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Everything posted by cjl2010

  1. cjl2010

    Sitka blacktail

    Sounds awesome edge! Sneaker, the bear situation seems sketchy
  2. cjl2010

    Sitka blacktail

    Thats not bad at all. Is that sleeping in a tent?
  3. cjl2010

    Sitka blacktail

    Been seeing a lot of it on the hunting channel. Looks like certain times of the year its similar to coues hunting. Vantage points and glassing. Looks like a freaking blast! Any of you guys care to share what a guy would be looking to spend to go on a hunt like this? I know ammentities vary but just a ballpark figure.
  4. cjl2010

    Does everyone have their popcorn ready??

    Haha flatlander you are never going to hear the end of that little bull 😂😂
  5. cjl2010

    Water Treatment Operators

    About like guys with college degree I just started working on my certs. If your going to be in the water/waste water industry you might as well plan on getting them. dang! No official college here. Ive just been fixing things for the past 18 years. If the money is good, Ill get the certifications.I dont believe they will not let you test for grade 1 without completing 30 credit hours (certificate of completion in water technology). Gateway CC wont.I took my collections 1 test couple months ago. Never took 1 college class.
  6. cjl2010

    Water Treatment Operators

    Sorry will, Bump for guys looking for work!!
  7. cjl2010

    Water Treatment Operators

    About like guys with college degree I just started working on my certs. If your going to be in the water/waste water industry you might as well plan on getting them. dang! No official college here. Ive just been fixing things for the past 18 years. If the money is good, Ill get the certifications. If you have lots of expierience its worth calling Noah at adeq and seeing about petitioning to take a test for a higher level. The test are expensive so make sure you study!
  8. cjl2010

    Water Treatment Operators

    You can petition ADEQ if you have education or lots of experience in the field. Anybody can take a grade 1.
  9. cjl2010

    Water Treatment Operators

    About like guys with college degree I just started working on my certs. If your going to be in the water/waste water industry you might as well plan on getting them.
  10. cjl2010

    Water Treatment Operators

    They are expensive now! And man they are strict about them
  11. cjl2010

    Water Treatment Operators

    Adeq certs
  12. cjl2010

    Rem 700 Semi Custom 7stw

    Open to trades for swaro 15 HD
  13. Ill save weight elsewhere. Optics are a place Im not willing to cut weight. All high end optics are generally on the heavier side.
  14. Have any of you suppressor guys compared a Crux to a TBAC?
  15. Isnt it fun. When you start paying more for optics than your first car it gets really fun
  16. cjl2010


    Man thats good to hear! Im still so torn on the 5vs7! I think Ill get the 7 to be safe and maybe later get a 5 like your doing
  17. cjl2010

    Max Sheep Point Holders

    There is nothing about sheep that excites me. Drawing the tag seems to be the toughest part from an outsiders prospective. Plus its always fun to see you sheep guys get all irritated
  18. cjl2010

    No Respect!

    Try camping when you don't have a forest. Just have to bring your own wood.
  19. cjl2010

    No Respect!

    Do you still have that fat girl on yours?
  20. cjl2010

    Max Sheep Point Holders

    I would be more excited to draw a 22 December coues tag than a sheep tag. Guess Im alone on that.
  21. cjl2010

    No Respect!

  22. cjl2010

    Pull Up and Dips Excercise System

    Look at all the clothes you could hang from that thing!
  23. cjl2010

    Anyone here go to the AZ Long Range PRS Matches?

    Sounds like a lot of pressure! Is there an option for a fun run?
  24. cjl2010

    Max Sheep Point Holders

    Sheep hunting is waaay over rated. Long hours behind the glass, few animals, steep mountains, ugly scenery, taxidermist bills, lifetime memories. You probably wouldn't like it anyway. Ive got a better chance of being rich and out bidding a dentist for a sheep tag than I do to actually draw one.
  25. cjl2010


    it is ridiculous, but Im glad I did it. Buy a 22 suppressor. Its a gateway drug. Only suppressor I have ever shot behind is a .22! Thats what started all this. Im thinking about an ultra 7 .30 cal suppressor and some type of .22 suppressor as well. Not sure on what brand/model .22 though