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Everything posted by cjl2010

  1. cjl2010

    Ticks and javelina

    Must not of been close enough when you shot them in the head you sorry excuse of a hunter!!!
  2. I’m constantly switching scopes around and rails make it super easy to do so.
  3. cjl2010

    7mm rebarrel

    Rebarrel and rebuild it!! Don’t do STW unless you plan on a 4” Wyatt’s box.
  4. cjl2010

    Draw results are in!!

    Won’t get pregnant either
  5. are you even living if you aren’t reloading?
  6. If you enjoy shooting a bunch, it’s always fun to spend every free second you have reloading.
  7. Pay lance. Or learn to reload yourself. or buy the stage 1 kit from copper creek. https://www.coppercreekammo.com/loaddev/
  8. cjl2010

    New business

    What are you guys doing that you need camo?
  9. cjl2010

    Half ton to diesel and Ford vs Chevy

    6.7 is where it’s at!
  10. cjl2010

    Half ton to diesel and Ford vs Chevy

    That’s why you buy a 6 speed with a dual disk...
  11. cjl2010

    Half ton to diesel and Ford vs Chevy

    They have so many different ways to configure a suspension system for you. If you are going to make the right choice and buy a dodge, I would suggest you call Don at Thuren suspension and talk with him as well.
  12. cjl2010

    Half ton to diesel and Ford vs Chevy

    I went to a few cumminsforum meets in the valley. Some of those SRP guys have some ridiculous trucks! Most of them will take you for a ride and you will be shocked how smooth you can make a diesel truck. Just depends how much money you want to spend.
  13. cjl2010

    Guinea bird dog

    My heeler killed a dove the other day. He hates birds as well haha. And cats. Now that I think about it he pretty much hates anything that gets in his yard.
  14. cjl2010

    Half ton to diesel and Ford vs Chevy

    Carli suspension Truck Vs side by side is really no comparison. I try hard to never have to take my truck over my ranger. A day in the truck might be warmer but you feel beat up at the end of the day. Budget always decides how smooth of a ride you want
  15. cjl2010

    Half ton to diesel and Ford vs Chevy

    My point is why would it matter gas or diesel? What’s your budget? All trucks suck off road compared to side by sides. If you have a strong budget and plan to use your truck often off-road give Carli a call and set it up correctly.
  16. cjl2010

    Half ton to diesel and Ford vs Chevy

    Why would it matter off road whether it’s a diesel or gas truck?
  17. Trued rem 700 action. Tactical bolt knob. Shilen trigger. .250 recoil lug. 26.25 Schneider p5 fluted barrel. HS precision stock. Approx 600 rounds down the barrel. Currently has Talleys rings but will include egw 20 moa rail. Action is factory blued and barrel is cerakoted. $1400 Thanks Cliff
  18. cjl2010


    Get a kelblys man. They are like $950. Absolutely an incredible action. I have been digging mine for sure. If if you want to do the switch barrel deal kelblys and others can but you barrels without seeing your action. If if you come to Payson let me know and you can hammer some rounds down mine.
  19. cjl2010

    Cool Rocks Found

    I found this rock tonight... was stuck in my tire and kept making a clicking noise. Drove me nuts for about 8 minutes... I’m thinking this one is a rock.
  20. cjl2010

    CC Hit

    Lot of emotions. You Sally’s need to butch up a little. Go shoot some steel you weenies.
  21. cjl2010


    If you get time come to Payson and walk through there shop. I’m sure they have one they could show you. They also make the actions for Bob Beck at MOA rifles I believe.
  22. cjl2010


    I’ve handled one. It was alright. I would night at day take my kelblys over one.
  23. cjl2010

    Factory 28 nosler suggestions

    Bet that guy could use a kahles
  24. cjl2010

    Factory 28 nosler suggestions

    Why have one rifle... that would suck. Get him a 6.5 of some sort to hone reloading skills and have as a practice gun and build a 28 when he knows for sure what he wants.
  25. cjl2010

    Kahles 624i SKMR3

    Bump, price drop.