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Everything posted by cjl2010

  1. cjl2010

    Time for a suppressor

    This waiting part is going to be ridiculous
  2. cjl2010

    Time for a suppressor

    Matt is good to go. Just bought my first suppressors from him about a month ago. He was a ton of help and super patient! His name is @rancilio on here.
  3. I’m good on stocks for now. Thanks though
  4. cjl2010

    La sportiva trango cube boot

    What a deal! My favorite freakin boot
  5. Was this stock built with the edge tech?
  6. cjl2010


    Thank you guys!
  7. cjl2010


    Right on thanks guys. I use that jerky maker gun all the time with hamburger but I’m just getting burned out on the burger. Good to know I can thaw it and make it into sausage and freeze it again!
  8. cjl2010

    Home Depot

    Anybody have a coupon code they are willing to share? Much appreciated. Thanks Cliff
  9. cjl2010

    Home Depot

    Right on thanks man
  10. cjl2010

    Home Depot

    Are you expecting me to be patient?? Haha
  11. cjl2010

    Home Depot

    Thanks guys. It’ll be about a $600 purchase. The wife can’t stand my reloading room so a tool box/work bench it is!
  12. cjl2010

    Rrrrrattle Rattle

    Freakin snakes! I’m getting some turtle skins this year. I sweat in the winter so no worries about extra heat.
  13. cjl2010

    Cannon Safe Raffle

    Ridiculous... congrats glen.
  14. cjl2010

    Cannon Safe Raffle

    Well... who won?
  15. Probably sell the tailgate for that on Craigslist lol
  16. cjl2010

    14ft alumunum boat with motor

    2 kids... can’t afford that payment.
  17. cjl2010

    14ft alumunum boat with motor

    Wife said no... free bump
  18. cjl2010

    Trail Cam BAN

  19. cjl2010

    Trail Cam BAN

    I used to always drop my feed and check my cameras at night. Seemed to help me get more daytime pictures. I think people are confusing me as a person who cares.
  20. cjl2010

    Trail Cam BAN

    Why did you have to use the M word...
  21. cjl2010

    Trail Cam BAN

    Unfortunately you are probably right. It’s always an awkward time between elk results and deer draw odds. Until then I say we continue stirring the pot. Real hunters don’t use cameras.
  22. cjl2010

    Trail Cam BAN

    I have no clue. It’s always fun to stir the pot when it comes to cameras. I used to use them and now I don’t. I’ve thought about using them again but that would take funds away from building rifles and I much prefer buying powder vs batteries. Nobody will I’ll ever win the camera debate. I just hope there will be a world someday where people won’t steal stuff so we don’t have to hear whining about stolen cameras.
  23. cjl2010

    Trail Cam BAN

    I’ve seen 49 I think the concern would be less that 50 guys would check at one time but more like 50 guys every few hours all week long constantly pushing animals off the tanks.
  24. cjl2010

    Trail Cam BAN

    I don’t care either way. It was mentioned above about 50 cameras so that’s why I said 50 guys. Im sure everyone follows your trail cam etiquette.
  25. cjl2010

    Trail Cam BAN

    I don’t think it’s the camera itself, it’s the 50 guys going in all the time to check the cameras.