transplant. But your beetle comment smacks of sarcasm? This is the campfire, almost anything I post in here will have a spritz of sarcasm in it, because there is too much puffed-out-chest, seriousness already. I am sincere in my concerns about how it may affect the critters though as I have a big heart for wildlife conservation. The "drill baby drillers" sure hate people with that viewpoint... until its happening in their covers.
  24. brademan76

    The new boarder wall

    The "liberal card" gets pulled around here all the time (well anytime you suggest anything other than the far-right that is the norm here) so I intended do to it comically. I actually agree with you 100% that it won't happen.
  25. brademan76

    The new boarder wall

    What about this disrupting natural animal corridors? I'm sure there is a beetle that would be driven to extinction or something, not to mention no more jags coming into the natural northern ranges... wolves too. Poor animals.