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Everything posted by HyNoon

  1. HyNoon

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Started a mule deer roast this afternoon
  2. Magpul is making them now too . But no experience with them for this gun because they don't make a left hand version.
  3. HyNoon

    What's for dinner tonight?

    On the big green egg?
  4. HyNoon

    Looking for a budget friendly 6.5 Creedmoor.

    This... we have two .....very accurate.
  5. HyNoon

    Otc elk. My first rifle elk.

    What are the best broad heads to use? Are the new thunderheads good ?
  6. HyNoon

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Looks like the food I was fed in Spain
  7. HyNoon

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Smoked some elk tonight with mesquite and my favorite dry rub. It ended up with a good smoke ring and crust. Ate it like fajitas
  8. HyNoon

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Never mind ....mayo. I sent that from the previous page
  9. HyNoon

    What's for dinner tonight?

    Whats the white cream? Sour cream ?
  10. HyNoon

    G7 BR2 Laser Rangefinder

    Interested pm sent
  11. HyNoon

    Looking for car hauler

    I think your triple a idea is good if you are pretty certain you can limp it the extra 25 miles and keep the water topped off....
  12. HyNoon

    Deep Sea Fishing Out of San Diego

    I've been on this boat twice and enjoyed it.... let me know how it goes please .... good luck bud
  13. HyNoon

    Deep Sea Fishing Out of San Diego

    You can check another boat and see if they have room for ya...
  14. HyNoon

    Hatch Green Chili Source?? (EXTRA HOT / HOT)

    Same just about everytime I get hatch chiles they are too hot for me....
  15. HyNoon

    Should IRS Agents carry guns? Why?

    No, but teachers should before they do. They might be more qualified to carry as well from the sounds of it
  16. HyNoon

    2016 Ram 2500 4x4 $32,000

    Good looking truck ... free bump and GLWS
  17. HyNoon

    Lost Dogs - FOUND!

    This may of been done already but both dogs should have good noses .. have you tried the scent thing with the owners scent on blankets and clothes or items like that ?
  18. Hello everyone... like the title says I have some Catahoula leopard pups that just hit 8 weeks and ready to go with first shots. We have some pretty blues and a couple black with some brindle. The little heart color is for boy or girl and we are asking 300.00.
  19. HyNoon


  20. HyNoon


    Exactly or a dead phone, even after you have tagged it ....?
  21. HyNoon

    Archery Items

    What's the draw length and poundage? And what are the cut arrows cut to?
  22. HyNoon


    My that vaquero is calling me ....
  23. HyNoon

    ISO ar hand guard

    Check out justrails.com they have some decent affordable stuff on there