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Everything posted by HyNoon

  1. HyNoon

    Colors of Colorado

    Beautiful photos as always Doug.... I always enjoy your work.
  2. HyNoon


    Congrats... very nice colors
  3. HyNoon

    Arizona Desert

    It will definitely do that to you .... last time I killed on day 11 in the desert ....
  4. HyNoon

    No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

    Ravines views ... lol
  5. HyNoon


    Likewise thanks
  6. HyNoon

    WTB Gooseneck Stock Trailer

    That's the one I had my eye on for a while .... I was just looking for it for ya.... NMBPMAN posted and listed as sold .... I just found the thread
  7. HyNoon

    WTB Gooseneck Stock Trailer

    There was a really nice one on here ... let me see if I can find it
  8. HyNoon


    Pm sent
  9. HyNoon

    Change username

    Sounds like your a first time coues hunter this year ... why not keep it
  10. HyNoon

    Colorado elk no longer tired.

    He gonna have a hellll of a story to tell at the watering hole..... And I hope his ladies don't miss his necklace
  11. HyNoon

    2021 Texas Whitetail

    Way to stick with it buckwheat... that's a good buck and cool chocolate antlers.
  12. HyNoon

    Waldo's First Black Bear

    Very nice bear, congratulations
  13. HyNoon

    2 cows opening day!!

    Very nice ... congratulations. The file might be too large, you could try to screenshot it and upload that.
  14. HyNoon

    Cool Trail Cam Pic

    Rough dry summer for that ole boy
  15. HyNoon

    Pink Diamond Razor Edge bow

    Dang it
  16. HyNoon

    Pink Diamond Razor Edge bow

    Right handed correct?
  17. HyNoon

    Boquillas Thief!!!

    How close were you to Ashfork ...... they have very high theft there , just FYI
  18. HyNoon

    Boquillas Thief!!!

    This is what I've been doing too.... sucks and thieves are too dumb to realize why they can never get ahead in life ... karma train gets them and then they think they have to keep stealing to try to get back ahead... sorry man Some people suck
  19. HyNoon

    Arizona Desert

    What a cool find...score
  20. HyNoon

    Ammo 9mm, 7RM, 300WM

    Pm sent
  21. HyNoon

    Ammo 9mm, 7RM, 300WM

    Hey I'll take the 7mm 08 please
  22. HyNoon

    Wife's first hunt ever! Wyoming Antelope

    Congrats and way to get her out there.. hopefully she is hooked now....
  23. HyNoon

    Heffelfinger on instagram

    90k is a pretty big increase I think
  24. HyNoon

    Doe hunts????

    People are just razzing ya .... we are all bored due to no leftover tags.... don't be offended