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Everything posted by cjl2010

  1. cjl2010

    WTB: Federal 215 Match Primers

    Haha all I need is a 1000 and I'll be good for a bit. I would trade some h4350 or h1000
  2. cjl2010

    Couple questions

    Thanks guys. Appreciate it
  3. cjl2010

    Shooting Techniques

    Bob beck has that rear support system that only weighs 4 ounces I believe
  4. cjl2010

    I-17 Labor Day

    Seen some terrible stuff but have never seen that. Sounds terrible.
  5. cjl2010

    I-17 Labor Day

    I took the picture and he did the texting
  6. cjl2010

    I-17 Labor Day

    I was coasting in neutral to a stoplight.
  7. cjl2010

    I-17 Labor Day

    You poor bastards are always in traffic!!! If I wasn't driving I would try to fix the picture
  8. How late are you open till?
  9. cjl2010

    I-17 Labor Day

    Haha that place is trash
  10. cjl2010

    I-17 Labor Day

    I wish rye was a happening place.. Then maybe people would stop there and not come to payson
  11. cjl2010

    Which brass?

    I have a 100 210m I picked up the other day for trading purposes. I might come back down next weekend and if I do I'll give em to you
  12. cjl2010

    Which brass?

    cell4soul where are you located?
  13. cjl2010

    I-17 Labor Day

    That's why I go to the valley on holiday weekends... Dang flat landers
  14. cjl2010

    But you didn't

    Makes me laugh when you see these guys walking out of the store with reconyx cameras.
  15. cjl2010

    But you didn't

    Hard to believe guys still post about stolen cameras. Until society chops off some hands in town square nothing will change. These threads do get exciting though so carry on.
  16. cjl2010

    But you didn't

    Can't believe I waited 16 days for that picture.
  17. cjl2010

    Powder for sale

    What lot # is the h1000?
  18. cjl2010

    No Longer For Sale

    Helping a buddy glass tomorrow so more than likely I will just keep them. Thanks
  19. cjl2010

    No Longer For Sale

    Just got these back from cleaning. They are spotless. Will include bag, neck strap, objective covers, and Swarovski tripod adapter (not pictured). I'm located in Payson but can deliver to Mesa area on most weekends. 1650 obo thanks
  20. cjl2010

    No Longer For Sale

  21. cjl2010

    Stone Glacier Backpack

    He definitely knows what he is doing!!
  22. cjl2010

    Stone Glacier Backpack

    Kifaru customer service is what sold me. Not saying the others are bad but I've spoke with Aron multiple times and he was always willing to help. Good luck with your decision, there is lots of info out there.