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Everything posted by HyNoon

  1. HyNoon

    Jr tag meat pole let’s set them

    Too much pressure in the head....
  2. HyNoon

    Thanks to all for replies

    This is exactly what my dad did with each one of us kids growing up.... some of the best memories ever made. Looks like it is a manual transmission. Are you keeping it that way? And what motor ? So awesome you guys are doing this with your kids.
  3. HyNoon

    Thanks to all for replies

    Love an old long bed 4 wheel drive ...
  4. HyNoon

    My 2023 Bear

    Congratulations on a great bear Nate.
  5. HyNoon


    Was he still in velvet? Ones I've been seeing are still.
  6. HyNoon

    Opening day Kaibab bird

    Nice job and congrats to your son. Keep after it guys and good luck.
  7. HyNoon

    Scammer alert scanty12

    Y'all better strike while the iron is hot before you miss out ....
  8. HyNoon

    Monday Check in

    Rip Rich Piana
  9. HyNoon


    Location ?
  10. HyNoon

    Old Singer Sewing Machine - free

    I'll jump in line as well...
  11. HyNoon

    Would you spend this much on a Benchmade knife?

    I have had a few good Benchmades and a few that were sub par to say the least. But no I would not pay that for that knife.
  12. HyNoon

    Bull 2023 3A3C success

    Congratulations on a cool bull with a bow .... memory you will never forget.
  13. HyNoon

    Avenza and Flatline Map.

    Ok thanks
  14. HyNoon

    Avenza and Flatline Map.

    So if I bought a flat line map how do I get it on my phone thru avenza?
  15. HyNoon

    Elk Euro mounts

    Nice love that dark antlers
  16. HyNoon

    Double Down

    Sounds like a good hunt... congratulations and thanks for posting the story.
  17. It usually has to do with the direction of the way you held the phone when you took the pictures... you have to experiment with your phone and see what works.
  18. HyNoon

    Euro mount?

    Draysen and Brian both do great work. They have both done skulls for me. Adam is a great dude, but I haven't had any work done by him yet, but I wouldn't hesitate to use him due to his reputation.
  19. Hey guys, I'm looking for 2 decent tires in 31s to 33 s for 15 inch wheels. I've been striking out at the tire shops for good used. These are for a trailer that doesn't move or get used much, but it needs better tires, they are 15 years old. Looking for maybe some old jeep take offs. 33 x 10.50 x 15 s would be best case scenario or equivalent. 31s wouldn't be bad either. Nothing too old and holds air please. In the west valley. Let me know whatca got please .... don't really wanted to deal with other sites.
  20. HyNoon

    Yellow tail recipes needed

    Lol .... yep I would try it that way .. but no one else in my house would.
  21. HyNoon

    Yellow tail recipes needed

    I'm looking for some good recipes as well.... cooked not raw please.
  22. HyNoon

    Wtb two tires 33s .. on 15's .**Updated **

    Let me know whatca got please
  23. HyNoon

    Yellow tail recipes needed

    My brother smoked some and it was pretty good.... I think it can dry out really quick though... correct me if I am wrong for the people that know ..
  24. HyNoon

    Wtb two tires 33s .. on 15's .**Updated **

    Looking 33s ... updated