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Everything posted by azbcat25

  1. azbcat25

    Flagstaff residents

    did someone say DEET!!! ONLY downside to holding an elk tag!!!!
  2. azbcat25

    Flagstaff residents

    How much rain have you got out of this last week? Went up last weekend to scout east of flag and every waterhole (6) was bone dry!!!
  3. azbcat25

    Flagstaff residents

    Going up again this next weekend. Can't wait to get out of this heat!
  4. azbcat25

    Introducing: Rino 700

    Is that $350.00 for a pair "or" each?
  5. azbcat25


    anybody w/ knowledge of past rutting activity in this unit who is willing to share areas to look into, I would love to shoot the shoot!! I have knowledge of 6A, 5bs, and 9 if you need the same. P.M. Me Thanks Rick
  6. azbcat25

    1 tag 2 withdrawals of $135

    Daughter w/ 9 points shows that she didn't even put in but I have receipt of app and they took the money! Should be interesting call to azgfd!
  7. azbcat25

    1 tag 2 withdrawals of $135

    Well I have an update. Archery bull in a great unit. She didn't have her sportsman I'd in the portal so they couldn't make the match! Life is good and she is stoked! Good luck to all that drew!
  8. azbcat25

    1 tag 2 withdrawals of $135

    ELDIABLO you are a funny man!!! She is now 21 . First call to region 3 and they said to check portal for mistakes. (There are none) if no errors call 3000 # First call 26 minute wait, can't do that til after work.
  9. azbcat25

    1 tag 2 withdrawals of $135

    I don't want my money back I want her to be able to hunt! Archery bull!!!!
  10. azbcat25

    Best bass lake

    Gong to Havasu on Sunday! Problem w/ Havasu is there will be a tournament on this lake every weekend for the next 2 months but it is still fun to pick those huge smallies off their beds.
  11. azbcat25

    Best bass lake

    Going to Pheonix first week of March ( spring break,w/ the wife/mother in-law) PLEASE HELP - taking the boat to escape, any bass lake you would recommend this early? Always catch and release. Thanks
  12. azbcat25

    Best bass lake

    Never heard of El-salty. How bad is the road into Apache? I have a pretty nice boat, don't care to take it 4 wheeling. Saguaro and Canyon are going to be it! Is there a reasonable hotel near, I would like to fish them 2 day's w/out having to go all the way back to Suprise. I will post how fishin was! Thanks for the help. You ever need help on Mead or Mojave let me know.
  13. azbcat25

    San Carlos Lake?

    Other than Rosie and Alamo, what is the best lake around Pheonix area to bass fish first two weeks in March. Wife is making me go to " mother in-laws" first week of spring break so might as well take the boat. Fished Pleasant last year and was too early for that lake. Thanks in advance for any info! always catch and release!!
  14. azbcat25

    6A Muzzy Elk

    Still a good hunt ALOT less tags than the rifle hunt.
  15. azbcat25

    6A muzzleloader

    Wife has a tag, hope she can shoot straight!!!!
  16. azbcat25

    Blood shot meat

    yea some day I'm going to figure out how to upload pic's. went through the meat this morning and I think we will only lose a pound or 2. We killed 3 bucks this weekend small 3x3 small 3x4 and a decent 4x4. Nothing special, we are meat hunters for sure!!!
  17. azbcat25

    Blood shot meat

    Quick question, my son killed a nice 4x4 last night and it was a quarting to him shot. Perfect shot but the bullet traveled through the deer and hit the hind quarter, shattered the bone and that whole leg is blood shot. We deboned the deer last night to get it on ice. My question is, is that meat still good for grinding into hamburger?
  18. azbcat25

    rut timing

    I was in 11 this weekend, saw 5 different groups of cows all alone, heard a couple of bugles before light and then Monday morning saw a group of a dozen cows w/ a 350-360 6x7. It was a beautiful sight except I have the second hunt in this unit any who knows where he will be after 2 weeks of pressure! Good luck to all!!
  19. azbcat25

    Unit 10 Muzzy Hunt

    I had a buddy that had this hunt last year, he also had a rifle deer tag. He was up there for a month, he filled both tags but nothing to write home about. He said it was a very tough elk hunt, he saw 2 nice Bulls but lost them in the cedars. Good luck.
  20. azbcat25

    Bugles in July

    Amanda, Really cool video clip. I was a non believer til I watched your video TOO COOL!!! Learn something new every day.
  21. azbcat25

    unit 9 late bull

    Don't make any decisions until a couple of weeks before your hunt. Sign,feed, water will dictate where you hunt!! Good luck
  22. azbcat25

    unit 9 late bull

    Get up on "twin nobs" morning or evening w/ your optics for a couple of scouting trips!!
  23. azbcat25


    I graduated from NAU in the late 80's. I drew a tag in 5bn back then but haven't hunted it since. I drew a 11m tag and If there is anyone from flagstaff willing to give me some feedback on a couple of places I hunted last and their thoughts on them now P.M. me please. thanks in advance. Nothing like a bull tag in Arizona congrats to all who drew, enjoy every second because it doesn't get any better than this!!!!!!