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Everything posted by HyNoon

  1. HyNoon

    Chevy Mechanic on here?

    Well at least it was in the heads like my problem was..... that's the expensive one .....
  2. HyNoon

    22-250 for sale

  3. HyNoon

    Cool mule deer sequence

    Oh nice ... great buck
  4. HyNoon

    Cool mule deer sequence

    Very cool ..... seems like he has a lot of red in his hide
  5. HyNoon

    Looking for a transfer case shop

    Driven 4x4 in Phoenix... call Randy
  6. HyNoon


    Whatca looking for ? Or looking to know ?
  7. HyNoon


    I had a 327 in mine too, it was a 51
  8. HyNoon

    Big Ram Down!!! New unit record

    What a brute of a ram ... congratulations again.
  9. HyNoon

    Customer ID on the New Draw

    Oh their definitely gonna take your money. ... if they denied your app they still "processed it " right into the round filing cabinet....
  10. HyNoon

    Here we go again

    Looking pretty dam good
  11. HyNoon

    Alligator/Crocodile mount

    If it has both eyes .... its definitely not from happy Gilmore lol
  12. HyNoon

    Spot-and-Stalk or Sitting Water?

    O nice... ya idk how I missed this one. Congrats
  13. HyNoon

    Spot-and-Stalk or Sitting Water?

    Nice. , How did your rifle hunt go ?
  14. HyNoon

    Hog Hunter estate sale off of items

    I bought a pair of 15s from him as well... Mike was a great guy.
  15. HyNoon

    Family hunt-

    Awesome ..... this is already a successful hunt ...
  16. HyNoon

    Christensen Arms MPR $1800

    You're killing me smalls ....
  17. HyNoon

    Youth bow question

    Ya it's fairly common ... my youngest is right handed and left eye dominant as well. And my other daughter is double lefty.
  18. HyNoon

    Got it done today!!

    Nice buck gents... congratulations and way to grind it out... this year has been rough in the desert.
  19. HyNoon

    44a mule deer

    Alot of walking.... alot
  20. HyNoon

    WTB Meat Goat

    Says you can't get pm's
  21. Which holoson are you looking for ?
  22. HyNoon

    WTB Meat Goat

    Are you looking to butcher now?
  23. HyNoon

    otc changes--> increase in trophy quality?

    You mean #180club guy lol
  24. HyNoon


    Definitely Nash and Lance at. HI LO
  25. HyNoon

    ISO tripod for youth hunter

    I would check out the Slik amt .... cheap and durable and comes with a head.