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About Bragabit

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  • Birthday 04/02/1976

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    Southern Utah

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  1. Bragabit

    unit 10 Bulls

    Yes this is a unit 10 bull killed in 2012 Gross score of 391 This bull was killed off the BO Ranch. I personally think it is worth the money to hunt it.
  2. Bragabit

    unit 10 Bulls

    2012 Early Archery
  3. Bragabit

    Introduce myself

    THOMAS 11 The shot on my bull was little further back and higher than I would have liked. The picture is a little deceiving also. He was quartering away pretty good. Shot did take out 1 lung. Tip just excited far side behind the shoulder. He only ran about 200 yards. Dead in minutes. No follow up shot. CMBBULLDOG we have 3 unit 7 elk tags.
  4. Bragabit

    Best outfitters unit 10

    A3 Trophy Hunts. Request George Garcia as your guide.
  5. Bragabit

    Closing the gap???? Archery

    I know that my approach is a little different than most. I only carry a call to stop a bull. My theory is to sneak in quiet. That way the bull is not looking for you. As long as he is bugling enough to keep track of him. Keep quiet and be aggressive. If a bull is fighting or raking a tree make your move. They don't hear or see well with their head burried in a tree.
  6. Bragabit

    Introduce myself

    Arizona bull was an archery tag on unit 10 in 2012. 1st morning caught him away from his cows. He turned away from me and started raking a tree. I pretty well ran 200 yards to last tree between us. Waited a couple minutes for him to turn. He turned quartering away from me. I made the 51 yard shot, he ran about 200 yards. Really was quite lucky, best part was my dad was able to watch the whole thing. Waited 12 years for the tag. Hunt was over in an hour.
  7. Bragabit

    Introduce myself

    I thought I should introduce myself. I live in Southern Ut. Work for Union Pacific Railroad. I love to hunt Mule deer, and elk. I like to lift and exercise to make me a better hunter. I have 4 kids and a wonderful wife. I have followed Coues whitetail for awhile but just recently signed up. I do belong to some other hunting forums. I have hunted AZ, UT, CO, NM, and NV. I have a WY elk tag this year. So I would love to share information if someone is in need. My Dad (retired Gov. trapper) and my son 14 drew 21 AZ elk tags this year. I figured that since 21 is more of a Coues deer unit, maybe someone on here could help us out. My dads tag is a muzz tag, and maybe his last good tag. He is 68 years old. Thanks for all of your time. I look forward to getting to know some of you and contributing to this forum. AZ Elk 2012 UT Elk 2008 AZ Deer 2005 CO Deer 2011
  8. Bragabit

    Unit 21 bulls

    My dad has a muzzleloader tag. and my son a late rifle tag. Anyone information you are willing to share would be greatly appreciated.