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Everything posted by antlers1972

  1. antlers1972


    I have a box I'd be willing to sell, pm me
  2. antlers1972

    Mobile Detailing with CWT Discount

    Can you buff out Arizona pinstripe?
  3. antlers1972

    Ruger mark III

    Stainless Ruger mark III in .22lr for sale in excellent condition w/2 extra mags. 350.
  4. antlers1972

    Ruger mark III

    It sold
  5. antlers1972

    Ruger mark III

    Sold pending meetup on Sat,thanx for all the interest..
  6. antlers1972

    Ruger mark III

    I'm in process of responding in order, thank for the interest
  7. I owned the VX III and did not care for it,I thought the crosshairs were too thick,just my opinion,look at one in real time before you commit. Leopold does make a great product
  8. antlers1972

    Tree ID.

    African sumac or bottle tree
  9. antlers1972


    Don't refrain from refraining,what else ya got? Them headphones are dope as sh**
  10. antlers1972

    .22-250 dies

    2 RCBS 22-250 die sets for sale. 1full length and 1 neck sizing set. No more than 50 rounds loaded through these. Dont own the rifle anymore so no need for these. Also will throw in 21 loaded rounds and 24 pieces of brass. 65.00$
  11. antlers1972

    .22-250 dies

  12. antlers1972

    .22-250 dies

    Fountain Hills and work in Scottsdale
  13. antlers1972

    .22-250 dies

  14. antlers1972

    .22-250 dies

  15. antlers1972

    1 pound H4350 ***SPF***

    I'll take the 4350,pm inbound
  16. antlers1972

    Tools, one last push

    Are you in the valley?
  17. antlers1972

    Hornady 6.5 creedmoor dies

    I'm sure they'll sell quick, little far for me,thanx
  18. antlers1972

    Hornady 6.5 creedmoor dies

    Where ya located
  19. antlers1972

    Savage 110 switchback NIB and 6mm CM dies for sale

    I'll take the dies, PM in inbound
  20. antlers1972

    Reloading Dies

    Where ya located
  21. antlers1972


    Can anyone recommend a good detailer who can buff out some Arizona pinstriping ?Thanx in advance
  22. antlers1972

    WTT/WTS Frankford platinum case trim station

    Where ya located
  23. antlers1972


    I have one for free,located in Fountain Hills
  24. antlers1972

    357 magnum/ security guard rig
