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Everything posted by cjl2010

  1. cjl2010

    Big Bull Elk from 23

    Hope his truck doesn't get stolen
  2. cjl2010

    Hunting beards

    Even the worst of beards start to look good if you let them grow long enough. I work in waste water treatment, if the beard gets too long I start fearing what might be trapped in there. With a 4 month old bambino I've learned shorter is better, he doesn't let go!!
  3. cjl2010

    Lead Sled DFT or DFT2

    Blew 2 scopes up on my old 30-378 using a lead sled
  4. cjl2010

    Kifaru emr2

    TTT $250
  5. cjl2010

    Outdoorsmans Chassis SA

    TTT make reasonable offer!!
  6. cjl2010

    Stolen custom rifle

    That's why I drive a dodge. No one wants to steal one of those.
  7. 6.5 creedmoor. Berger gave me load data for 140 hvld and reloader 26 at 2917 fps. Plenty for cow elk and lots of match ammo available for when he leaves the nest.
  8. Added pan head for you
  9. If you close HD 15s all the way with the low adapter the barrels will touch my head
  10. I use low for my 15s. They both work fine. My el range require the high.
  11. cjl2010

    Outdoorsmans Chassis SA

    $420. Bump
  12. cjl2010

    Learning to use a Diaphragm Call

    Gritty bowmen just released an episode with phelps on calling elk
  13. cjl2010


    I think it may be possible to still do this through an outfitter. I plan to do this in 2018 or 2019. I couldn't afford to put in yet due to all the other "upgrades" to hunting gear this year. I haven't tallied my expenses yet, but I am pretty sure it is pushing $10k in gear thus far.....thankfully those expenses are almost done for the year. If you want to try to put something together for the next couple of years, let me know. I'd be up for a DIY hunt, but I have heard it will be difficult and it would be tough to scout that far away. I'll keep in touch
  14. cjl2010

    Learning to use a Diaphragm Call

    How could I forget about chappel!! Phenomenal elk caller
  15. cjl2010


    Oh ok. Is OTC still an option?
  16. cjl2010


    Bump. When is the deadline to put in for February 2018 hunts?
  17. cjl2010

    Learning to use a Diaphragm Call

    I believe there are some YouTube vids of Corey Jacobsen. He is the real deal when it comes to calling. Hunter was telling me jay Scott is quite the elk caller as well but not sure if he has any videos or recordings on his podcast.
  18. cjl2010

    Outdoorsmans Chassis SA

    Chassis plus action screws came out to 2.2lbs on a bathroom scale
  19. As said earlier, pears are usually still pretty green this time of year.
  20. cjl2010

    Map app

  21. I haven't been in the pears yet this year. I've hiked quite a bit below the rim and there were acorns everywhere and lots of bear sign. From my experience bears would rather be in the cool country eating acorns if they are available. Not saying there won't be bears in the pears.
  22. cjl2010

    Tripod/ Outdoorsman Pistol Grip help!

    Buy a quick adapter, buy one threaded dovetail for your pistol grip, and buy a dovetail with 1/4-20 cap screw for the bottom of your manfrotto. You can use both by loosening wing nut and switching them out
  23. cjl2010

    Tripod/ Outdoorsman Pistol Grip help!

    Panning attachment is another option
  24. cjl2010

    Outdoorsmans Chassis SA

    425 obo Or trade options towards premium #4 ss barrel in .264/.284.