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About azbcat25

  • Rank
  • Birthday 11/16/1964

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  • Gender
  • Location
    north west corner of Az.
  • Interests
    hunting,fishing, walking the beach and COLD beer!!!!

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  1. azbcat25

    WTB left hand .308 or 7mm08

    I have a Remington model 700 bdl in left hand, let me know if you are interested!
  2. azbcat25

    WTB Left Hand 22LR

    Don't have 1 of those,but do have a Remington model 700bdl in 270 that is left handed I'll sell you for $350 plus the ride?
  3. azbcat25

    Unit 9 thoughts?

    9 does not offer a lot of grassing opportunities for Mulies, in my opinion.
  4. azbcat25

    WTB hunting rifle

    Remington model 700BDL 270 $400 plus the ride. Left hand model. Tell me he is left handed? Lol
  5. azbcat25

    Size XL

    That's what dreams are made of!! Very nice.
  6. azbcat25

    AZ FUR SALE March 9th!!!!

    Lance, you and your crew put on an excellent auction. Well done. Hope to bring some fur next season. Need to try and get Dennis Heck there next year!
  7. azbcat25

    Marsupial Gear Bino Harness (2018)

    I'll give you 80 tmd.
  8. For sale, very good condition. $450 plus the ride! Pics available upon request.
  9. azbcat25

    Cabin Rental in Alpine... Unit 1 and 27

    I might be interested in renting this cabin for a week next summer, is there any stream fishing near by?. What would 1 week run me?
  10. azbcat25

    Lee's Ferry Mid June/Early July

    Thanks for the info Brent.
  11. azbcat25

    Lee's Ferry Mid June/Early July

    Can you take a bass boat on the river?
  12. azbcat25

    Coyote Down

    Google tubari tannery
  13. azbcat25

    My Pops 1st Elk and Archery kill

    I'll shoot that!
  14. azbcat25

    Last minute advice...

    No Boots, hiking sneakers! Too many miles for boots!!!
  15. You better hit up WildWilly! That's an offer nobody should refuse.