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Everything posted by northAZarcher

  1. northAZarcher

    Not Closing the Rim?!?!

    My apologies, I didn't read this correctly. Deleted my post
  2. northAZarcher

    Bad Neighbor

    I just finished some yard work one day and went inside to get some water. Heard some guy yelling really loud at someone. Then my youngest daughter came in the house crying and told me the neighbor just screamed at her when she went to tell him her soccer ball went into his yard. My son came in right behind her and said he was yelling at both of them. I put my shoes on and went and knocked on his door. Asked him what was going on and why he thought it was cool to talk to my kids that way. He said soccer balls are always coming over the fence and he doesn't like it. I told him there was a simple solution, come knock on my door and tell me. Never once heard from him or his wife. I would have fixed it right then and there. Also told him that he better watch how he talks to my kids. He later came and apologized and threw 3 soccer balls over the fence that he had kept. Never had a clue they were over there in the first place. We aren't on speaking terms to this day. And he hasn't went off on my kids since then.
  3. northAZarcher

    Dick's (sporting goods) shriveling up

    Never bought any hunting g hear from them, but did buy sports gear for kids. Not anymore!
  4. northAZarcher

    AZGFD to ban all trail cameras near developed water sources

    I'm really mixed on this issue. I really enjoy looking at trail cam pictures and have a few of my own. I have never put them on tanks just for fear of having them stolen. I have also never taken any game that was on my camera. They are awesome for when you get really busy, like myself with my kids events, and don't have as much time as you would like to scout. On the other hand, it sucks going to put some boots on the ground and scouting and having every single tank have 10-12 cameras. And some of them being the ones that send pictures to your phone or computer during the season. I'm sure there are some pissed off outfitters that have bought hundreds of cameras for every tank...
  5. northAZarcher

    Pups Free to a good home.

    I been in AZ all my life and had to look up where Nutrioso was! Good luck with your search.
  6. northAZarcher

    10x42 Swarovski 10x42 slc non hd

  7. northAZarcher

    10x42 Swarovski 10x42 slc non hd

    I'm selling my 10's. No scratches on the glass. Just got back from Swarovski. Think I bought them new in 2010? Had them go through to make sure everything was ok. I take really good care of my binos. Asking $1000. Pictures posted soon. In flagstaff.
  8. northAZarcher

    10x42 Swarovski 10x42 slc non hd

    Not sure why I can't upload pictures? Just did it last week. I can send picturesthrough text message.
  9. northAZarcher

    Meopta 15x56

    I'll take them. I send you a pm.
  10. northAZarcher

    Meopta 15x56

    Pm sent
  11. northAZarcher

    Marlin youth xs7 .243 ***SOLD***

    This has sold.
  12. northAZarcher

    Marlin youth xs7 .243 ***SOLD***

    Selling a Marlin youth .243. Has a few hundred rounds through it. Kids outgrew it so I purchased a new rifle. Has a nikon 3-9 × 40 prostaff scope with BDC reticle. Gun is in overall goodshape with a few scratches. Scope has lots of marks but functions as it should. Been a good little rifle. Asking $250. Also have a vortex 3-9×40 crossfire I can sell with it for a little more that is better cosmetically. I'm in flag but travel to the valley frequently for,you kids soccer. ***Sold***
  13. northAZarcher

    Tumblers for reloading

    Thanks for all the replays.
  14. northAZarcher

    Tumblers for reloading

    Just getting into reloading and was wondering what brand tumbler to purchase? I'm a buy once cry once kind of guy so if I have to pay a few extra bucks, I'm ok with that. Thx
  15. northAZarcher

    How steep is to steep?

    I went on a hike today and was in coues country. But I was around some big canyons. Was just wondering how steep of canyons you have seen coues deer in before? Like everything but straight up and down?
  16. northAZarcher

    Marlin youth xs7 .243 ***SOLD***

    I will keep everyone updated if it falls through. Thanks.
  17. northAZarcher

    Marlin youth xs7 .243 ***SOLD***

    Sounds good! I might be down next weekend for spring break. I will give you a call or text as soon a know for sure.
  18. northAZarcher


    I didn't even know what mastros was! Had to look it up!
  19. northAZarcher

    New Cardinal's QB

    Bwahahahahahahaha! Honey badger released!!! Cards are headed in the wrong direction!!!
  20. northAZarcher

    "who do ya luuuuuv".....less

    I think they are both in their safe space talking about their feelings and how it feels to lose the big one...
  21. northAZarcher

    Ruger Predator 6.5 Creedmoor $1500

    What's the round count?
  22. northAZarcher

    Late Archery Bull... Whose been successful?

    I had 2 late hunts and filled both tags. Both sitting water in the evening. Did some spot and stalk in the mornings. It was definitely cold but hey, that's hunting! One thing I liked is you pretty much have the woods to yourself!
  23. northAZarcher

    Day One Results

    If they pulled your application fee and you didn't get your tag because the card was declined you should not have lost your loyalty points as you had already applied and it should have been the same as not drawing a tag. They received their money just as not drawing a tag so you needed to talk with someone else on that matter Exactly right. I, as everyone else gets charged the application fee up front when you submit the application. They shouldn't take the loyalty point.
  24. northAZarcher

    WTB Maven B4 15x56

    Theres a set on the long range hunting forum for $1,000 f.y.i I saw the same ones on rokslide. I don't feel comfortable with this guy. He posted it once for 1100. Then he dropped it down to 1000. Then he deleted it and reposted it again for 1100 again. He keeps them in an old dewalt sander box. In one post he said he uses it at the gun range then in another he has only used it on his back porch. Just all over the place with his posts.
  25. northAZarcher

    WTB Maven B4 15x56

    How much are you asking for your meopta 15's?