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Everything posted by cjl2010

  1. cjl2010

    WTS: Outdoorsmans Dual Mount

    Yes sir. You get your binos and spotter lined up and tighten everything up. When you find something with your binos you throw your spotter on real quick and you are lined up already
  2. cjl2010

    WTS: Outdoorsmans Dual Mount

    Bump. Make an offer
  3. cjl2010

    WTS: Outdoorsmans Dual Mount

    I can ship it as well
  4. cjl2010

    WTS: Outdoorsmans Dual Mount

    Cliff 928-978-5053
  5. cjl2010

    Reminder - AZDFG Not Calling This Year

    I'm not concerned. Would just be a nice option to have. Kind of like birth control. I fully trust pulling out but it's nice to know you have that backup plan.
  6. cjl2010

    Reminder - AZDFG Not Calling This Year

    How hard would it be to make sure your card is updated? How hard is it to have your bank freeze your acct because they thought something else looked suspicious and now your card is toast within a few minutes. Would be really nice to have a secondary card on file to cover your butt.
  7. cjl2010

    4B Roll Call

    That the unit darr's boy killed in last year?
  8. cjl2010

    Pointguard problems

    Nothing like waiting till the last minute then complaining about issues.
  9. cjl2010

    Looking to team up

    Flatlander, out of curiosity what do you gain putting in with another applicant?
  10. cjl2010

    Looking to team up

    Dang we could of put in 22s late rifle together!!!
  11. cjl2010

    rear rifle support question

    I was gonna buy a medium kifaru 500d pullout. It weighs 1.5 oz. any idea what I could fill it with?
  12. cjl2010

    WTB 15x56 zeiss or swarovski

    Did you ever get set up with some 15s? I'm headed to the valley this weekend and could bring my non hds down for you to look at. I can let them go for 1600 including tripod adapter
  13. cjl2010

    RTIC coolers

    They didn't completely remove the competition. Arctic will still be around they just have to redesign their stuff. Their site said they have new additions to their line coming out approximately May of this year. I don't blame them for lawyering up. RTIC pretty much made an identical product.
  14. cjl2010

    12x50 Razor or Swaro 15x56 SLC

    Thanks, but just working on a bino upgrade right now. You got it man. He also has 10x42 el swaro visions for 1500.
  15. cjl2010

    12x50 Razor or Swaro 15x56 SLC

    If you are interested in a spotter I just replaced my spotter. Swaro 65 but HD this time. $1600 at optics4rent.
  16. cjl2010

    Interesting Pair 😄

    how do you release a skunk?
  17. cjl2010

    RTIC coolers

    i read in the reviews the lid didnt stay up edit: i just checked the 45 that i got and the lid stays up just fine. Both 65s I bought the lids stay up
  18. I've had good luck using hsm ammo. I believe they load a 140 Berger for 7/08
  19. I've got an 08 6 speed that's been great so far. I'm worried one day payson will have to do emissions testing.
  20. Curtis I'm with you. After my diesel dies I think I'm going back to a gas truck. Like you said owning a diesel has become more of a hassle for little added benefit.
  21. cjl2010

    Trap and skeet newbie

    Semi auto