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Everything posted by HyNoon

  1. That's cool. I bet he had a blast. Ya they are huge birds they are usually 6kg
  2. HyNoon

    Leupold mark 5hd 5-25x56 package deal

    You're killing me man ... aaaahhh great deal
  3. Glad to see Nash got a hold of you. I bet the kids loved pearl. She is awesome to watch work. Congratulations guys !! Are those 3 big birds greaters?
  4. HyNoon

    Black Friday buck

    Great buck Eli. Congratulations
  5. HyNoon

    How bout them Devils!

    Let's go sundevils!!! There ... 🍿
  6. HyNoon

    Beautiful morning!

    That's a pretty hide
  7. HyNoon

    Ruger American Predator 6.5 - Sold

    Yes great gun too. All my kids shoot these since they were hunting at age 10.
  8. HyNoon

    Tornado hits Star Valley Az.

    O I know .. saw one as a kid too and they called it a micro burst... it was a full on tornado that touched down.
  9. HyNoon

    Tornado hits Star Valley Az.

    Ok just claim it as wind damage then ( micro burst) is what they like to call them
  10. HyNoon

    Nice buck

    Nice buck David. Congratulations
  11. HyNoon

    FYI - Meat Processing

    I did for their west side location and they said they were full too, after my boys coues hunt. That was a couple weeks ago. We did it ourselves. Time was my issues this time , but I made time for. Just lost some sleep.
  12. HyNoon


    Awesome that was a sweet machine
  13. Ya Well we went down south finally and got him a coues deer ..... I haven't done a write up in a while but I decided to this time. Well with all of my son's obligations this year for school and sports we were having a hard time figuring out what days, if any we were going to be able to hunt. We planned out to hunt Saturday and Sunday only at first, he is a senior this year but had college classes he couldn't miss on Friday. He also had a cross country event Friday evening that he could not miss, he is the team captain. Right before we left, he got permission from his college teacher that he could actually miss a couple days and he would let Curtis make it up. Day 1 We got there Saturday morning and went straight to hunting, we didn't even set up camp yet.... we found plenty of doe in the area we wanted to start focusing on. Same in the evening. Day 2 We moved to our second area the next day and we saw a bunch more doe until last light. We saw two deer top over the ridge towards us. It was so dark I barely put horns on one of them. Day 3 So ... the next morning rolled around and nothing but does in the morning again. Mid-day my boy said dad I need to get a workout in since I am missing two practices( he runs at the state meet this Saturday) ..so we go back to camp and he goes for a 5 mile run up and down the road by camp ( I kept thinking it would be funny if border patrol was watching him run back and forth and to be able to hear them talk about him). Yes he is crazy and dedicated to his sports and everything he does. We get back out that evening and were able to relocate the same two deer. They were both bucks almost identical in size, No difference that I could tell... Curtis looks him over and says he likes the one on the left. I get him ranged while he gets prone on my pack and gets set up and comfortable. He is able to get on him in the scope and said he is ready. He sent a shoot once the buck stopped to graze. Then dropped the buck right there. We still had a little bit of light to get to him, which was of course at the very top of the mountain. We got to him before dark, but had to do all of the work in the dark and hike out and down in the dark. My son said the buck met his expectations for the time restraints we had on this trip. We are pleased and glad we were able to get him his first coues deer. Sorry for brags, but I'm so proud of the young man he is becoming and the memories we have able to make together. Thanks to everyone over the years and the support from everyone along the way.
  14. HyNoon

    2023 October Hunts

    Nick buck ... I did see does watering at noon and 3pm....
  15. HyNoon


    Sorry for your loss Sir. My condolences to you and your family. I would be interested in the 10-22 whenever you decide you are ready.
  16. HyNoon

    Go Ranger's!

