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Everything posted by core2

  1. core2

    NM vs AZ

    Grew up in southern NM, lived in AZ for the last 10 years. Both states have their positives and negatives as outlined in the posts above but my thoughts have always been NM is just a slower pace of life compared to AZ. I'm betting NM is like AZ was 30 years ago but I can't speak to that. I love both states for a lot of reasons and AZ is my home now and probably will be for a while but when I want to find a nice quiet place to die it will be on a mountaintop in NM.
  2. core2

    Hit a good bull in 7 west coulndt find him

    I see coyotes hiking in 7w regularly. I've been followed from a distance a few times. Never seen any cougars or bears up there though.
  3. core2

    sheds :)

    Nice load!
  4. core2

    Hit a good bull in 7 west coulndt find him

    Saw some big boys in 7w hiking around today. Heard a few shots and lots of bugling. I did find a fresh spike kill, looked like something had been eating it.
  5. core2

    ATL from Aug

    ATL I grabbed in August. Lots of young bulls hanging around this spot.
  6. core2

    East Valley Buyers

    What is a small amount?
  7. core2

    Good day

    Found a few today here in AZ and glassed a bunch of bulls. One looked to be 320+ but didn't see his sheds unfortunately.
  8. core2

    Good day

    Struck out near Payson two weeks ago but had a lot better luck today in another part of the state. I found a honey hole for sure. I carried the 4 below down and had to leave 3 chalks up there but I have their coordinates and will be back. Very stoked to find a nice big set.
  9. core2

    Article about shed "poachers"

    My shed buyer in NM got approached to be on the Shed Wars pilot. Not sure why he didn't do it. He said he wasn't very impressed by the hunters they showed.
  10. core2

    Article about shed "poachers"

    I wonder what it is like hunting sheds up there? Sounds insanely competitive, they probably clean the woods out in the first few days?
  11. core2

    Good day

    Made a trip down to NM and sold off the pile I accumulated in June. We did some hiking with the thought we may get lucky and find a leftover elk shed but the 4 ft tall grass and weeds said otherwise. I did pick up two deer sheds. I've never seen it so green in southern NM, what a contrast from a few years ago.
  12. core2

    Good day

    Honey hole still producing. Very specific elevation range seems to be the key.
  13. core2

    Shed porn from NM

    A few from my brother and his buddy from Prime Tine Antlers in Southeastern NM. All from this season. They get after it down there.
  14. core2

    Good day

    Today I found the other half to the big brown I found a few days ago.
  15. core2

    Good day

    Returned to the honey hole today. Success!
  16. core2

    sheds :)

    Nice work!
  17. core2

    Shed porn from NM

    380 set found today. (not me in pic)
  18. core2

    Good day

    I was wondering how they ended up like that. Thanks.
  19. core2

    Shed porn from NM

    Yeah it was bedded or had a kill/trash bag nearby.
  20. core2

    Shed porn from NM

    http://www.kob.com/article/stories/s3814388.shtml There have been two bear attacks on shed hunters only a few miles from where we were hunting in the Capitans a few weeks back. One of the guys we hunted with was with the guy who got attacked in the linked article. His radio was stuck on the whole time so he heard his buddy fighting the bear off as he ran 150 yards through the brush to get to him. Neither had guns, not sure why. Another attack happened a few days ago in the same area and this time the bear was shot. Be careful out there.
  21. core2


    I'd be glad to trade some NM shed spot info for some AZ info. Looking for Flagstaff area specifically. Shoot me a PM if interested.
  22. core2

    Shed porn from NM

    A few from this weekend in NM. We hiked a lot of miles through some mean vegetation in a new area. Nice to find some freshies but not worth the cholla and rattlesnakes!
  23. core2

    Shed porn from NM

    Scored out at 378.
  24. core2

    First AZ sheds

    First time ever shed hunting in AZ and we found one brown, one chalk, and a couple old chewed up pieces. Not too bad for a first shot and being late to the game I guess. Hunted around north of Flag, saw plenty of elk but not a single deer or deer shed. Is that odd?