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Everything posted by HyNoon

  1. Been happening for years now ...
  2. HyNoon

    2022 GMC Sierra 3500 AT4

    For payload difference? If so what's the difference.... or what other reasons. Just curious as I have driven an f450 to a f650 in about 15 years, so not sure of their difference as of lately .
  3. HyNoon

    A/C Replacement?

    Cool touch is really good
  4. HyNoon

    Ram all finished

    Turned out great
  5. HyNoon

    Son's turkey fan

    I think it turned out good ... congrats
  6. Correct there are no bonus points for crane if you do not get drawn, therefore no point guard as well. As mentioned get ahold of Eddie Corona.
  7. HyNoon


    Dang it ....
  8. Don't think this place has been mentioned .. but Babbo Italian restaurant had a pretty good pizza last night.
  9. HyNoon


    Bump for JLG. ... idk how to ad a post to an existing thread
  10. HyNoon

    Hydro Dipping

    There was a guy on here that does it , let me see if I can find it ...
  11. HyNoon

    Hydro Dipping

    There was a guy on here that does it let me see if I can find it ....
  12. Hello everyone... like the title says I have some Catahoula leopard pups that just hit 8 weeks and ready to with first shots. We have some pretty blues and a couple black with some brindle. I will post pictures soon. ****SOLD****
  13. One left.... just the black female left ...
  14. HyNoon


    Man this thing looks very well taken care of and clean .... glws
  15. HyNoon

    ISO savage compact/youth stock

    I think there is a youth size pad .... see if you can order just the recoil pad ...
  16. HyNoon

    cell phone signal booster

    Thanks I hoped this helped creed as well
  17. HyNoon

    cell phone signal booster

    Yes this is what I need too , something for the house..
  18. HyNoon

    Monday Check in

    This heat is killing everything.... especially my motivation to hike outside.
  19. HyNoon

    Sold. Marlin model 60 22lr

    Ok sounds good
  20. HyNoon

    Sold. Marlin model 60 22lr

    I'll take this
  21. HyNoon

    7mm-08 Who Shoots It?

    Ya I had a heck of a time finding it for my buddy for his kids hunt last year.
  22. HyNoon

    ISO reliable vehicle

    It's just gonna go up higher next raise ...
  23. HyNoon

    Good source on how to judge bighorns

    Jay Scott has some really good info on field judging rams.
  24. HyNoon

    Youth deer unit 42?

    Sweet thanks ... I know it was canceled the last couple of years cause the China flu...
  25. HyNoon

    Youth deer unit 42?

    It is a very tough hunt and the deer are very pockety... there are deer in the parks but they are also spread out through the unit. Get high and glass.