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Everything posted by cjl2010

  1. cjl2010

    Public Range Frustration

    This was 3 weeks ago. Problem still exists
  2. CDL here too. Sounds like if insurance is going to get you then you might as well pay the fine and carry the points if you aren't the type of driver to get pulled over often.
  3. cjl2010

    Public Range Frustration

    We used to shoot ground squirrels off the bluffs but then the range dudes put an end to that. Be careful on the 300 range if there are guys on the pistol bay #6. Dad and I were dodging slugs flying down the road
  4. cjl2010

    Hearing Protection

    Right on man. I usually buy mine on amazon. I just can't get along with muffs. I sweat too much and they hit the stock when I shoot.
  5. cjl2010

    Hearing Protection

    I push them in firm and that usually is enough to squish em and let em expand.
  6. cjl2010

    Hearing Protection

    I keep 2 pairs of these in my guide lid. When I'm making the final stock I put them on my hat and when it's time to shoot they are already on my head so I pull them down and good to go
  7. Good thinking. I bought a crib mattress for my dogs. They destroyed regular dog beds and a crib mattress was only $40 at Walmart But that's an outside doghouse bed. Mine won't eat the inside bed
  8. cjl2010

    Kifaru emr2

  9. Just watched some dude on YouTube for 20 min. Looks like a part time job!!
  10. cjl2010

    Kifaru emr2

  11. cjl2010

    Rim camping/fishing

    The state could use some rain!
  12. cjl2010

    Rim camping/fishing

    I guess it's just closed from rim to highline trail
  13. cjl2010

    Rim camping/fishing

    Haha like a dummy I picked this weekend to bring the wife and kid down to see nana!!!! So does that mean your house is open for the weekend?? lol Ha it could be. I'll quit picking up dog poop if your going to come stay!!
  14. cjl2010

    Rim camping/fishing

    I called the Tonto National Forest 2 days ago and they said there were no closures. I asked about the Control rd and they told me no closures north of the control rd. I called so I wasn't making a wasted trip hanging trail cams. TJ Right on TJ, Never can believe everything you hear in payson.
  15. cjl2010

    What is making these drag marks?

    Looks like trphyhunter at denim n diamonds
  16. cjl2010

    Hunts for Heros, Point Guard, and CC Update Deadline

    If you don't buy point guard, and you donate your tag to hunts for heros, do you still keep your points?
  17. My Christensen barrel is done on the barrel itself in the carbon, but it was chambered by them.
  18. Rotary? Laser? Was just wondering what they do and if they have to be careful not to go to deep.
  19. cjl2010

    Rim camping/fishing

    No worries. Would hate to have you drive all the way up there to not be able to enjoy it. I haven't read the closure so I would double check for yourself.
  20. cjl2010

    Rim camping/fishing

    Haha like a dummy I picked this weekend to bring the wife and kid down to see nana!!!!
  21. cjl2010

    Rim camping/fishing

    Pretty sure north of control road and on top of the rim is closed
  22. cjl2010

    Rim camping/fishing

    I believe the forest is closed
  23. Lance, any idea how they engrave those carbon barrels for cartridge?
  24. cjl2010

    Helinox Chair for Glassing?

    Leaning forward like that does look a little uncomfortable So does glassing with one eye
  25. cjl2010

    hey Amanda this is a crock of shoot...

    Elk results have been out for a while now... why is everyone still so sensitive??