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Everything posted by HyNoon

  1. HyNoon

    Nicks Buck

    Love the mass and a drop tine
  2. HyNoon

    Archery desert buck

    Nice looking buck , congrats
  3. HyNoon

    First deer!

    Very nice buck, congrats and welcome.
  4. HyNoon

    Boy's Late Bull

    Sounds like a good time. Ryan tell chase congrats and way to get it done.
  5. HyNoon

    SOLD!! SOLD !!!

    Are you left handed? Appears to have left handed safety and decock on yours.
  6. Awesome eye guards , congrats.
  7. HyNoon

    My son's elk and deer 2015

    Man that kid is killing it. Congrats
  8. HyNoon

    Opening Day Muley

    Wow that's a nice buck, congrats.
  9. HyNoon

    Tire chains?

    Ya all four if u can.
  10. HyNoon

    2015 deer season may the games begin

    Wow , that's a really nice buck. Congrats.
  11. Nice I have really been contemplating building a 300 B.o. upper.
  12. Sweet, glad u got one with ur black out. Thanks for your advise on the tripod while we talked at Cabelas. The slik worked great. Congrats Nate
  13. HyNoon

    Stolen F250

    Looks like a couple of ak- 47 s got the better of your dodge. Glad u got your truck back ed67.
  14. HyNoon


    I have bad dreams about snakes like that. ^^
  15. HyNoon


    I hate snakes as well and almost stepped on one in February on the javi hunt. We have had 4 sidewinder's in the last month at the house.
  16. HyNoon

    FS Browning Belgium Shotguns

    Sent u a pm for the 20 gauge.
  17. HyNoon

    Tessas patience pays off

    Awesome buck, congrats
  18. HyNoon

    First Pig...Finally!

    +1 on hunting with AR 's
  19. HyNoon

    First Pig...Finally!

    Congratulations on your hard work to harvest a nice pig.
  20. HyNoon

    Tornado (not a Buick)

    New will say it was a micro burst again.
  21. HyNoon

    UTV/SxS Questions

    But again it's so we can enjoy more family time out hunting. My boy just went through hunter's ed and it his first year to be able to put in.
  22. HyNoon

    UTV/SxS Questions

    Ya I have had the same dilemma now for about a year Or so. If I get a side by side I have to get a toy hauler because my bumper pull is only a 22 foot Camp trailer. I've also been thinking about getting a four door Rubicon Jeep and just keeping my trailer. But I can't drive two vehicles. Because I use my Dodge to pull my camp trailer with. But the jeep has a/c and heat which would be nicer all year round for scouting trips with the whole family or close to home day trips. No loading up a trail to take the SxS out with. Therefore quick and easy. This has been my dilemma for a couple years now. Plus the approximate 40000 in new debt that I don't really want.