    He was a great pitcher
  17. HyNoon

    2023 October Hunts

    Same for us .. still up until about 9 am. The moon was really bright... but my boy shot his buck a little before 5 pm.
  18. My boy and I were so excited when we found out he had got drawn for the late jr Kaibab hunt. That's all he could talk about. So then I had to decide what he was gonna shoot. I ended up picking up a ruger american predator in 6.5 Creedmoor. I put a nikon 3.5x14x50 on it. After we went out shooting once we decide it was going to need a muzzle brake. After the easy installation, because the predator model comes threaded already, we went back out shooting and he loved it. Had him shooting out to 200 yards, which he though was cool and so far. Then we started the long drive up there on Thursday, this is my first time going to 12aw , and I thought this would be a great first tag for my ten year old boys first hunt. We got camp set up Thursday night and both us couldn't sleep because we were too excited. Opening morning was actually really slow and we didn't see very many deer. The only two we saw were in the bed of another successful hunters truck. We woke up the next morning and headed out to some more areas that were burned and we were able to glass. Then we started seeing deer acrossed the deep canyons. They Were About 150 To 200 yards acrossed. I found a doe for him to shoot and he got on the shooting sticks and said I don't see her dad, so I looked down at his level and poor kid couldn't see over the pine tree branch and that was our only shooting lane we had at the time. We tried to reposition but she busted us. We located a few more doe but couldn't get the shot set up before they went through the shooting lanes as well. We hiked back to the truck and went back to camp to eat and my boy really wanted to shoot his bow. After he shot his bow and we ate, we went to another canyon to hunt. We ended up getting on a couple of groups of deer and yet again these deer were super spooked from the prior hunts and on the move. A group finally stopped to feed at last light and was at 300 yards acrossed the deep steep canyon. I got my boy set up and told were to aim and to make sure it didn't have antlers. He told me to zoom the scope in cause he found them now. I zoomed the power to a little over 12 and he said that was good. I told him to check again for antlers and he said it didnt have any, so I told him to squeeze when he was ready. After the blast for the brake scared the crap out of me I saw one deer tear out of there and straight down the canyon, like it was hit and the others just kinda bounced around. It got dark quick and after starting down the canyon, I decided it was best and safer to wait until morning since the oak saplings were so thick over there it would be a very difficult job to locate his deer tonight and it was going to be in the low 20's at night anyways. We woke up in the morning after yet another difficult night of sleep. We drove to the other side of the canyon. I had the shot pinned on my gps. We found the shot location and started to look for blood. I found one drop and let my boy at it to see what he could do on his own. This is one of the things I was most proud of too, was how well of a tracking job he did all on his own, with next to no help from me except for the beginning. After a about a 50 yard track through very thick oak saplings the blood just started pouring out thick. So I looked around and spotted his downed deer. It rolled down to a group of oaks and stopped. While he was on the trail I walked past his deer so I could record him finding it. He said dad there's alot of blood here and two steps later, ..... hah my deer , my doe ! He was so happy to find it and I was so proud as well. After a 303 yard shot and a awesome track job we started the fun stuff. As much as I wanted to do the gutless method I wanted to teach him how to gut it , so we did that then I carried him out whole, a half mile back to the truck. We jumped a couple of nice bucks on the way out too. He ended up shooting an antlers less buck. When we got back to camp we skinned it and quartered it up , packed up camp and started the drive home. I couldn't of been prouder seeing how happy he was at the g&f check in station as well as the whole drive home with his big Ole smile until he fell alseep. This is by far my favorite hunt to date and can't wait to do it again. We had a blast. Pictures to come soon......sorry.
  19. Bumping this up as a memory..... my boys very first deer .... 7 years ago ...
  20. HyNoon

    October bucks

    Great bucks and even better family memories, congratulations to everyone.
  21. HyNoon

    Son's first coues deer

    Yes they do ... I remember posting his first deer on here when he was 10 like it was yesterdayday ... wow time flies
  22. HyNoon

    Son's first coues deer

    Thank you. Yes he is always running. He will be in great shape for wrestling next week. Good luck to your students!!
  23. HyNoon

    Son's first coues deer

    Thank you, it was a blast.