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Everything posted by HyNoon

  1. HyNoon

    Infrared ???

    Ya you used to be able to hunt cats at night too.
  2. HyNoon

    Elk application not on record

    Did your bonus points double then ....?
  3. HyNoon

    I need your vote! (THE FINAL PUSH!!!)

    He was going to take you out for steak dinner .... but not now... looks like it's my turn.
  4. HyNoon

    water catchment 603

    Did you even read the whole thread ....? Not his character to do that.
  5. HyNoon

    Lifetime License

    Mine says the same thing
  6. HyNoon

    Aoudad 2021

    What a cool hunt , congrats .... someday
  7. HyNoon

    Duwane's Hunter Killed a Monster

    Plus it sounds like it was killed 3 days later .... seems like fair game to me to anyone regardless of who it is.
  8. HyNoon

    How big?

    Holy 3rd s
  9. HyNoon

    FYI --New Log-In For AGFD Portal

    Different system πŸ˜‰
  10. HyNoon

    RIP Ed Bruce

    We lost another great one yesterday..... Ed Bruce great American singer and song writer.
  11. HyNoon

    RIP Ed Bruce

    Thanks bud, that's my favorite Ed Bruce song Chris mentioned too .... πŸ‘
  12. HyNoon

    Tessa’s Wyoming buffalo

    Congratulations again Tessa.... great job and awesome Buffalo.
  13. HyNoon

    Army bomb box free must pick up

    I'll take it
  14. HyNoon

    Anyone use a mountain mikes?

    Yep no problem πŸ‘
  15. HyNoon

    Anyone use a mountain mikes?

    Here is the small base on a 130s mulie. I used/did it to fix my dads broken mount. Hope this helps.....
  16. HyNoon

    Anyone use a mountain mikes?

    I think the kit comes with both a small and a large plate. Once you get it check and see with base fits the base of the antlers better. I would assume small for a coues.
  17. HyNoon

    Mule Deer 20/21 Rut Report

    Dang Murphy got ya....
  18. HyNoon

    sxs radio info

    Ya I don't think a cb would work as well because the motor is pretty loud and the wind. I think he is looking more for the headset style with headphones and mics like pilots use. So you don't have to scream at each other in the same sxs. But they work good in jeeps...
  19. HyNoon


    Ya, you could if drove it there and saved all the headaches
  20. HyNoon

    Urgent need of Hornandy 6.5 Ammo for hunt

    Double down.....I like that lol
  21. HyNoon

    Stuff and Things for sale.

    Did you remove the pictures of the items that sold ?
  22. HyNoon

    Stuff and Things for sale.

    Which pistol ?