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About northAZarcher

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  1. northAZarcher

    Sitka traverse pants 34R

    Have a new pair of traverse pants in subalpine. Tags were cut off but never worn. They were a little big in the legs for me. $100 In cottonwood but travel to the north valley often.
  2. northAZarcher

    Need Advice: Family Friendly AZ towns not in the valley

    I've been in cottonwood area for a year now. Very small with great restaurants. Flagstaff, Phoenix and Prescott are all 1 hour away for any big shopping needs. Lots to do in the area. Fishing, hunting, hiking. Not sure on schools. Past that phase in life. Also a fan of the Prescott area.
  3. northAZarcher

    Otc Deer kill location

    All hunts are mixed into that sarcasm. Archery elk included.
  4. northAZarcher

    Otc Deer kill location

    You know what else we should ban is rifle scopes because that makes shooting deer to easy! Heck, ban magnum caliber rifles too! Go back to old school black powder! And how about those compound bows? That extends the range of hunters. Need to go back to recurves! And using 60 power spotters and 15 power binos to glass up those deer, unethical!! Plus, why do we allow people to use apps with topo/satellite mapping and GPS? I know we spend thousands upon thousands of dollars on equipment, not to mention the time and money find these animals. And I know you have waited for this tag for 10, 20+ years, but don't you dare do everything possible and utilize sitting that water to fill your tag! Have a disability or an injury? To dang bad! Don't you dare sit in that blind! Have a dad that's up there in age and can't walk well anymore but still wants to get out with you? Oh well, you leave his azz at home! That time out in the woods with him isn't as important as other hunters feeling bad for the animals being taken in ways they don't like!!🤣🤣🤣
  5. northAZarcher

    Otc Deer kill location

    Even if every unit was 100% successful, there shouldn't be any issues. That was what was determined as a sufficient amount to be removed without causing problems with the rest of the unit population.
  6. northAZarcher

    Otc Deer kill location

    Forgive me if I'm wrong, but isn't the goal to fill the tag? Even with "lots of people killing animals on water", the stats show that many unit (archery elk for instance) success rates in the high 20 to 30%, with some much lower. That's not "lots"in my book.
  7. northAZarcher

    Hearing protection for quail hunting

    Not looking for anything to amplify. Just to allow to hear and still protect.
  8. northAZarcher

    Hearing protection for quail hunting

    What hearing protection do you all use for quail hunting, if any? Went out a few times this year without it but really want to invest in something that will protect my ears but still allow me to hear birds flush and move around in brush. Looking into the electronic style but with great battery life.
  9. northAZarcher

    Otc Deer kill location

    So people that enjoy hunting but are getting older and can't spot and stalk like they used to have to give it up all together? Because I know a handful of old timers that have few options besides sitting. Hunters are their own worst enemies. I don't agree with how others hunt so I will support banning it... SMDH.
  10. northAZarcher

    Vortex Viper red dot

  11. northAZarcher

    Vortex Viper red dot

    As the title says. This is a catch and release. It doesn't fit my pistol so I am going a different direction. $75 I'm in Cottonwood but will be in the north valley this next weekend near sportsman's off the I 17.
  12. northAZarcher

    Need Tripod Head Recommendation

    Mutnt heads are a great option. Light weight and rock solid. Run about $110 at go hunt.
  13. northAZarcher

    Happy Biden Be Gone Day

    And he pardoned his whole family and J6 committee on his way out the door.
  14. northAZarcher

    Elk points

    Your comprehension is lacking apparently. Where in my post did I say I cared about what someone applied for?
  15. northAZarcher

    Elk points

    Nobody cares.