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Everything posted by brademan76

  2. brademan76

    Good Guy Buyer List

    blackout -- great to work with even with me being delayed half an hour to our meetup.
  3. brademan76

    Lansky Sharpening sys, Barnes 6.5 Prec Match Ammo

    availability updated
  4. brademan76

    This is how it happens....

    context or youtube link for those of us who don't waste our existence on that garbage social network?
  5. brademan76

    Thieves suck...guess I got lucky

    Unfortunately, if BO beat the thief down he'd probably be the one to get arrested.
  6. brademan76

    Good Guy Buyer List

    SOLO HUNTER 1998 is a good buyer to deal with
  7. brademan76

    short clip of something i have not seen before.

    Interesting. Cool vid thanks for sharing
  8. brademan76

    Nephews Elk

    Wow, very cool bull and a great hunt for M to remember! The score is the cherry on top!
  9. brademan76

    2019 OTC ELK

    Figured this had to be the scenario from the beginning of your story. CO OTC seasons are nuts with people nowadays. Tough to get away from the crowds. Kinda like the circus that 6a/6b can be. I've hunted Routt and San Juan, would do San Juan again if I were to choose between the two. I have heard good things about Grand Mesa and Gunnison. Good luck and surely with a solid plan you guys are going to have an enjoyable time regardless of success!
  10. brademan76

    Lansky Sharpening sys, Barnes 6.5 Prec Match Ammo

    bump - prices updated
  11. brademan76

    GSP looking for new home

    Great looking pup, where'd you get her originally?
  12. brademan76

    Whole Foods Partners with HSUS - Must Read!!!

    dang, now you're onto something! It did cross my mind to snatch the notebooks on the way out...
  13. brademan76

    Whole Foods Partners with HSUS - Must Read!!!

    Posted this in the hunting politics forum. They know that crowd is ripe for their BS.
  14. brademan76

    Elk empenadas

    Sweet, was going to ask for the chimichuri sauce recipe, thanks! I love empenadas and venison is perfect for them. I buy the frozen discs of empenada dough.
  15. brademan76

    Lansky Sharpening sys, Barnes 6.5 Prec Match Ammo

    arrows sold pending follow-through
  16. brademan76

    Ice Coolers

    Does this really have to be a quarterly topic?
  17. brademan76

    On top of the world at 5700 feet!

    Awesome buck, lots of cool character in his antlers. A true story of persistence, great job!
  18. Saw this unfortunate git outside of whole foods a couple of weeks ago. Before the ridicule- its the first time wife and i have been in over 3 years- we wanted to see how the Amazon purchase changed selection and prices- not enough for me to visit again any time soon. You should've seen all the people stopping to sign. Its too bad our legislative system doesn't allow for the gathering of counter-signatures to prevent the initiative from making to the ballot.
  19. brademan76

    Lansky Sharpening sys, Barnes 6.5 Prec Match Ammo

    Most, ya. I'm still doing okay in Dogecoin tho
  20. Haha, great story with a happy ending. Cool bull too!
  21. I'd love to review the video, however it isn't working for me. Anyone else?
  22. awesome, congrats on the first with your pup! Hopefully you get out with her a few more times before season close and some afterward without a shotgun.